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La planificación familiar natural (PFN) trata sobre la naturaleza de la sexualidad humana sin los posibles efectos dañinos de los anticonceptivos. Escrito por Mary Lee Barron, una asistente médico profesional e instructora certificada de la PFN, Planificación familiar natural explora la historia de lo que la Iglesia Católica enseña sobre la PFN, ofrece recursos que los cónyuges pueden usar para obtener más información y demuestra por qué el enfoque natural del goce del don de la sexualidad respeta la vida.
Los temas delicados de la comunicacion en la pareja necesitan ser tratados con profundidad y respeto. Esta edicion revisada de "La Planificacion Familiar, " fue escrita por una pareja de esposos catolicos que desean ayudar a otras parejas a entender, apreciar y practicar los metodos naturales de planificacion familiar. Family Planning Family planning isn't just about trying not to have children; it's also about deciding when to have children. In fact, natural family planning methods can be used to help people have children. This important book for young married couples will lead them to reflect on and discuss the significant issues of faith and intimacy that affect their lives together. "Librito"
Are you looking for a safe way to conceive your family: naturally, without hormones and without side effects? Or do you want to have a baby and don't want to leave anything to chance by choosing the right timing? Then Natural Family Planning (NFP) with Sensiplan is what you need. With Sensiplan you can easily and clearly know when you are fertile and when you are not. It is a non-aggressive, non-pharmacological family planning method for all couples who are looking for gentle methods to aid conception. Proven: Sensiplan has been scientifically tested and perfected for more than 40 years. Reliable: Used correctly, Sensiplan is as safe as the pill. Simple and easy to understand: More than 70 examples of cycles show you how it works.In clear and simple language, this book explains what happens inside a woman's body during the reproductive cycle. A woman who knows how to interpret her body's signals knows when pregnancy is possible. This book is the step-by-step guide to this self-observation and makes it easy to make the switch from hormonal contraceptive methods to natural conception.
Sensitive issues of communication in the couple need to be treated with depth and respect. This revised edition of the family planning, was written by a married couple Catholics who want to help other couples to understand, appreciate and practice natural family planning methods.
This guide offers information on reproduction, fertility, and natural conception, and gives instructions on Natural Family Planning (NFP) and the Fertility Awareness Method (FAM). This completely revised and updated edition includes new methods of natural birth control, illustrations and charts that show the planning methods described, and updated bibliography and resource sections.
"Natural Family Planning" is the perfect resource for every Catholic who has questions about Church teachings regarding contraception. This booklet explores the history of Christian belief regarding contraception, natural family planning methods of the modern era, and artificial contraception. Offering suggestions on finding a health care provider and the married couples' relationship, this booklet also provides real data on what research shows about the benefits of natural family planning. "Booklet"