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The realism of large scale numerical ocean models has improved dra matically in recent years, in part because modern computers permit a more faithful representation of the differential equations by their algebraic analogs. Equally significant, if not more so, has been the improved under standing of physical processes on space and time scales smaller than those that can be represented in such models. Today, some of the most challeng ing issues remaining in ocean modeling are associated with parameterizing the effects of these high-frequency, small-space scale processes. Accurate parameterizations are especially needed in long term integrations of coarse resolution ocean models that are designed to understand the ocean vari ability within the climate system on seasonal to decadal time scales. Traditionally, parameterizations of subgrid-scale, high-frequency mo tions in ocean modeling have been based on simple formulations, such as the Reynolds decomposition with constant diffusivity values. Until recently, modelers were concerned with first order issues such as a correct represen tation of the basic features of the ocean circulation. As the numerical simu lations become better and less dependent on the discretization choices, the focus is turning to the physics of the needed parameterizations and their numerical implementation. At the present time, the success of any large scale numerical simulation is directly dependent upon the choices that are made for the parameterization of various subgrid processes.
The demand for oil and gas has brought exploration and production to unprecedented depths of the world’s oceans. Currently, over 50% of the oil from the Gulf of Mexico now comes from waters in excess of 1,500 meters (one mile) deep, where no oil was produced just 20 years ago. The Deepwater Horizon oil spill blowout did much to change the perception of oil spills as coming just from tanker accidents, train derailments, and pipeline ruptures. In fact, beginning with the Ixtoc 1 spill off Campeche, Mexico in 1979-1980, there have been a series of large spill events originating at the sea bottom and creating a myriad of new environmental and well control challenges. This volume explores the physics, chemistry, sub-surface oil deposition and environmental impacts of deep oil spills. Key lessons learned from the responses to previous deep spills, as well as unresolved scientific questions for additional research are highlighted, all of which are appropriate for governmental regulators, politicians, industry decision-makers, first responders, researchers and students wanting an incisive overview of issues surrounding deep-water oil and gas production.
The long-term goal is to understand the physical processes that critically regulate the coupling between the oceanic and atmospheric boundary layers and develop advanced parameterizations of this interaction for a new generation of coupled ocean-atmosphere models.
In response to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico (GoM), and given the increased activities of the offshore oil industry, an international multidisciplinary consortium - the CIGOM Consortium - was funded by Mexico's Energy Secretariat (SENER) and its National Council for Science and Technology (CONACyT). Spanning 2015-2022, CIGOM's goals were to establish an environmental baseline to characterize the southern GOM’s natural variability and contribute to the understanding of ecosystem function, use cutting-edge technologies to observe the ocean, couple physical circulation and biogeochemical models to gain understating of oceanographic processes, generate oil spill scenarios using model ensembles and statistical techniques and conducting vulnerability assessments. Over 300 researchers participated in the CIGOM consortium's efforts.
This volume covers a wide range of topics and summarizes our present knowledge in ocean modeling, ocean observing systems, and data assimilation. The Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment (GODAE) provides a framework for these efforts: a global system of observations, communications, modeling, and assimilation that will deliver regular, comprehensive information on the state of the oceans, engendering wide utility and availability for maximum benefit to the community.
Atmosphere-ocean interactions and feedbacks -- A classification of coupled atmosphere-ocean models -- Conceptual models of interannual variability -- Models of intermediate complexity and ENSO prediction -- AGCMs coupled to simpler ocean models -- OGCMs coupled to simpler atmospheric models -- Atmosphere-ocean coupled general circulation models -- Coupling software and technologies -- Coupling algorithms and specific coupling features in CGCMs.
Marine Hydrocarbon Spill Assessments: From Risk of Spill through to Probabilities Estimates describes the methods used for estimating hydrocarbon spill risks and the potential consequences. Throughout the book, mathematical methodologies and algorithms are included to aid the reader in the solving of applied tasks presented. Marine Hydrocarbon Spill Assessments: From Risk of Spill through to Probabilities Estimates provides a fundamental understanding of the oil properties and processes which determine the persistence and impacts of oils in the marine environment. It informs the reader of the current research in hydrocarbon spill assessments, starting from an assessment of a risk of a spill, and moving on to modelling approaches to impact assessments, laboratory toxicity assessments, field impact assessments and response options, and prevention and contingency planning. Identifies efficient solutions to protect coastal regions from the marine pollution of hydrocarbon spills Includes case studies examining and analyzing spills, providing lessons to prevent these in the future Covers the science of oil spills from risk analysis to cleanup and the effects on the environment
Preparing a Workforce for the New Blue Economy: People, Products and Policies discusses the Blue Economy, how the industry will develop, and how to train the next generation. The book considers the use of big data, key skillsets, training undergraduate and graduate students, the Transition Assistance Program (TAP) in the US, economic opportunities in African coastal countries, and governmental agencies, non-profits and NGO’s. Finally, a broad range of case studies are provided, covering oil spills, commercial fishing, data protection and harvesting, sustainability and weather forecasting, all presented to highlight the educational requirements of the workforce and potential economic opportunities. Coordinates efforts from different disciplines and sectors, and shares effective teaching practices and approaches Includes comprehensive case studies that highlight the educational requirements of the workforce and potential economic opportunities Presents a framework for unifying several workforce sectors that are dependent upon the ocean