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The author of international bestseller, Shantaram, takes us on a gripping personal journey of wonder and insight into science, belief, faith and devotion. Drawing on common-sense logic, sacred traditions, inspirations from the natural world and the iconoclastic instruction of his spiritual teacher, Roberts describes the step by step path he followed in search of spiritual connection, one that anyone, of any belief or none, can apply in their own lives. This gripping personal account of the Leap of Faith is a compellingly fresh, new addition to such enduring, spiritually inspiring works as Zen and The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, The Road Less Travelled and The Celestine Prophecy. From the Author: "The Spiritual Path is for anyone searching for meaning and connection, for more answers than questions, and for practical help in resetting the spiritual compass." Gregory David Roberts
Science is factReligion is faithMagic is perceptionKnow these boundaries to discover what lies beyond.What is the Tao? Don't ask. The Tao cannot be described, yet a person will express it simply by being alive. It is possible to list definitions from the dictionary, from various documents. Each definition: a set of words, echoes of reality. A common mistake is to think of the Tao as a state of mind, hence it can be touched through words. Tao is a state of existence and nonexistence, it's mental, spiritual, and physical states all blending together. Living to Tao will never be summarized in the mathematics of word play. Poetry, philosophy, literature all offer only helpful guidance but never the actual Tao. A simple analogy would be swimming under the water. It's possible to read about snorkeling or diving, but until diving under the water, feeling the pressure, experience seeing undersea life, having lungs squeeze outside-in yet feeling inside-out from pushing down as deeply as you can dive, only to resurface to feel a sudden gasp of wet air... all in 60 seconds of a run on sentence: it's an idea approximated by a reader but only grasped by the experiencer. When this last line was read by a friend of mine, she said: but when you snorkel the pressure doesnt feel like that. Surprised, I asked her if she ever dove to about 25 feet while snorkeling, she said no, at which moment we both realized how personal the experience becomes due to differences in the path taken. This example touches why discovering the Tao is a personal living experience.Why learn the Tao? Knowing of the Tao technically should not change anything. But it does, it's the same difference as: knowing yourself really shouldn't change who you are. Yet it does. It's the difference between, being yourself or the reflection in the mirror. When the answer is we are both, more and less..... The Tao is every contradiction, every truth and each of the standard circular Yoda Yoga mystical answer...leaving us with holding flowing water in a single hand. Try to grasp it, and its gone, yet our hands are wet. So accept the fact, we are each a contradiction, this is the truth being described when these mystical answers are bantered about: using one impossible statement to prove another impossible statement. The key for writing and reading this document comes down to a single reason: Words are never about the Tao, words are always about us. Sometimes to understand ourselves, we need to write aloud a personal truth as its human nature and hence the Tao to do so. The point becomes this: the Tao, itself isn't a path -- the path is living. Being human, living includes the experience of expression and introspection through words and speaking out. This is about discovering personal truth and how to flow with oneself. Yet learning is always a process of sharing. Reflections in this document become one possible outline out of many to help myself be... myself, while giving others a chance to comment and add their own personal style to the overall document. This then becomes a circular process between, author, reader and everyone involved to help define and discover a personal Tao.So....Move, tumble, stumble, spin poetry, swirl, dance: all this is about the Tao and us.
"Create Your Own Destiny! Spiritual Path to Success" is an invaluable resource for those faithful to and open to spiritual and energy healing in which nearly every sentence contains wisdom worthy of contemplation. The book helps the reader realize the body and the mind are not two independent essences to be treated separately, but must be treated as a single whole. The reader gains insight into the power and results of natural and spiritual healing from a science-oriented practitioner. The unique book, written in easy-to-understand terms, is a desktop guide to health for those interested in the preservation of health and the maintenance of karma. The writer is unique. Her educational and scientific background is not normally associated with the gift of natural healing. Traditional science has not quite recognized a gift such as this without analytical proof. Yet, history and folklore traces individuals with the natural healing gift throughout the ages. This book is a modern day encounter between friends and their documented journey together, battling the ravages of cancer, and their ultimate victory.
Why should you start a spiritual journey?Why does a human being, at some point in his life, realize that science, religion and academic philosophies cannot give him the answers he seeks? Scientific knowledge reveals its inability to provide real answers to the great mysteries of birth and death.Different spiritual traditions have given us the keys and the methods to find these answers: the hermetic-alchemical tradition, the tradition of Shamanism and the Indian yogic tradition (Raja Yoga, Kriya yoga and Advaita Vedanta), and the Tibetan Buddhism tradition. All the exercises proposed, although belonging to different traditions and schools, are linked to the same modalities and objectives, in a unique and coherent path. Spiritual Tradition is One, although it has taken on different forms over the ages and in different geographical places.The researcher, who has become a disciple, will find the most hidden secrets not only of humanity but of the entire universe in the depths of his being.Behind the scenes of ordinary existence, there is the ineffable unknown, and during his journey of knowledge, the disciple will receive sudden and unexpected revelations of this mystery, of a force that governs all that exists, and which constitutes all beings, as luminous source of regenerating energy. As he proceeds along this path, he will understand how to get in touch with this force, drawing on it and using it in his consciousness.The spiritual path is like the science, in which the fundamental data is experience, as well as experimentation as a test bench.You will choose the path and practices most suitable for you, building your own personal way. Going forward with this research, you will gradually discover that your true being has a supersensitive nature and origin, and that in your depths lives something precious that can give you real harmony, security, inner firmness against the many obstacles of existence.You will then find out, that all the external masters are there to show you that the true master is within you.
Exploring the Mysteries of the Ancient Religion of the Sun In the cycles of the sun and stars, in the movements of the earth and the cosmos, the message of a journey to enlightenment is written. Many thousands of years ago, ancient seers understood this--revering the sun as the highest symbol of divine consciousness, and its light the spiritual source of creation. Its major stages at the solstices and equinoxes became the dominant alignment of sacred sites all over the world, as well as central events in the lives of many spiritual figures. Today, these ancient remains can still be decoded to reveal their message of spiritual enlightenment. The roots of this knowledge trace to a distant time before a global cataclysm destroyed a prior civilization. After this disaster, mysterious wisdom-bringers are recorded as traveling the world on a divine mission to establish this cosmic knowledge anew and initiate the spiritual beginnings of our current human age. They oversaw the building of some of the most enigmatic sacred sites on the planet, and gave rise to a civilization of the religion of the sun that extended across much of the earth. However, over time, strife and persecution took its toll, and after a while it was lost--left in scattered fragments that echo a bygone era of great spiritual knowledge. The Path of the Spiritual Sun aims to restore this lost knowledge--exploring the sites, symbols, and sacred texts connected to the ancient spirituality of the sun--and provide celebrations and ceremonies to re-enliven its transformative practice once more. About the author Belsebuub is the author of a number of books on spirituality, out-of-body experiences, dreams, self-discovery, and esoteric knowledge. He has appeared on radio and television programs internationally, and writes from decades of spiritual and mystical experience, while his wife Lara Atwood contributes with the research into history, cosmology, ancient sites, and sacred texts.
In this spiritual self-help memoir, a former Roman Catholic monk recounts his journey away from religion toward his own personal spirituality. After spending eight years in a monastery, Joseph Dispenza walked away from his life as a monk—and the religion of his youth—in search of a different kind of spiritual path. Outside the confines of organized religion, Dispenza was able to create a spiritual life that gives direction and meaning to all he does and all he is. God on Your Own is a book for anyone who has left (or is thinking of leaving) organized religion but wants to continue on a spiritual path. Dispenza, a noted author and retreat leader, provides a spiritual road map for those who want to make the transition from conventional religion toward a richer and more satisfying direct relationship with the Source, without rules, dogmas, or doctrines. Throughout the book, Dispenza offers wise, compassionate guidance, speaking as one seeker to another. He has made this journey himself, gleaning spiritual truth from across traditions and practices.
Take a balanced look at the means and barriers of living a directed life, and learn to delve into the Word, fellowship, pastoral guidance, and interaction with God.
Many often wonder about who they really are, why they are here, what their existence signifies, and how they should conduct their lives. In Parallel Paths to Personal Growth, author Eugene X. Pertione provides both a personal and philosophical look into the question of existence and details a search for the seemingly unknowable answer by looking to both nature and spirit. Parallel Path to Personal Growth shows you how to find your way out of the tangle of conflicting sentiments about what is material and what is spiritual and allow both domains to play a part in your thinking about life. It helps weigh the perspectives of both science and spirituality and demonstrates how they can be integrated meaningfully. Perticone also explains how intuitive moments can increase your awareness of the parallel paths and help you to balance your material and spiritual needs. Perticone communicates that personal growth is not simply the forward movement of one individual in isolation from everyone and everything else that exists. It is the expression of an archetypal impulse to fulfill a purpose that has to do with the design of the creation itself.