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El autor de Elimina la prisa de tu vida y Vivir sin mentiras, bestsellers del New York Times, muestra a sus lectores qué los detiene de seguir auténticamente a Jesús, y revela las prácticas contraculturales para conectarse con una fe vibrante de por vida. Todos hemos experimentado partes no deseadas de nuestro camino espiritual: un distanciamiento de Dios, huecos en nuestro carácter, el miedo de que nuestra vida sea trivial y vacía. Jesús nos llama hacia más. Nos llama a actuar en semejanza suya. A experimentar su abundancia de vida. Pero, ¿cómo podemos hacerlo de manera práctica? Convirtiéndonos en sus aprendices. Siguiendo el camino. Al delinear el proceso atemporal de estar con Jesús, de volverse como él y de vivir como él lo hizo, el autor bestseller y voz pastoral John Mark Comer detalla la visión de Dios para el camino de nuestra alma. En su poderosa y práctica obra, explica su filosofía central de formación espiritual para ayudarnos a formar una "regla de vida". Sobre la marcha, los lectores se benefician de su rico conocimiento cultural, su profundas enseñanzas bíblicas y su visión honesta y esperanzadora del potencial de cada alma humana. ¿Sienes que la vida es más que esto? Tienes razón. Ahora ven a descubrir qué tanta vida te espera.
A menudo pensamos en la fe cristiana como una obligación o como un conjunto de creencias que debemos seguir. Si seguimos esta idea podemos perder de vista lo más importante: la invitación a experimentar una relación amorosa y personal con Dios. Esta es una relación en la que podemos confiar, en la que podemos encontrar protección y tierra segura sobre la cual pararnos. Mariann Edgar Budde comparte sus pensamientos sobre cómo el lector puede llegar a conocer - a recibir - a Jesús más profundamente, practicando el Camino del Amor. Ella comparte historias bíblicas, la sabiduría de la tradición cristiana y sus propias historias personales de crecimiento espiritual a través de las siete prácticas que nos han sido dadas con antelación: cambiar, aprender, orar, adorar, bendecir, ir y descansar. So often we think of the Christian faith as an obligation or as a set of beliefs that we must hold. With this outlook, we can lose sight of what is most important: the invitation to experience a loving, personal relationship with God. It's a relationship we can trust, where we can find refuge and solid ground upon which to stand. The Way of Love set forth by the Episcopal Church's Presiding Bishop Michael Bruce Curry is the journey of a lifetime. It's a way of knowing God, receiving and sharing Jesus' love, and being a blessing to the world. Mariann Edgar Budde shares her thoughts on how the reader can come to know—to receive—Jesus more deeply in practicing the Way of Love. Through the seven practices that have been put before us: to turn, to learn, to pray and to worship, to bless, to go, and to rest, she will share biblical stories, wisdom from the Christian tradition, and her own personal stories of spiritual growth.
Inspired by John Mark Comer’s New York Times bestseller Practicing the Way, this official companion to the Practicing the Way Course is an eight-session introduction to following Jesus in the modern era. The Practicing the Way Course, available free online, is designed to lay a foundation for lifelong apprenticeship to Jesus. This full-color companion guide helps you practice, reflect, and dialogue with your community as you walk through the Course together to experience real, lasting transformation. Inside, you’ll find resources like: Helpful tips to get the most out of each session of the Course Supplemental resources to dive deeper after each session Real-life exercises to help put each session into practice Additional prayers and liturgies
The murders of young prostitutes in El Paso, Texas, lead two detectives into a cult of murders. the victims were randomly selected to be sacrificed to the Santa Muerte. The detective Frank Mason and Charlie Barnes investigated the daily crimes of a border town. Murders seldomly happen in 1968, until the two men had to deal with young mexican girls being murdered. Each man knew the local and state governments would turn their backs on the murders, would justice find a balance?
Revealing glimpses of the Philippine Revolution and the Filipino writer Jose Rizal emerge despite the worst efforts of feuding academics in Apostol’s hilariously erudite novel, which won the Philippine National Book Award. Gina Apostol’s riotous second novel takes the form of a memoir by one Raymundo Mata, a half-blind bookworm and revolutionary, tracing his childhood, his education in Manila, his love affairs, and his discovery of writer and fellow revolutionary, Jose Rizal. Mata’s 19th-century story is complicated by present-day foreword(s), afterword(s), and footnotes from three fiercely quarrelsome and comic voices: a nationalist editor, a neo-Freudian psychoanalyst critic, and a translator, Mimi C. Magsalin. In telling the contested and fragmentary story of Mata, Apostol finds new ways to depict the violence of the Spanish colonial era, and to reimagine the nation’s great writer, Jose Rizal, who was executed by the Spanish for his revolutionary activities, and is considered by many to be the father of Philippine independence. The Revolution According to Raymundo Mata offers an intoxicating blend of fact and fiction, uncovering lost histories while building dazzling, anarchic modes of narrative.
The world's inhabitants are clearly not only interdependent but singly unable to achieve peace. In this important and timely book, philosopher and theologian Raimon Panikkar deals with the crucial issues of our time - peace, war, religion, ecology - as he redefines true peace and offers a way to achieve it in the world. Peace, he argues, requires more than nuclear, military, or economic disarmament. Peace can ultimately be obtained only by cultural disarmament, which requires that absolutism be abandoned for true reconciliation through ongoing intercultural dialogues.
A unique and validating look at the tension you feel between disillusionment and a desire for truth, Searching for Enough helps you see your doubt not as an emotion to fear but as an invitation to be followed. Do you ever find yourself thinking, "I'm not enough, and I'm never going to be. And I know I'm not supposed to say this, but God's not enough for me either." Whether or not we attend church, deep down we wonder if the biblical story of faith is really enough for the complexity of the world in which we live. We fill our lives with other things, hoping that maybe the next experience or accomplishment will complete us. Yet with every goal we reach, we still feel discouraged and anxious. In Searching for Enough, Pastor Tyler Staton draws on ancient and modern insights to introduce us, as if for the first time, to Jesus' disciple Thomas: history's most notorious skeptic. Like Thomas, we are caught between two unsatisfying stories: We want to believe in God but can't reconcile his presence with our circumstances and internal struggles. But what if there's a better story than shame? What if there's redemption so complete that there's nothing left to hide? What if there is a God who can heal your resentments, fears, and loneliness in such a profound way that you feel whole? From a place of spiritual companionship and deep authenticity, Tyler shows us that it is not an empty tomb that will change our lives, but the presence of the living God. Whether you are a distant skeptic, an involved doubter, or a busy but bored Christian, Searching for Enough invites you to find enough in a God who offers the only promises that never disappoint.
In the beginning, God created Adam. Then he made Eve. And ever since we’ve been picking up the pieces. Loveology is a theology of love from God’s point of view. The five sessions start with God’s design for marriage and works backward, dealing with sexuality, romance, singleness, and what it means to be male and female. Pastor and writer John Mark Comer shares about what is right in male/female relationships—what God intended in the Garden. And about what is wrong—the fallout in a post-Eden world. The Loveology video-based Bible study (DVD/digital video sold separately) is for anyone who wants to learn what the Scriptures have to say about sexuality and relationships and for people who want to ask the why questions and get intelligent, grace-and-truth answers. As you walk through this five-week study, you will come to better understand what God fully intended back in the garden. By comprehending the brilliance behind God’s original plan for love and marriage and sex and romance—if we can redefine that fuzzy, amorphous, confusing word “love” and look at it through the lens of Jesus—your marriages and relationships will be radically altered as a result. This study guide contains video notes, individual or group reflection questions, and between session personal applications to enhance your journey through the video study. Sessions include: Love Marriage Sex Romance Singleness Designed for use with Loveology Video Study 9780310688389 (sold separately).
You've heard people say, "Who you are matters more than what you do." But does the Bible really teach us that? Join pastor and bestselling author John Mark Comer in Garden City as he guides twenty- and thirty-somethings through understanding and embracing their God-given calling. In Garden City, John Mark Comer gives a surprisingly countercultural take on the typical "spiritual" answer the church gives in response to questions about purpose and calling. Comer explores Scripture to discover God's original intent for how we're meant to spend our time, reshaping how you view and engage in your work, rest, and life. In these pages, you'll learn that, ultimately, what we do matters just as much as who we are. Garden City will help you find answers to questions like: Does God care where I work? Does he have a clear direction for me? How can I create a practice of rest? Praise for Garden City: "In Garden City, John Mark Comer takes the reader on a journey--from creation to the final heavenly city. But the journey is designed to let each of us see where we are to find ourselves in God's good plan to partner with us in the redemption of all creation. There is in Garden City an intoxication with the Bible's biggest and life-changing ideas." --Scot McKnight, Julius R. Mantey Professor of New Testament, Northern Seminary