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Pearson's Comprehensive Dental Assisting was developed with the needs of both the instructor and student in mind. The information is presented in an extremely comprehensive manner by using a step-by-step, competency based approach that covers all the facets of the dental assisting profession. Written by authors who have worked in the dentistry field, this book places the focus on learning both technical and people skills to help ensure success as a student and dental assistant. Dental Assistants
Accompanying CD-ROM has companion website with chapters on chairside assisting, dental radiology, and infection control, each with an introduction, a specialty practice test, links, and a glossary.
The only book combining dental health information and lesson plans for the elementary classroom, this book addresses the role of the dental health educator and the needs of children. The book includes 10 lesson plans, visual aids, and tips on integrating dental health into the academic curriculum and the community. This book is a must for anyone teaching oral health to grade school children. Elementary school teachers, dental hygienists, school nurses.
This 58-page full-color manual is designed to complement the 2 to 2.5 hour National Safety Council Blood and Airborne Pathogen course. It focuses on teaching people how to protect themselves and others from blood and airborne pathogens and what to do if there is an exposure. Specific pathogens covered include Hepatitis viruses, HIV, and Tuberculosis. Also covered are OSHA standards and expectations, the concept of universal precautions and personal protective equipment. McGraw-Hill Public Safety Website
This review of sit-down, four-handed dentistry is an ideal how-to reference manual for the entire dental health team. Extensively illustrated with step-by-step procedure boxes and "how to" pictures, it outlines the implementation of efficient procedures for a productive stress free clinical environment--i.e., how to practice efficiently and how to select equipment that is ergonomically sound--that will improve productivity and reduce strain. Coverage begins with an overview of the principles of four-handed dentistry and motion economy, moves on to treatment room design, types of delivery systems, and basic equipment selection, and then details the basic techniques used to promote ergonomic concepts during routine dental treatment, such as seating the patient and operating team, instrument transfer, oral evacuation. For dentists, dental students, dental assistants, or dental hygienists.
The ability to accurately assess patients is vital to the practice of Dental Hygiene—a complete and accurate assessment is the starting point to providing thorough patient care. Patient Assessment Tutorials takes you through the process of patient assessment, and provides you with information on both the actual physical assessment as well as effective patient communication. The highly visual, step-by-step style teaches you vital assessment processes quickly and thoroughly. Excellent features include detailed, full-color illustrations and photographs to visually guide you through procedures and techniques, case studies and personal accounts that bring the content to life, and more.
Dental assistants have to work as part of a team every day to provide patients with the best possible care and ensure that the dental office runs smoothly. As an instructor, you prepare students to have the skills and abilities they will need to be a successful part of this dental team.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. For courses in Pain Control, Local Anesthesia in Dentistry, and Nitrous Oxide Sedation (minimal sedation) in Dentistry. Local Anesthesia for Dental Professionals, 2/e provides a user-friendly, primary resource for instructors and students of pain control. This text is appropriate for both dental and dental hygiene students and provides step-by-step instructions that are also useful to practicing clinicians seeking to improve their skills or learn new injection techniques. In addition to the superb illustrations, step-by-step approach, and easy-to-understand language established in the first edition, the new second edition includes both local anesthesia and nitrous oxide-oxygen sedation. Extensive online resources and a companion technique DVD augment this text, providing a comprehensive resource for students and dental professionals. Teaching and Learning Experience Local Anesthesia for Dental Professionals, 2/e provides unparalleled coverage in a straightforward, user-friendly format. It provides: Comprehensive yet accessible content: The text is an all-in-one resource in local anesthesia for dental and dental hygiene students and professionals. Real-world learning: Chapters present practical expertise, case studies, and resources that will be referenced again and again. Extensive teaching and learning resources: Numerous text features and supplemental materials facilitate both teaching and learning.