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Como terapeuta, Walter Riso ha descubierto que si bien es cierto que la mente es la causa de nuestro sufrimiento, también es cierto que somos capaces de revertir el proceso mental negativo. La mente humana no es exacta ni infalible a la hora de procesar la información; pero, afortunadamente, tenemos la facultad de darnos cuenta de nuestros errores y desaprender lo que aprendimos. En Pensar bien, sentirse bien, Riso nos ofrece una propuesta seria y fundamentada para empezar a pensar en uno mismo de una manera más racional y saludable, y lograr el desarrollo pleno de nuestro potencial humano.
A cognitive psychologist offers information on how an individual's thoughts affect emotions and behavior, and suggests ways to compensate for errors in thinking and achieve a better quality of life.
The human mind is capable of believing in the most dazzling paradise, but also in the most terrible hell. In our brain -- more than in reality-- we find many of the factors that determine our afflictions and our happiness. Walter Riso explains to us the manner in which we process the information that is crucial to reach our wellbeing. Thinking rationally, without falling into illusions or beliefs without reason, results in not only successfully confronting life, but also causes us to be happier by maintaining our psychological health and achieving self-realization. This book invites you to recognize the traps that our minds set, and to have the courage to face our existence as it is, without distortions or false tranquilities.
La mente humana es capaz de crear el más deslumbrante paraíso, pero también los más terribles infiernos. En nuestro cerebro más que en la realidad exterior se encuentran muchos de los factores que determinan tanto nuestras aflicciones como nuestra dicha. Walter riso nos explica hasta qué punto la manera en la que procesamos la información es crucial para alcanzar el bienestar. Pensar racionalmente, sin caer en el autoengaño o las creencias sin fundamento, resulta fundamental no sólo para enfrentar exitosamente la vida, sino también para ser más felices, mantenernos psicológicamente saludables y alcanzar la autorrealización. Este libro invita a reconocer las trampas que nos tiende la mente y a tener el valor de enfrentar la existencia tal como es, sin distorsiones ni falsedades tranquilizadoras. Una invitación a vivir la vida con lucidez y combatir los pensamientos que nos impiden construir una existencia satisfactoria y plena de sentido.
Winner of the Mexico National Novel Prize, Sor Juana In s de la Cruz Prize, and IMPACT Prize Joaquin Buitrago, a photographer in the Castaneda Insane Asylum, believes a patient is a prostitute he knew years earlier. His obsession in confirming Matilde's identity leads him to explore the clinics records, and her tragic history. He discovers that she was a peasant adopted by a doctor uncle. She led a calm life until C stulo, a young revolutionary chased by the authorities, finds shelter in her home. Matilde's eyes are opened to the social upheaval will lead her to break with her uncle and hide out with Diamantina Vicari. Diamantina's death devastates Matilde so much that she wanders about, completely lost, doing all kinds of jobs, including prostitution. As the photographer discovers more details, he becomes convinced that he and Matilde should live together. Ultimately, as they face defeat in a repressive society, they search to establish in the rubble an uncertain future that will somehow restore their freedom.
The secret to happiness is to acknowledge and transform suffering, not to run away from it. Here, Thich Nhat Hanh offers practices and inspiration transforming suffering and finding true joy. Thich Nhat Hanh acknowledges that because suffering can feel so bad, we try to run away from it or cover it up by consuming. We find something to eat or turn on the television. But unless we’re able to face our suffering, we can’t be present and available to life, and happiness will continue to elude us. Nhat Hanh shares how the practices of stopping, mindful breathing, and deep concentration can generate the energy of mindfulness within our daily lives. With that energy, we can embrace pain and calm it down, instantly bringing a measure of freedom and a clearer mind. No Mud, No Lotus introduces ways to be in touch with suffering without being overwhelmed by it. "When we know how to suffer," Nhat Hanh says, "we suffer much, much less." With his signature clarity and sense of joy, Thich Nhat Hanh helps us recognize the wonders inside us and around us that we tend to take for granted and teaches us the art of happiness.
In his most enthralling novel yet, the critically acclaimed author Matthew Pearl reopens one of literary history’s greatest mysteries. The Last Dickens is a tale filled with the dazzling twists and turns, the unerring period details, and the meticulous research that thrilled readers of the bestsellers The Dante Club and The Poe Shadow. Boston, 1870. When news of Charles Dickens’s untimely death reaches the office of his struggling American publisher, Fields & Osgood, partner James Osgood sends his trusted clerk Daniel Sand to await the arrival of Dickens’s unfinished novel. But when Daniel’s body is discovered by the docks and the manuscript is nowhere to be found, Osgood must embark on a transatlantic quest to unearth the novel that he hopes will save his venerable business and reveal Daniel’s killer. Danger and intrigue abound on the journey to England, for which Osgood has chosen Rebecca Sand, Daniel’s older sister, to assist him. As they attempt to uncover Dickens’s final mystery, Osgood and Rebecca find themselves racing the clock through a dangerous web of literary lions and drug dealers, sadistic thugs and blue bloods, and competing members of Dickens’s inner circle. They soon realize that understanding Dickens’s lost ending is a matter of life and death, and the hidden key to stopping a murderous mastermind.