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Sammlungsschwerpunkte und Erwerbungsstrategien, ästhetische Wertschätzung und Preisgestaltung, Präsentation und Aufstellung, Netzwerke von Agenten, Kunsthändlern und Beratern stehen im Zentrum des Bandes, der so unterschiedliche Sammlerpersönlichkeiten wie den Fürstbischof von Olmütz (Olomouc), Karl von Liechenstein-Castelcorno, den Kardinalprotektor der Habsburger im päpstlichen Rom, Kardinal Nicolò del Giudice, den Hofkomponisten Georg Reutter d. J., den Grafen Johann Rudolph Czernin und seinen Sohn Eugen Karl oder den zu großem Reichtum gelangten Tuchhändler Friedrich Jakob Gsell in den Blick nimmt. Übergreifende Analysen behandeln etwa die Herrscherbildnisse Maria Theresias als Sammlungsobjekte, die Frühgeschichte des Wiener Auktionskataloges und die besondere Wertschätzung klassizistischer Skulptur im kaiserlichen Wien.
Sammlungsschwerpunkte und Erwerbungsstrategien, ästhetische Wertschätzung und Preisgestaltung, Präsentation und Aufstellung, Netzwerke von Agenten, Kunsthändlern und Beratern stehen im Zentrum des Bandes, der so unterschiedliche Sammlerpersönlichkeiten wie den Fürstbischof von Olmütz (Olomouc), Karl von Liechenstein-Castelcorno, den Kardinalprotektor der Habsburger im päpstlichen Rom, Kardinal Nicolò del Giudice, den Hofkomponisten Georg Reutter d. J., den Grafen Johann Rudolph Czernin und seinen Sohn Eugen Karl oder den zu großem Reichtum gelangten Tuchhändler Friedrich Jakob Gsell in den Blick nimmt. Übergreifende Analysen behandeln etwa die Herrscherbildnisse Maria Theresias als Sammlungsobjekte, die Frühgeschichte des Wiener Auktionskataloges und die besondere Wertschätzung klassizistischer Skulptur im kaiserlichen Wien.
Wien gehört zu den großen Kunst- und Kulturmetropolen Europas. Neben den kaiserlichen Sammlungen sind hier vor allem seit dem 17. Jahrhundert und bis in die Moderne hinein zahlreiche bedeutende Sammlungen entstanden. Die hier versammelten Biografien behandeln Vizekönige, Staatsminister und Botschafter, Händler, Kaufleute und Bankiers, aber auch Komponisten, Maler, Kunsthändler und Kunsthistoriker. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf heute weniger bekannten Sammlern, die anhand zeitgenössischer Quellen erstmals umfassend dokumentiert werden. Zu den zentralen Fragestellungen gehören die Motivationen der Sammler und ihre Erwerbungsstrategien ebenso wie Aufbewahrung und Präsentation der Objekte. In Summe leisten die Biografien einen wichtigen Beitrag zu einer differenzierten Kulturgeschichte des Sammelns und positionieren Wien zugleich in einem gesamteuropäischen Kontext.
Die Beiträge in diesem Band beleuchten die Entstehung von bedeutenden Zeichnungssammlungen in Wien und Mitteleuropa, die heute vielfach den Grundstock der großen Kabinette etwa in Wien, Berlin, Dresden und Hamburg bilden. Sie fragen nach den Akteuren, ihren internationalen Verflechtungen und ihren Motivationen, nach besonderen Sammlungsschwerpunkten und Erwerbungsstrategien wie nach Aufbewahrung und Ordnungssystemen. Die mediale Verbreitung der Sammlungen im Reproduktionsstich oder durch Katalogwerke kommt ebenso zur Sprache wie Strukturen des Kunst- und Aktionshandels und das Zusammenspiel von Sammeln, Kennerschaft und Zeichnungswissenschaft. Der Band zeigt dabei auch, wie stark Zeichnungssammlungen vor allem im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert die Kunstgeschichte und die methodische Entwicklung des Fachs geprägt haben.
This book examines the unprecedented florescence of sculpture during the reign of Queen Victoria
This volume is dedicated to Bertel Thorvaldsen (1770- 1844), a Danish sculptor of international fame during the XIX century. Born in Copenhagen in 1770, he spent more than forty years in Italy, maintaining a large workshop in Rome. When he eventually returned to his native land in 1838 he was more known in Europe than in Denmark. But in the following years it became rather vice versa. Obviously this is connected with the fact that in Copenhagen he could not keep the close contact he had in Rome with the international art community and art market in the cultural capital of Europe. As a matter of fact only within the last 30 years has Thorvaldsen regained his rightful place in the European art historical context and he is considered as an outstanding representative of the Neoclassical period in sculpture. In fact, his work has often been compared to that of Antonio Canova and he became the foremost artist in the field after Canova's death in 1822. The really strong point of this book is that it precisely links together Thorvaldsen's art with a broad international, artistic context and thus contributes to a more faceted understanding of his work.
Here is the first-ever comprehensive guide to archival concepts, principles, and practices. Encyclopedia of Archival Science features 154 entries, which address every aspect of archival professional knowledge. These entries range from traditional ideas (like appraisal and provenance) to today’s challenges (digitization and digital preservation). They present the thoughts of leading luminaries like Ernst Posner, Margaret Cross-Norton, and Philip Brooks as well as those of contemporary authors and rising scholars. Historical and ethical components of practice are infused throughout the work. Edited by Luciana Duranti from the University of British Columbia and Patricia C. Franks from San José State University, this landmark work was overseen by an editorial board comprised of leading archivists and archival educators from every continent: Adrian Cunningham (Queensland State Archives, Australia), Fiorella Foscarini (University of Toronto and University of Amsterdam), Pat Galloway (University of Texas at Austin), Shadrack Katuu (International Atomic Energy Agency), Giovanni Michetti (University of Rome La Sapienza), Ken Thibodeau (National Archives and Records Administration, US), and Geoffrey Yeo (University College London, UK).
The way in which we view the nature of archives and the role of the archivist has changed significantly in the last few decades. With increasing interest from outside of the profession, the idea of archives as the static, impartial carriers of truth and the archivist as a guardian of records has been questioned: how can society take greater control over its own written memory? There have been a number of other changes which have impacted upon the way archivists conceive of themselves and the way in which they work. Chief among these are the rapid rise of technology and the challenges this poses, and the changing place of archives within related fields, such as records and information management. It is imperative that archivists engage with these challenges if archives are to emerge as a renewed force in the 21st century. This much-needed book is designed not as a practical guide to professional practice, but rather as a reader addressing these challenges. The chapters are contributed by leaders in the field, and are grouped around the following four core themes: defining archives shaping a discipline Archives 2.0: archives in society archives in the information age: is there still a role for the archivist? Each chapter represents a defined argument in its own right to enable readers to dip in and out of the collection as they wish, and the book is structured to highlight chapters that share a common theme. Readership: Archivists and students of archive administration.
Diplomatics was originally developed in France during the seventeenth century in attempts to prove the authenticity of archival documents. It was later refined in European universities as a legal, historical, and philological discipline, and in the twentieth century it has primarily been applied to medieval and early modern documents in order to evaluate their authority as sources of research. Diplomatics embraces the perspective of the modern archivist, and investigates the origin, development, and application of diplomatic concepts. It examines the organizational and evaluative effectiveness of diplomatic concepts in the context of modern records and archival systems, and looks at the relationship between originality and authenticity in records. The physical and intellectual form of records is examined, and the traditional methodology of diplomatic criticism is clearly explained and augmented by tips concerning its archival use. Diplomatics was originally a series of six articles that appeared in Archivaria, the journal of the Association of Canadian Archivists. In addition to those six articles, this volume contains an introduction that provides a broad synopsis of diplomatics, including its unused potential to help rethink record organization and use in a multimedia age fraught with increasingly complex informational problems.
A trustworthy record is one that is both an accurate statement of facts and a genuine manifestation of those facts. Record trustworthiness thus has two qualitative dimensions: reliability and authenticity. Reliability means that the record is capable of standing for the facts to which it attests, while authenticity means that the record is what it claims to be. This study explores the evolution of the principles and methods for determining record trustworthiness from antiquity to the digital age, and from the perspectives of law and history. It also examines recent efforts undertaken by researchers in the field of archival science to develop methods for ensuring the trustworthiness of records created and maintained in electronic systems. Audience: The target audience for this study is legal scholars working in the field of evidence law, historians working in the field of historical methodology, and recordkeeping professionals (records managers, information technology specialists, archivists) working on the design and implementation of contemporary organizational recordkeeping systems.