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Faith Comes By Hearing The WORD GOD challenges you to use the mind He gave you. Denying His existence without researching His Word is dishonest, immature, and deadly. This concise, distillation of GOD's most important messages to mankind, is His outreach in these last few days before JESUS' return. Rom 10:16 Esaias saith, LORD, who hath believed our report? 17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of GOD. 18 But I say, Have they not heard? Yes verily, their sound went into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world. The whole world knows the name JESUS, The WORD of The Holy Bible. Ps 14:1 The fool has said in his heart, There is no GOD. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.3 They are all gone aside. They are altogether become filthy. There is none that doeth good, no, not one. 4 Have all the workers of iniquity no knowledge? GOD does not mince words describing people who have ignored the proofs He has provided for any reasonable person to understand. Hosea 4:1 Because there is no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of GOD in the land, 2 By swearing, and lying, and killing, and stealing, and committing adultery, they break out and blood toucheth blood. 4 Therefore shall the land mourn, and everyone that dwelleth therein shall languish. 6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee. I will also forget thy children. People audaciously judge GOD as a failure by the state of the world. They never look into The Holy Bible to see that man is the cause. GOD is pursuing all agnostics, atheists, evolutionists, and humanists. Start reading His WORD to understand how He thinks and accept JESUS as the door to eternity.
Many people join churches for the same reasons they would join a local country club: it is close to their home, their friends are members there, their kids like it, and it doesn't require much commitment as long as you are current on your dues. Church membership must mean more than that! Our reasons for becoming members of a particular church must be more philosophical than pragmatic. When someone stands before an entire congregation and becomes a member of a particular congregation, we should see that moment as a high and holy moment where the vows being taken are weighty and significant. There are usually only two times in someone's life that they stand before a congregation and say, "I do"--at their wedding and when they join the church. Don't Swear in Church (unless you really mean it!) is designed to help all of us consider and reconsider the significance of the vows we take as the Bride of Christ.
In the Invisible Kingdom of Sereelia, the First Heir of each congregation is duty-bound to assume leadership of their own city immediately upon turning twenty; but not before contracting marriage to ensure an Heir for the congregation in turn.Rae and Julian are the last First Heirs of their generation who have yet to take command of their own city, despite having surpassed twenty years for a while. The Queen can no longer wait for them to find true love; she orders them to marry and find a way to jointly lead their congregations, although a marriage between two First Heirs has never occurred.One is among the weakest witches on the island, the other among the most powerful. Will they manage to find a compromise?
Carrie Keagan's "naughty interviews with Hollywood's elite are the stuff of legend, earning her the nickname 'Barbara Walters on Acid.' She's gone toe-to-toe with virtually every celebrity in the world, and she's been taking notes. Get ready for all the juicy, behind-the-scenes stories from the biggest stars as she shares her journey from being a bullied kid from Buffalo to Hollywood's most fearless host. After 8,000 interviews, 2 billion views online, her own TV show, and countless appearances--including her upcoming season on Celebrity Apprentice--she's got crazy stories to tell"--
Paradise Lost: a Divine Comedy or Profane Bathos? (, Ai-ichigen) breaks the spell, awakening the dreamer. For living in our dreams, we struggle to live in Paradise. Darwin said the origin of species was by means of natural selection, the preservation of favored races in the struggle for life; & history has borne him out. Proceeding from a faulty & partial memory, it needs repeating & constant amending; yet it renders no progress: history affirms the blind & random nature of human events! Schooled that by the labors of our native intelligence, we alone could subdue Darwin, we have made nature pay for our great industry. Our mighty institutions embrace Darwinian principles making us highly competitive through fear & separation. Love & unification we spurn to maintain our competitive edge, believing that by keeping our independence, our freedom we secure; for space & time were limited. These beliefs, being empirical, we never question. But what if Darwin was wrong? if things don’t evolve? if life were vouchsafed? For science avers that nature is lawless. It follows no rules in having no point or purpose. Positing a cosmic intelligence steering nature offends science. All the laws & meanings we find in nature are what science gives it. Yet were point & purpose never any part of this world, then how could we know them or even possess them in ourselves? & that includes our native wits. So, science concedes that life is deterministic &, promptly, reality dissolves; for life, we know to be uncertain & rife with choices. What we dare not question, this book answers. Strangers here we have become, thinking life in Paradise could ever be a struggle. Having turned fantasy into reality, Paradise is lost on us!