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The world's population negotiates a multiplicity of naming systems. Some are compatible with the "normative" system of the world of passports and identity cards but a great many are not. This is particularly true in Asia, a region with some of the most sophisticated naming devices found anywhere in the world, including nicknames and teknonyms, religious and corporation names, honor and death names, pseudonyms and retirement names, house names and clan names, local and foreign names, official and private names. People across the continent carry multiple names meaningful to different audiences. Some are used only in family relations while others locate individuals in terms of gender, ethnicity, religion, caste, class, and nation. The centrality of names to many of the crucial debates and preoccupations of the modern world â " identity, hybridity, migration, nationalism, multi-culturalism, globalization â " makes it particularly surprising that there has been little systematic comparative exploration of Asian names and naming systems. This path-breaking volume classifies and theorizes the systems underlying naming practices in Asia, especially in Southeast Asia where systems are abundant and fluid. Using historical and socio-anthropological perspectives, the authors of this exceptionally close collaborative effort show the intricate connections between naming systems, notions of personhood and the prevailing ethos of interpersonal relations. They also show how the peoples of Asia are fashioning new types of naming and different ways of identifying themselves to suit the demands of a changing world.
A handy little guide to the correct usage and pronunciation of names from the main countries across the Asian region. It is designed for anyone who manages mailing lists, teaches international students or interacts regularly with people from anywhere in Asia.
The naming practices of Chinese Americans are the focus of this work. Since Chinese immigration began in the mid-19th century, names of immigrants and their descendants have been influenced by both Chinese and American name customs. This detailed study first describes the naming traditions of China, providing a base for understanding how personal names may change in the interaction between cultures. One discovers that surnames are clues to Chinese dialect sounds, that many have been Americanized, that new surnames were created and that, in more recent decades as the Chinese American population has grown, new names practices developed and surnames have proliferated. Included are ideographs to surnames and an overview of their preservation by Americans of Chinese descent.
Asian American Christians have diverse stories beyond the cultural expectations of the model minority or perpetual foreigner. In this compelling resource, a team from East Asian, Southeast Asian, and South Asian backgrounds encourage us to know our history, telling diverse stories of the Asian diaspora in America and the impacts of migration, culture, and faith.
This is the seventh volume of the Lexicon of Greek Personal Names to be published, a work which offers comprehensive documentation of named individuals in the Greek-speaking world in the period from c. 700 BC to 600 AD, drawn from all sources (predominantly written in Greek and to a lesser extent in Latin). It is the second of three volumes that comprise the personal names attested in Asia Minor. This particular volume is concerned with its southern coast, incorporating the ancient regions of Caria, Lycia, Pamphylia, and Cilicia, and thus completes coverage of the coastal regions. The volume documents more than 44,500 individuals who between them bore in excess of 8,400 different names. In contrast to those parts of Asia Minor facing the Aegean, Propontis, and Black Sea, there was little Greek settlement along the southern coast. So, in this volume particular interest attaches to the very large number of non-Greek names originating in the languages of the indigenous peoples of these regions - Carian, Lycian, Sidetic, and Pisidian - all of them descended from the Hittite-Luwian languages spoken in Anatolia in the second and early first millennia BC. The volume provides the raw material that allows us to see how indigenous names gave way first to Greek and later to Latin names, and how the pace of these changes varies from one region to another as one aspect of those processes of acculturation labelled as 'hellenization' and 'Romanization'. It contains a detailed introduction which addresses the definition of each of the regions and their cultural identity in terms both of geography and language and onomastics. It also guides the user through some of the problems of topography, dialect, and the treatment of non-Greek names, as well as providing some detailed statistics that point to interesting regional patterns.
Ancient Anatolia was a region where indigenous peoples mixed with conquerors and incomers: Persians, Greeks, Gauls, Romans, Jews. Names from all these sources intermingled, and it is by studying them that the cultural interactions and changes and resistances that occurred can be illuminated.
This is the eighth volume of the 'Lexicon of Greek Personal Names' and the third of three volumes that comprise the personal names attested in Asia Minor. This particular volume is concerned with its interior, incorporating the ancient regions of Phrygia, Milyas, Pisidia, Galatia, Kappadokia, Paphlagonia, Pontos, and Armenia Minor, among others.