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Nuclear track emulsions were exposed to 200 GeV protons at the National Accelerator Laboratory. One of the emulsion plates was loaded with granules of Tungsten. Interactions in the emulsion and with the Tungsten granules were located and angular measurements were made on the shower particles. The average number of charged evaporation particles produced on Tungsten was found to be 29.4 ± 4.3, which is much larger than expected. Moreover, the average multiplicity of shower particles is 16.8 ± 3.8, about twice as large as that for p-p interactions. The corresponding values for the emulsion are 7.2 ± 0.5 and 13.9 ± 0.6 for the multiplicity of evaporation and shower particles, respectively. The angular distribution of shower particles produced on Tungsten was compared to that for p-p interactions. These data are in qualitative agreement with recent calculations by Fishbane and Trefil.
The investigation of interactions of hadrons with the nucleus in recent time became very important, and there is a hope that it can give the information about the systems produced in this process (lifetime, cross sections etc.) The nuclear photoemulsions are a good detector at the investigation of hadron-nucleus interactions due to a high spatial resolution and a possibility of detection of particles nearly at all energies that enables to study the characteristics of both fast and slow particles. The consistence of emulsion enables to obtain the characteristics of interactions both on light (CNO, A = 14) and on heavy(Ag, Br, A = 94) nuclei.
The experimental data on the multiplicity distributions for various kinds of secondaries produced in the proton-nucleus interactions in emulsion at 200 GeV/c and the correlations between them are presented and discussed. All the characteristics of heavy prongs (mean values n{sub b}, n{sub g}, N{sub h}, their distributions and correlations) are independent (or have a very weak dependence) on the collisions energy in the range 20-200 GeV/c. The data contradict to the cascade-evaporation model and qualitatively agree with the mechanism of particle emission via the long-lived intermediate states. The observed weak A-dependence (≈ A{sup 0.15}) of shower particle distributions is in agreement with the calculated ones according to the simplified two-step model. It is shown that the n{sub s}-distributions agree well with KNO scaling law in the 67-200 GeV/c range, but the form of universal [psi](n{sub s/n{sub s}})-function has a weak A-dependence.