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A 6-month-long, bench-scale simulation of an industrial wastewater stabilization pond (WSP) system was conducted to evaluate responses to several potential performance-enhancing treatments. The industrial WSP system consists of an anaerobic primary (1ry) WSP treating high-strength wastewater, followed by facultative secondary (2ry) and aerobic tertiary (3ry) WSPs in series treating lower-strength wastewater. The 1ry WSP was simulated with four glass aquaria which were fed with wastewater from the actual WSP system. The treatments examined were phosphorus supplementation (PHOS), phosphorus supplementation with pH control (PHOS+ALK), and phosphorus supplementation with pH control and effluent recycle (PHOS+ALK+RCY). The supplementary phosphorus treatment alone did not yield any significant change versus the CONTROL 1ry model pond. The average carbon to phosphorus ratio of the feed wastewater received from the WSP system was already 100:0.019 (i.e., 2,100 mg/l: 0.4 mg/l). The pH-control treatments (PHOS+ALK and PHOS+ALK+RCY) produced significant results, with 9 to 12 percent more total organic carbon (TOC) removal, 43 percent more volatile organic acid (VOA) generation, 78 percent more 2-ethoxyethanol and 14 percent more bis(2-chloroethyl)ether removal, and from 100- to 10,000-fold increases in bacterial enzyme activity and heterotrophic bacterial numbers. Recycling a 10-percent portion of the effluent yielded less variability for certain physicochemical parameters in the PHOS+ALK+RCY 1ry model pond, but overall there was no statistically-detectable improvement in performance versus no recycle. The 2ry and 3ry WSPs were also simulated in the laboratory to monitor the effect and fate of increased phosphorus loadings, as might occur if supplemental phosphorus were added to the 1ry WSP. Noticeable increases in algal growth were observed at feed phosphorus concentrations of 0.5 mg/l; however, there were no significant changes in the monitored physicochemical parameters. The effluent phosphorus concentrations from both the 2ry and 3ry model ponds did increase notably when feed phosphorus concentrations were increased from 0.5 to 1.0 mg/l.
Proceedings of the 50th Industrial Waste Conference is the only comprehensive documentation of the entire seminar. It is an overview of the current state of hazardous waste identification, management and disposal.
Ponds (lagoons) have been used for centuries with great success in the treatment of wastewater. Ponds created for treatment, known as stabilization ponds, model the physical and biochemical interactions that occur in natural ponds. Easy to build and manage, stabilization ponds can accommodate large fluctuations in flow, and provide results that are
The importance of pond technology is now recognized globally and indeed is undergoing a renaissance at the present time. It was therefore no surprise that scientists and engineers from over 25 countries presented their most recent findings at the Marrakech conference. The choice of Morocco was especially appropriate as it, like most countries of the Magreb, has actively endorsed and implemented the use of waste stabilization ponds as a preferred wastewater treatment technology. The need to reuse treated wastewater is a key component of the water cycle in such water-short regions, and the crucial role that ponds can play in the safe reuse of effluents, particularly for agriculture, has also been recognized and supported by active research at institutions all round the world. This issue contains a selection of the papers presented both in the oral and poster sessions at the conference and should prove very informative for those who wish to keep abreast of developments in the field. Among the 52 papers selected from the oral and poster sessions for these proceedings are work on the performance of ponds systems worldwide, pond microbiology, nutrient removal, pond sludges and sediments, pond design and modeling, high-rate ponds, and effluent reuse.