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This text is the ritual practice and meditation of the Precious Rosary of Chöd Feasts or the Tsokley Rinpoche Trengwa, collated by the the Third Karmapa, including original Tibetan, translation and transliteration, as well as extensive in-line notations for performing the melodies, chants and musical accompaniment with damaru and kangling, etc. The Precious Rosary is the epitome of the Tibetan Buddhist practice of Severance or "Cutting Through" founded by the female meditation master MaChik Labdrön circa 1100 C.E. Several introductory prayers were added for this updated and enhanced final edition.
The text for the ritual practice and meditation of the Tsokley Rinpoche Trengwa, collated by the Karmapa III, including original Tibetan, translation and transliteration
This is the all-English translation of the extended Tibetan ritual of the Rinpoche Trengwa or Precious Rosary, the compilation of meditations and prayers originating with MaChik Labdrön, the great female saint of Tibet (1055-1149).
A devotional lineage supplication to the practice tradition of Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism known as the Karma Kagyu. This brief historical publication will acquaint the reader with the gurus behind one of the most profound lineages in all of the worlds spiritual traditions, and possibly awaken a connection to this lineage that has been dormant for generations.
From the legendary cofounder of Tibet's nineteenth-century nonsectarian movement, an encyclopedic survey of the practice of Chod, or severance, a tantric ritual based on the crucial Mahayana sutras to sever clinging to an ego and thereby achieve realization. The Treasury of Precious Instructions by Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Taye, one of Tibet’s greatest Buddhist masters, is a shining jewel of Tibetan literature, presenting essential teachings from the entire spectrum of practice lineages that existed in Tibet. In its eighteen volumes, Kongtrul brings together some of the most important texts on key topics of Buddhist thought and practice as well as authoring significant new sections of his own. In this, the fourteenth volume, Kongtrul compiles the teachings on Severance, or Chöd. It includes some of the tradition’s earliest source scriptures, such as the “grand poem” of Āryadeva, and numerous texts by the tradition’s renowned founder, Machik Labdrön. Kongtrul also brings together the most significant texts on the rites of initiation, empowerments for practice, and wide-ranging instructions and guides for the support of practitioners. Altogether, this quintessential guide to Severance offers vast resources for scholars and practitioners alike to better understand this unique and remarkable tradition—the way of severing the ego through the profound realization of emptiness and compassion.
Lama Wangdu Rinpoche is a contemporary practitioner of the Buddhist Chöd tradition. This autobiography is a delightful portrait of a great meditation master during his personal trials in feudal Tibet and his life in exile. The essence of the book is the authors spirit of ever-giving generosity and wisdom as a Buddhist teacher and healer. A true inspiration in today's world. This autobiography is supplemented by teachings on the transference of consciousness and Kusuli Chöd practice.
From it's first emergence in the twelfth century, the Rosary has been a popular way to meditate on each of the key mysteries of faith. Along with the traditional "Joyful," Sorrowful" and "Glorius Mysteries," drawn from the life of Christ, Pope John Paul II in 2002 added the "Mysteries of Light." These refere to the baptism of Jesus, the wedding feast of Cana, the proclamation of the Kingdom of God, the transfiguration, and the institution of the Eucharist.