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Panchaka occurs when the moon's longitude exist between 296 degrees and 360 degrees in sidreal calculation. Panchaka occurs mostly in the last five constellations. Thus there are 5 days (or sometimes 7 days) in every month that Panchaka will occur. During Panchaka, the elements in the universe become unbalanced and this causes an imbalance within the family structure. If a death occurs during this period and the proper ritual is not performed, the dead person will carry another five family members with him within a two-year period. To prevent the additional deaths in the family, the Pundit must first ensure that the death occurred in the Panchaka period, and if so perform a Panchanka Puja to remedy the situation.
Antyesti Puja or Funeral Puja is the procedure of sending the souls of deceased family members to the higher regions of the universe In this book, Swami Ram Charran gives a step-by-step explanation of the ritual for funeral ceremonies and guides every person on the procedure to take the souls of deceased family members into the heavenly abodes.
Moola Puja is a detailed ceremony to the Planetary Forces that cause a baby to be born on an unfortunate birthday. someone close getting sick, to remove past karmas, secure happiness, remove obstacles, and invite victory and progress in your life. Purpose  Avoid death.  avoid couples separating,  Avoid illness of someone close.  Protect the baby.  Happy marriage life.  Protection from all evils and enemies.  To be one with God of time.  To obtain a true Guru and Knowledge.  To obtain good health and happiness.
A special scientific ritual for removing lost souls of ancestors from hell and helping them to reach heaven so that the generation of grandchildren is promoted, resulting in blessings to all members of the family.
Laxmi means money or wealth. When we suffer from lack of wealth, it is because of inherited karmas. When our ancestors have failed in pleasing the Goddess of wealth, she will be missing in our life. This is why we need to perform Laxmi Puja. Without light our whole life becomes dark, so also without wealth we live in darkness and ignorance Many of us aspire to be wealthy, but are we really ready and able to receive it? The ancient Hindus asked and prepared themselves to receive wealth in all its forms by a special set of ceremonies and prayers that not only attract material and spiritual wealth, but also allows them to receive it, use it appropriately, and conserve it. In this book, Swami Ram Charran gives a step-by-step explanation of the ritual to Mother Laxmi or Laxmi Puja and guides every person towards accepting the prosperity that is the birth right of every child of God.
AN UNFOLDING OF YOUR LIFE ACCORDING TO THE PLANETARY SYSTEM IN VEDIC ASTROLOGY THAT LOOKS AT YOUR LIFE FOR 100 YEARS OR LESS. THIS BOOK WILL TEACH YOU FROM BASIC LESSONS ON LIFE TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF ACHIEVING A GIFT OF SEEING THE FUTURE THRU THE EYES OF THE ANCIENT RISHIS AND SAGES WHO WROTE SUCH GREAT BOOKS AS THE BIBLE, THE TORAH, THE KABALA, THE RAMAYAN AND THE BHAGAWAT GEETA. The knowledge contained in this book will give you the ability to make you and your family safe from all the great obstacles of life such as poverty, separation, death and destruction. The knowledge presented in this book is so accurate you can even predict your date of death and sickness so that you can take steps to change them before they happen.......
In Vedic Sciences, the Sanskrit word Puja means honoring a force more powerful than you for inner gains. The word Durga is a Sanskrit word meaning Universal Motherhood and recognizing the power of the woman to give birth and make the universe exist continuously. In this book a simulated version of the Universe is constructed and a simulated trip is made to request the Goddess Durga to grant prosperous, happy and satisfactory life by rebirthing the performer and removing all that threatens his or her existence
Mr. Dayal N Harjani’s recent publication “Sindhi Roots & Rituals,” a magnum opus, is the outcome of Harjani’s painstaking research of years, studying hundreds of books and collecting the information orally from vast number of persons with intimate knowledge. He has successfully unraveled the historical, economical, and cultural past of the most ancient race of Indus Valley Civilization, with incisive analysis and deep insight. No doubt it is his labour of love and sense of responsibility, which has induced him to undertake this arduous task, never attempted before. Exploring the subject under his lenses, Harjani has realized that Sindhi Community is passing through a serious Identity Crisis. Sindhi Language, the quintessence of its rich culture is in pitiable condition. It hangs at the perilous precipice from where it is poised to leap into the chasm of oblivion. The Sound of tolling bells is quite loud and clear. According to Harjani, Sindhis have to act fast on war footing, if they wish to survive, eluding the list of races which may vanish from earth in near future. Mr. Harjani has suggested few remedial measures as given below. 1. Sindhis should strive to create their homeland, the suitable location for the same is Kutch region adjoining Sindh. 2. They should also establish “Bharti Sindhu Vidyapeeth,” a Cultural University to act as a repository of all the knowledge about Sindh and Sindhis, to preserve and promote Sindhi Language & Culture. 3. They should build “Shree Jhulelal Tirthdham” on a gigantic scale, at Narayan Sarovar which is the site where River Sindhu merged in Sindhu Sagar. Lord Jhulelal, Ishtdev of Sindhis shall certainly reappear at the same spot to become their saviour, if all the Sindhis united together to beckon Him, whole heartedly in one voice. - Lakhmi Khilnani Director and Founder Member Indian Institute of Sindhology Adipur
‘Religion is a tool in the hands of the oppressor against the oppressed solely because he frames the commandments and calls them the God’s’, is an apt description of the Hindu social order. The book rips open the raw nerve of Hinduism—its invidious castes, positioned as a ‘God-ordained’ institution, commandeered by its freebooter priestly class while clandestinely establishing its religious, social and political hegemony through interpolation of its pristine and effulgent scriptures. The author boldly analyses this imbroglio through a microscopic analysis of these and more related issues: • How priests controlled the Hindu religious, social, educational and political apparatus? • How the dominant priestly class fractured the society into mutually antagonistic subordinated hierarchical segments, and ruled it by reserving all elite jobs for itself? • How the fiendish priesthood emasculated shudras by depriving them of the ‘shaastra and shastra’ (education and arms) and made them permanent ‘village servant classes’? • How the pretensions of attaining siddhis through 'meditation and penances' established priests as the ‘gods on earth’ for their assertions of ‘purity and effulgence’? • How ‘karma’, ‘reincarnation’ and ‘84-lakhs births’ theories were devised to justify fatalism and hierarchical gradation of varnas? • Can India be rightfully called the ‘vishvaguru’ and the mother of all civilisations? • How Buddhism effeminated Hindus and made them the doormats for the ruthless? • Why Hindus had to abandon their own, to adop foreign institutions of governance? • Why Hinduism should become a universal and proselytising faith and fight demographic challenges posed by Islam and Christianity?