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Prepárate para perder kilos y ganar vitalidad. ¿Te apuntas? ¡No te arrepentirás! ¿Estás harto de dietas milagro que lo único que consiguen son resultados transitorios a costa de morir de hambre? O peor aún: que, si te descuidas un poco, recuperes los kilos perdidos o incluso ganes alguno más. ¿Sabías que perder peso puede ser un proceso del que puedes disfrutar? En este libro podrás comprobarlo, obtendrás resultados y en poco tiempo tendrás menús para cada época del año, recetas e ideas simples para que tus platos sean apetitosos. No pasarás hambre y, muy importante, entenderás por donde pasa el verdadero cambio de hábitos para perder peso. No solo mejorarás la composición corporal, sino que también te encontrarás mucho mejor, más vital y con la mente más clara. Querrás cambiar para siempre la forma en que te alimentas. Este es un programa sensato y fácil de seguir, basado en alimentos locales y de temporada y en el curso de la revista digital Soycomocomo que ha conseguido que miles de personas adelgacen y se sientan mucho mejor. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Lose Weight and Gain Health Get ready to lose the pounds and gain some energy! Are you up for it? You won’t regret it! Are you tired of “miracle diets” that only result in temporary weight loss and make you starve in the process? Or even worse, diets where you quickly gain the weight back. Did you know that losing weight can be enjoyable? This book will prove it! You will quickly see results and, in a short amount of time, you will have great menus for the entire year; recipes and simple ideas to create appetizing dishes. You will not go hungry and, most importantly, you will understand which habits to change and how to change them in order to lose weight. Not only will you improve your body composition and physical appearance, but you will also begin to feel much better, more energetic, and with a clearer in mind. You will want to change the way you eat forever. This is a sensible and easy-to-follow program, based on local and seasonal foods, and also on the course laid out in the digital magazine Soycomocomo, one that has helped thousands of people lose weight and feel great.
From the co-founder of Women to Women, one of the first clinics in the country devoted to providing health care for women by women, comes a whole new way to look at weight loss:The Core Balance Diet.Marcelle Pickdraws upon decades of patient and personal experience to solve the mystery of stubborn, frustrating weight gain in women, whether you've just gained it or have been struggling with it for years. This breakthrough program, which has benefited many of the thousands of women who visit the clinic each year, is rooted in cutting-edge nutritional science that explores the weblike relationship between women's hormones, metabolism, and weight gain. In clear terms, Pick connects thedots between self-knowledge, self-care, and the ability to lose weight, extending the concept of body-mind-spirit to demonstrate why and how a woman's biography becomes her biology. At its most basic level,The Core Balance Dietshows you how to self-diagnose one of six major biochemical imbalances that may be preventing you from losing weight. These include digestive, hormonal, adrenal, neurotransmitter, inflammatory, and detoxification imbalances. From there, Pick guides you through easy lifestyle and diet changes customized to heal your specific imbalance. Throughout, you will learn how to begin living in a manner that encourages optimal health--without a lot of deprivation and stringent dieting rules--by achieving core balance from the inside out, and, of course, weight loss for life.
Consigue un cuerpo y espíritu sanos en 28 días con el método revolucionario de Susana Yábar. ¿Quieres poner a punto tu físico sin descuidar el interior? Consíguelo con el método revolucionario basado en el cuidado del sistema hormonal. Susana Yábar y Stanley Sarpong, expertos en fitness y bienestar, te ofrecen en este libro la fórmula infalible para conseguir tu objetivo: el Funfitt Body Method. Este método, basado en entrenamiento HIIT, te ayudará a conseguir la figura que siempre has deseado a la vez que mejoras tu calidad de vida. Pero es más que un plan de entrenamiento, pues incluye planes de nutrición, recetas y hábitos saludables que, combinados con la actividad física, te permitirán verte y sentirte mejor en tan solo 28 días. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION "Get a healthy body and spirit in 28 days with Susana Yábar's revolutionary method. Do you want to fine-tune your outside physique without neglecting your insides? Get it with the revolutionary method based on taking care of the hormonal system. In this book, Susana Yábar and Stanley Sarpong, fitness and wellness experts, offer you the infallible formula to achieve your goal: the Funfitt Body Method. This method, based on HIIT training, will help you achieve the figure you've always wanted while improving your quality of life. But it’s more than a training plan, it includes nutrition plans, recipes and healthy habits that, combined with physical activity, will allow you to look and feel better in just 28 days."
Abandona las dietas y empieza a vivir En este libro innovador, este aclamado naturópata propone un método sencillo -y duradero- para perder peso sin necesidad de complicados ejercicios aeróbicos ni de peligrosas intervenciones quirúrgicas, sino realizando simplemente un cambio de actitud. Andreas Moritz nos explica por qué no funcionan los programas convencionales para perder peso y cómo los "expertos" en este campo se aseguran de que sigamos fracasando en nuestro intento, y nos advierte asimismo de que un cuerpo obeso es un cuerpo en peligro.
¡Puedes cambiar tu vida! Acabas de tomar el primer y más importante paso para bajar de peso y mantenerte sana. Hacer cambios que rompen con tu actual forma de vivir puede intimidarte y parecer imposible, ¡pero no lo es! En realidad es bastante fácil. Soy entrenadora de salud holística y entrenadora personal certificada, motivadora de salud, madre de dos hermosas niñas y tu mejor aliada. He pasado años aprendiendo lo que funciona y lo que no funciona en materia de control de peso y recuperación de la salud. Y hoy, estoy muy feliz de poder compartir contigo mis secretos, ¡de cómo perdí 50 libras en 90 días, y cómo he podido mantenerme a través de los años sin volver atrás! Si alguna vez has querido bajar de peso, esta es tu oportunidad y esta es tu guía. Te aseguro que si sigues estos consejos paso a paso, también alcanzarás los mismos resultados. Mi pasión es ayudar a las personas a cambiar sus vidas. Tú puedes ser una de ellas. No consideres esto un régimen de dieta. Úsalo como un manual para empezar tu nuevo estilo de vida. Y recuerda, en esta travesía no estás solo. You can change your life! You have just taken the first and most important step to losing weight and staying healthy. Making changes that directly affect your lifestyle can be intimidating and may seem impossible, but it is not! It is actually pretty easy. I am a certified holistic health coach, certified personal trainer, health motivator, mom of two beautiful girls, and your best ally. I have spent years figuring out what works and what doesn't work when it comes to weight loss and regaining health. Today, I am very happy to be able to share with you my secrets on how I lost over 50 pounds in 90 days, and how I've been able to keep it off! If you ever wanted to lose weight, this is your opportunity and this is the guide that you have been looking for. I assure you that if you follow these simple tips, step by step, you too will get amazing results. My passion is to help people change their lives. You can be the next one. Don't think of this as a diet. Use this manual to help you kick-start your new lifestyle. And remember, you are not alone!
Discover What Millions of People Have Already Experienced-- Dr. Fuhrman’s Extraordinary and Life-Changing Recipes Too busy to shop? Too tired to cook? Not sure what’s healthy? From the #1 New York Times best-selling author of Eat to Live and the instant New York Times bestseller Eat to Live Cookbook comes Eat to Live Quick and Easy Cookbook, 131 super delicious, easy-to-prepare, incredibly healthy recipes. No guilt, no-fuss, just amazing food that’s good for you. From the grocery store to the kitchen table, Eat to Live Quick and Easy Cookbook is just what you and your family have been looking for to become happier and healthier than ever before.
In Lifting the Veil of Duality, best-selling author Andreas Moritz poignantly exposes the illusion of duality - good and evil, right and wrong, light and dark. He outlines a simple way to remove every limitation that you have imposed upon yourself in the course of living duality. You will be prompted to see yourself and the world through a new lens - the lens of clarity, discernment and non-judgment. And you are about to find out why mistakes, deception, dishonesty, pain, diseases, accidents, injustice, wars, crime and terrorism all have a deeper purpose and meaning in the larger scheme of things. Lifting the Veil of Duality shows you how you create or subdue the ability to materialize your desires. Other topics include the mystery of time, the truth and illusion of reincarnation, the misleading value of prayer, what makes relationships work and why so often they don't. Find out why injustice is an illusion that has managed to haunt us throughout the ages, and what you can do free yourself from its hold on you. Learn about the Great Separation, the angels amongst us, our light-bodies, why God lives within us and you are God also, and how you can heal yourself at a moment's notice. Read about the "New Medicine" and the destiny of the old medicine, the old economy, the old religion and the old world. Andreas Moritz is a Medical Intuitive and practitioner of Ayurveda, Iridology, Shiatsu and Vibrational Medicine. Author of The Amazing Liver & Gallbladder Flush, Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation, Lifting the Veil of Duality and It's Time to Come Alive. Founder of the innovative healing systems, Ener-Chi Art and Sacred Santèmony - Divine Chanting for Every Occasion.