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The increasing number of followers of the two movement cultures, Parkour and Freerunning, has given rise to the need for safe, methodical orientation, which the reader will find in this book. Parkour, a new movement culture from France, is all about moving as efficiently as possible between points A and B by sprinting fluently over obstacles. The sport of Freerunning has developed from it, involving developing and showing off the most creative, extreme, flowing, acrobatic moves possible on obstacles. This book contains precise illustrations for the teaching of all basic techniques, easy-tofollow movement breakdowns and methodical tips for indoor and outdoor training. All the most common terms from the scene are listed for reference in English and French. History, philosophy, rules of behavior, training advice based on the latest sports science knowledge, interviews from the scene about motivations and trends, advice for schools and explanations of competitions and competition criteria are a few examples of the book’s contents.
Introduces the sport of parkour, or freerunning, which combines the core elements of running, jumping, climbing, and other physical movements with the goal of moving the body over and around obstacles in an urban environment without stopping
Join the movement Combining the core elements of running, jumping, and climbing with the discipline of the martial artist, the grace of the gymnast, and the virtuosity of the skateboarder, parkour—or freerunning—is more than simply an elegant noncompetitive sport. It's an art form, a philosophy promoting fitness, imagination, community spirit, and ethical, healthy living. The Parkour and FreeRunning Handbook is your guide to becoming part of this urban revolution. With standout features on fitness and training, global cityscapes and using the space of the urban environment, and tips on how to avoid mistakes and injuries, this is more than just a user's manual. It explores the techniques, culture, clothes, and community of freerunning, showing just what it takes to hit those handstands, kong vaults, and wall hops. This essential handbook is the only guide the fledgling traceur will ever need to get jumping!
In Parkour Strength Training, you will learn how to:- Accelerate your athletic development with three fundamental bodyweight exercises- Promote the flexibility and mobility necessary for safe obstacle-based fitness- Prepare and condition your joints to avoid injuries- Train safely outdoors- Remedy the common faults and errors that plague parkour newcomers- Incorporate ground-based exercises, such as quadrupedal movement, bounding, and jumping into your workouts- Use low obstacles such as benches, handrails, and walls for full-body strength training- Fly over barriers using three basic vaults- Mount, traverse, and overcome head-high walls and bar structures- Master proper climb-up technique using many supplemental exercises- Design an effective strength training program- Combine skill-based drills and games to become a more well-rounded practitioner- Dominate obstacle courses
The world is an obstacle course in Parkour. Watch as talented athletes scale walls and leap from ledges. Learn all about this exhilarating extreme sport through wonderful color photographs and engaging text.
Teach Yourself Basic Parkour! Parkour is not as hard as it looks. All you need are a few beginner parkour exercises and practice. Inside this training manual you will discover all the basics you need. Start teaching yourself parkour today, because it is a fun way to keep fit while learning lifesaving skills! Get it now!
První kniha na českém trhu z oblasti parkouru a freerunningu. Přehledný popis jednotlivých prvků i jejich nácviku je doplněn názornými fotografiemi a ilustracemi a je tak vhodný pro jak pro začátečníky zajímající se o tuto sportovní disciplínu, tak pro pokročilé traceury.
So you've seen some videos on YouTube where these guys are running across rooftops, bounding from one building to the next in a style you might only have seen before in the movies. Their movements are fluent and they seem to have no fear of trying to jump a 10-foot gap between buildings while doing a couple fancy tricks here and there, and this has been peaking your curiosity to no end. How do they do that? The aim of this book is to get a complete beginner up and running in the basic elements of parkour.
Parkour, the art of displacement, or freerunning--whatever the name, this new discipline born in the Paris suburbs is rapidly being adopted by people throughout the world. Not satisfied to suffer through urban life, these athletic artists or artistic athletes want to thrive in it, all the while earning dignity by daringly reappropriating three fundamental motor skills: running, jumping, and climbing. Vincent Thibault explores the philosophical and spiritual aspects of the art of movement and offers ideas on health, sports, urban living, and the relationship between the body and the environment. Reflecting on the culture of effort, he also avoids the misguided notion that depicts parkour as just another of those elitist extreme sports, instead providing a thoughtful, lyrical adventure into martial arts and chivalry in an urban setting.
Introduces the sport of parkour, or freerunning, which combines the core elements of running, jumping, climbing, and other physical movements with the goal of moving the body over and around obstacles in an urban environment without stopping.