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This book confronts a major contemporary problem - the fear of overpopulation. The classic analysis from which the population debate derives, Malthus's "Essay on Population", has largely been discredited by empirical evidence, but a new argument, not identical with the Malthusian analysis but related to it, has appeared in recent years. Thus it is now widely believed that the world's burgeoning population will soon reach - may already have reached - a level at which it imposes an unsustainable pressure on the natural environment. Not only is it believed that it will be impossible to feed the population, but man's desperate efforts to provide for himself are threatening the ecosystem itself. While not denying the role birth control and other measures may have to play, the authors question whether overpopulation really is the main problem. They argue instead that the main factor is the inequitable distribution of the earth's natural resources, nature's gift to mankind. Thus a small minority of the world's population owns and enjoys the benefits of the great majority of the earth's natural resources, while the vast majority of the population is huddled together in overcrowded conditions (creating the illusion of overpopulation) on what remains, which is often poorer land, deteriorating with over-exploitation, thus exacerbating the situation, such as in the Amazon Basin or the Sahel. The authors argue that a new approach to property rights and taxation will have to be adopted if the apparent conflict between demography and ecology is to be resolved. This volume also goes beyond the conventional debate on resource exploitation. Space Age technology threatens the remaining commons - the oceans, the arctic regions and outer space - which dramatizes the urgency of the quest for a new approach.
This book examines the link between population growth and environmental impact and explores the implications of this connection for the ethics of procreation. In light of climate change, species extinctions, and other looming environmental crises, Trevor Hedberg argues that we have a collective moral duty to halt population growth to prevent environmental harms from escalating. This book assesses a variety of policies that could help us meet this moral duty, confronts the conflict between protecting the welfare of future people and upholding procreative freedom, evaluates the ethical dimensions of individual procreative decisions, and sketches the implications of population growth for issues like abortion and immigration. It is not a book of tidy solutions: Hedberg highlights some scenarios where nothing we can do will enable us to avoid treating some people unjustly. In such scenarios, the overall objective is to determine which of our available options will minimize the injustice that occurs. This book will be of great interest to those studying environmental ethics, environmental policy, climate change, sustainability, and population policy.
The guide serves as a resource for national-level policy makers and the staff of conservation organizations who wish to integrate population and environmental conditions in planning for sustainable development. It presents the basic rationale for linking population and environmental issues, including the demonstrable impact that growth in population and consumption is having on the environment. At the same time, it acknowledges the difficulty of achieving integration due to long-entrenched disciplinary and institutional specialization. The guide refrains from making blanket prescriptions, but rather emphasizes that policy and planning responses must be attuned to the location-specific nature of population-environment interactions. A number of mechanisms for achieving integration are presented, including placement of demographers within national planning organizations, or creation of country-based networks of population and conservation professionals who meet regularly to share knowledge and experience. For those less familiar with previous research, the book includes a primer on demographic change and models and frameworks for understanding the links between population dynamics (births, deaths, growth, migration) and environmental change. Originally published in 1996