Download Free Political Report Of The London Office Of The Executive Of The Jewish Agency Submitted To The Twenty Second Zionist Congress At Basle December 1946 Book in PDF and EPUB Free Download. You can read online Political Report Of The London Office Of The Executive Of The Jewish Agency Submitted To The Twenty Second Zionist Congress At Basle December 1946 and write the review.

During the early to mid-twentieth century, the Zionist Organization secured a series of political victories on the international stage, leading to the foundation of a Jewish state and to its ability to expand its territorial control within Palestine. The International Diplomacy of Israel's Founders provides a revisionist account of the founding of Israel by exposing the misrepresentations and false assurances of Zionist diplomats during this formative period of Israeli history. By comparing diplomatic statements at the United Nations and elsewhere against the historical record, it sheds new light on the legacies of such leaders as Chaim Weizmann, David Ben Gurion, Abba Eban, and Shabtai Rosenne. Including coverage of little-discussed moments in early Israeli history, this book offers an important new perspective for anyone interested in the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
"Graphically demonstrates how disbelief, indifference, antisemitism, and, above all, the political expediency of the West doomed a powerless European Jewry to Hitler's 'Final Solution' ... Charts the free world's tragic failure to respond decisively to the Holocaust."--Back cover.
“This is a remarkable book. Amid the welter of literature on Palestine since 1917, The Struggle for Palestine stands out as a monument to intellectual honesty, fine scholarship, and objective presentation... [it] will remain an authoritative book on the history of Palestine for the years from 1936 to 1949.” — The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science “The book is outstanding for its unemotional and carefully documented approach... Here is an antidote to the usual partisan accounts that generate more heat than light. This is a fact-crammed autopsy on the corpse of the mandate... the book is unique and valuable.” — The American Historical Review “The Struggle for Palestine will be an indispensable guide to understanding the future struggle of Israel... [Hurewitz] notes the excesses of Jewish terrorists and the maneuvers of Zionist politicians no less firmly than the bad faith of the Arabs, the inconsistency of the Americans, the double talk of the Russians, or the meanness and fat-headedness of the British... a work of major competence and distinction.” — The New York Times “This book, first published in 1950, has long been recognized as the best account of the Arab-Jewish conflict during the climacteric years 1936 to 1948. The vast amount of primary material and monograph literature published during the past three decades has done nothing to diminish its reputation. Indeed, the opening of the Israeli, American, and British archives has in general validated Hurewitz’s central conclusions... The enduring value of this book resides in two chief properties. First, the author had inside knowledge of the problem as a result of research in Palestine and wartime employment by the Office of Strategic Services and the intelligence branch of the Department of State. Secondly, he wrote neither as a moralist nor as an apologist but as a political scientist; hence the unusual emphasis placed on the social and economic analysis of the Arab and Jewish communities and on the interplay of local and international forces.” — Middle Eastern Studies “It is [a] masterly combination of insight and impartiality that gives his book its peculiar power and value.” — Journal of Near Eastern Studies “[A] noteworthy contribution to the clarification of the complicated story of the rise of Israel to national status.” — Jewish Social Studies “This valuable addition to research in the Palestine question, is particularly welcome for its high level of scholarship and for its fine spirit of detachment. First hand documentary sources, Arabic and Hebrew as well as English, have been fully utilized; the presentation of the various points of view is unbiased by emotional involvement; the style is straightforward, unadorned by literary embellishment... Dr. Hurewitz has produced an outstanding piece of work, one which every student of the history of the development of the Middle East will keep beside as an accurate and’ exceptionally competent account of the main facts in the course of political events in Palestine during the recent decades.” — Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society “Mr. Hurewitz has produced a very full and well documented account of the developments that led to the withdrawal of the British from Palestine and the rise of the State of Israel, and in his treatment of the subject has shown himself far more objective than most of his predecessors.” — International Affairs “Mr. Hurewitz[’s] objectivity is never in doubt, and his book is the best practical history of modern Palestine yet found by this writer. It is an able and factual record of what happened. Every word has been carefully weighed, and the author has not sacrificed one iota of accuracy for the sake of the brilliant epigram or the facile generalization... His book now becomes an essential volume for all university and public libraries with Middle East sections, and for all persons with Middle East interests. One might safely predict that its objectivity and sanity will enhance its value as time goes on. There are few experts in this field with Mr. Hurewitz’s knowledge or self-discipline.” — Middle East Journal “This book is a detailed chronicle of Palestine politics from 1936 to 1947: that is, from the Arab revolt that caused Britain to declare the Palestine mandate ‘unworkable’ till after the British left Palestine following the U.N. decision to partition the country... The book is a compact, dense, yet easily written reference guide to a crucial period in Palestine history.” — Jewish Frontier “The history of the British mandate over Palestine, from the time of the Balfour Declaration to the proclamation of Jewish statehood, is traced here in infinite detail and with the dispassionate prose of the scholar... J.C. Hurewitz takes no sides, defends no cause. Rather he strives to do what has so seldom been done — to tell the story of Palestine under British rule in terms of history rather than politics. He is successful.” — New York Herald Tribune “The general reader... can join the scholar in welcoming Dr. Hurewitz’s happy combination of trustworthy information, valid interpretation and readable narrative.” — Saturday Review
The 1947 UN resolution to partition Palestine irrevocably changed the political landscape of the Middle East, giving rise to six full-fledged wars between Arabs and Jews, countless armed clashes, blockades, and terrorism, as well as a profound shattering of Palestinian Arab society. Its origins, and that of the wider Arab-Israeli conflict, are deeplyrooted in Jewish-Arab confrontation and appropriation in Palestine. But the isolated occasions of violence during the British Mandate era (1920–48) suggest that the majority of Palestinian Arabs yearned to live and thrive under peaceful coexistence with the evolving Jewish national enterprise. So what was the real cause of the breakdown in relations between the two communities?In this brave and groundbreaking book, Efraim Karshtells the story from both the Arab and Jewish perspectives. Heargues that from the early 1920s onward, a corrupt and extremist leadership worked toward eliminating the Jewish national revival and protecting its own interests. Karsh has mined many of the Western, Soviet, UN, and Israeli documents declassified over the past decade, as well as unfamiliar Arab sources, to reveal what happened behind the scenes on both Palestinian and Jewish sides. It is an arresting story of delicate political and diplomatic maneuvering by leading figures—Ben Gurion, Hajj Amin Husseini, Abdel Rahman Azzam, King Abdullah, Bevin, and Truman —over the years leading up to partition, through the slide to war and its enduring consequences. Palestine Betrayed is vital reading for understanding the origin of disputes that remain crucial today.
The continuing crisis in Syria has raised a question mark over the common perception of Middle Eastern affairs as an offshoot of global power politics. To western intellectuals, foreign policy experts and politicians, 'empire' and 'imperialism' are categories that apply exclusively to the European powers and more recently to the United States of America. Lacking an internal dynamic of its own, the view of such people is that Middle Eastern history is the product of its unhappy interaction with the West. This is the basis of Obama`s much ballyhooed `new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world`. Efraim Karsh propounds in these pages a radically different interpretation of Middle Eastern experience. He argues that the Western view of Muslims and Arabs as hapless victims is absurd. On the contrary modern Middle Eastern history has been the culmination of long existing indigenous trends, passions and patterns of behaviour. Great power influences, however potent, have played a secondary role constituting neither the primary force behind the region`s political development nor the main cause of its notorious volatility. Notwithstanding the Obama administration's abysmal failure to address the momentous Middle Eastern events of recent years, Karsh argues it is only when Middle Eastern people disown their victimization mentality and take responsibility for their actions and their western champions drop their condescending approach to Arabs and Muslims, that the region can at long last look forward to a real `spring`.
Includes entries for maps and atlases.
"This book examines British policy towards the Jewish problem during the Second World War. Based on archival sources, it explores the reasons for the near-total ban on Jewish refugee immigration into Britain, the restrictive immigration policy in Palestine, the failure to aid Jewish resistance in Europe, and the rejection of the scheme for the Allied bombing of Auschwitz."--Back cover.