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This book highlights the discussions by renown researchers on questions emerged during transition from the relativistic heavy-ion collider (RHIC) to the future electron ion collider (EIC). Over the past two decades, the RHIC has provided a vast amount of data over a wide range of the center of mass energies. What are the scientific priorities, after RHIC is shut down and turned to the future EIC? What should be the future focuses of the high-energy nuclear collisions? What are thermodynamic properties of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) at large baryon density? Where is the phase boundary between quark-gluon-plasma and hadronic matter at high baryon density? How does one make connections from thermodynamics learned in high-energy nuclear collisions to astrophysical topics, to name few, the inner structure of compact stars, and perhaps more interestingly, the dynamical processes of the merging of neutron stars? While most particle physicists are interested in Dark Matter, we should focus on the issues of Visible Matter! Multiple heavy-ion accelerator complexes are under construction: NICA at JINR (4 ~ 11 GeV), FAIR at GSI (2 ~ 4.9 GeV SIS100), HIAF at IMP (2 ~ 4 GeV). In addition, the heavy-ion collision has been actively discussed at the J-PARC. The book is a collective work of top researchers from the field where some of the above-mentioned basic questions will be addressed. We believe that answering those questions will certainly advance our understanding of the phase transition in early universe as well as its evolution that leads to today's world of nature.
A prominent goal within the field of modern heavy-ion collisions is to uncover the phase diagram of QCD. Studies of the properties of systems created in heavy-ion collisions strongly suggest that a new state of matter described by quark and gluon degrees of freedom, the quark-gluon plasma, is created when nuclei are collided at very high-energies. Consequently, the QCD phase diagram may contain a rich structure in regions currently accessible to heavy-ion experiments, including a possible critical point where the transformation between hadronic and partonic matter changes from a smooth crossover to a first-order phase transition. Whether this is the case will have to be born out through a combination of experimental analyses and state-of-the-art simulations of heavy-ion collisions. We present a mean-field model of the dense nuclear matter equation of state designed for use in computationally demanding hadronic transport simulations. Our approach, based on the relativistic Landau Fermi-liquid theory, allows us to construct a family of equations of state spanning a wide range of possible bulk properties of dense QCD matter. For the application to simulations of heavy-ion collisions at intermediate beam energies, and in particular having in mind studies centered on probing the regions of the QCD phase diagram most relevant to the search for the QCD critical point, we further present and discuss parametrizations of the developed equation of state describing dense nuclear matter with two phase transitions: the known nuclear-liquid gas phase transition in ordinary nuclear matter, with its experimentally observed properties, and a postulated phase transition at high temperatures and high baryon number densities, meant to model the QCD phase transition from hadronic to quark and gluon degrees of freedom. We implement the developed model in the hadronic transport code SMASH, and show that the resulting dynamic behavior reproduces theoretical expectations for the thermodynamic properties of the system based on the underlying equation of state. In particular, we discuss simulations of systems initialized in regions of the phase diagram affected by the conjectured QCD critical point, and we demonstrate that they reproduce effects due to critical behavior. Specifically, we show that pair distribution functions calculated from hadronic transport simulation data are consistent with theoretical expectations based on the second-order cumulant ratio, and can be used as a signature of crossing the phase diagram in the vicinity of a critical point. Through this, we validate the use of hadronic transport codes as a tool to study signals of a phase transition in dense nuclear matter. We additionally present a novel method that may enable a measurement of the speed of sound and its derivative with respect to the baryon number density in heavy-ion collisions. The devised approach is based on a connection between the speed of sound and the cumulants of the net baryon number, which in the context of the search for the QCD critical point are given considerable attention due to their potential to signal critical fluctuations. We confirm the applicability of the proposed method in two models of dense nuclear matter, including the parametrization of the equation of state developed in this work. Application of our approach to available experimental data implies that the derivative of the speed of sound is non-monotonic in systems created in collisions at intermediate to low energies, which in turn may be connected to non-trivial features in the underlying equation of state.
Static and dynamical properties of QCD at finite temperature and density are reviewed. Non-perturbative aspects of the QCD plasma and the modification of the hadron properties associated with the chiral transition are discussed on the basis of lattice data, effective theories and QCD sum rules. Special emphasis is laid on the importance of the finite baryon density to see the effects of the restoration of chiral symmetry in experiment.
This exhaustive survey is the result of a four year effort by many leading researchers in the field to produce both a readable introduction and a yardstick for the many upcoming experiments using heavy ion collisions to examine the properties of nuclear matter. The books falls naturally into five large parts, first examining the bulk properties of strongly interacting matter, including its equation of state and phase structure. Part II discusses elementary hadronic excitations of nuclear matter, Part III addresses the concepts and models regarding the space-time dynamics of nuclear collision experiments, Part IV collects the observables from past and current high-energy heavy-ion facilities in the context of the theoretical predictions specific to compressed baryonic matter. Part V finally gives a brief description of the experimental concepts. The book explicitly addresses everyone working or planning to enter the field of high-energy nuclear physics.
Dramatic progress has been made in all branches of physics since the National Research Council's 1986 decadal survey of the field. The Physics in a New Era series explores these advances and looks ahead to future goals. The series includes assessments of the major subfields and reports on several smaller subfields, and preparation has begun on an overview volume on the unity of physics, its relationships to other fields, and its contributions to national needs. Nuclear Physics is the latest volume of the series. The book describes current activity in understanding nuclear structure and symmetries, the behavior of matter at extreme densities, the role of nuclear physics in astrophysics and cosmology, and the instrumentation and facilities used by the field. It makes recommendations on the resources needed for experimental and theoretical advances in the coming decade.
This lecture concerns the properties of strongly interacting matter (which is described by Quantum Chromodynamics) at very high energy density. I review the properties of matter at high temperature, discussing the deconfinement phase transition. At high baryon density and low temperature, large N{sub c} arguments are developed which suggest that high baryonic density matter is a third form of matter, Quarkyonic Matter, that is distinct from confined hadronic matter and deconfined matter. I finally discuss the Color Glass Condensate which controls the high energy limit of QCD, and forms the low x part of a hadron wavefunction. The Glasma is introduced as matter formed by the Color Glass Condensate which eventually thermalizes into a Quark Gluon Plasma.
Annotation. Text reviews the major topics in Quark-Gluon Plasma, including: the QCD phase diagram, the transition temperature, equation of state, heavy quark free energies, and thermal modifications of hadron properties. Includes index, references, and appendix. For researchers and practitioners.
This exhaustive survey is the result of a four year effort by many leading researchers in the field to produce both a readable introduction and a yardstick for the many upcoming experiments using heavy ion collisions to examine the properties of nuclear matter. The books falls naturally into five large parts, first examining the bulk properties of strongly interacting matter, including its equation of state and phase structure. Part II discusses elementary hadronic excitations of nuclear matter, Part III addresses the concepts and models regarding the space-time dynamics of nuclear collision experiments, Part IV collects the observables from past and current high-energy heavy-ion facilities in the context of the theoretical predictions specific to compressed baryonic matter. Part V finally gives a brief description of the experimental concepts. The book explicitly addresses everyone working or planning to enter the field of high-energy nuclear physics.
Gaining a theoretical understanding of the properties of ultra-relativistic dense matter has been one of the most important and challenging goals in quantum chromodynamics (QCD). In this thesis, the author analyzes dense quark matter in QCD with gauge group SU(2) using low-energy effective theoretical techniques and elucidates a novel connection between statistical properties of the Dirac operator spectrum at high baryon chemical potential and a special class of random matrix theories. This work can be viewed as an extension of a similar correspondence between QCD and matrix models which was previously known only for infinitesimal chemical potentials. In future numerical simulations of dense matter the analytical results reported here are expected to serve as a useful tool to extract physical observables such as the BCS gap from numerical data on the Dirac spectrum.
Many facets of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) are relevant to the in-depth discussion of theoretical and experimental aspects of high-energy nucleus-nucleus collisions. Exciting phenomena are being discovered in such ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions, notably the increasingly important role of deconfined quark-gluon matter created in the early stage. The book contains lectures on the physics of hot dense matter, the expected phase transitions and colour superconductivity, recent developments in the treatment of nonlinear effects at large parton densities, fundamental issues in the phenomenology of ultrarelativistic heavy collisions. The latest data on heavy ion collisions are also presented. A unique collection of lectures on the many facets of QCD relevant to the physics of hot dense matter.