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The field of oxygen study is immense. No single work on the subject can be comprehensive, and this volume makes no such claim. Indeed, coverage here is selective and the selection is somewhat personal. However, the choice of topics is vast There are chapters on the history of oxygen, oxygen in the universe, the biochemistry of oxygen, and clinical uses of oxygen. An alternate title could have been, "Some things you always wanted to know about oxygen, but didn't know where to find them easily." Some information in this wide-ranging work can not be found elsewhere. This book is intended not only for specialists, but also for nonspecialists engaged in or curious about any field of oxygen study, particularly if they wish to know more about other fields of oxygen. Thus, those who are interested in oxygen and are historians, astronomers, chemists, geochemists, evolutionists, biochemists, physiolo gists, pathologists, or clinicians will find here much of extreme value. It is intended to be read and understood at the graduate or advanced undergraduate level. This volume is divided into four parts. The first constitutes the background for Parts II and III, and the last integrates the preceding material with an overall perspective on oxygen in living organisms.
First multi-year cumulation covers six years: 1965-70.
As a physiological or biological matter, breath is mostly considered to be mechanical and thoughtless. By expanding on the insights of many religions and therapeutic practices, which emphasize the cultivation of breath, the contributors argue that breath should be understood as fundamentally and comprehensively intertwined with human life and experience. Various dimensions of the respiratory world are referred to as "atmospheres" that encircle and connect human existence, coexistence, and the world. Drawing from a number of traditions of breathing, including from Indian and East Asian religion and philosophy, the book considers breath in relation to ontological, hermeneutical, phenomenological, ethical, and aesthetic concerns in philosophy. The wide-ranging topics include poetry, theater, environmental issues and health, feminism, and media studies.
The Everest Effect is an accessibly written cultural history of how nature, technology, and culture have worked together to turn Mount Everest into a powerful and ubiquitous physical measure of Western values.
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) which include free radicals, peroxides, singlet oxygen, ozone, and nitrogen monoxide and dioxide free radicals, is an area of intense research. This volume covers (1) the destruction of cellular function by ROS resulting in pathological states; (2) the protection by ROS of an organism against invading organisms that cause infections; and (3) the role of ROS in normal physiological processes. Designed for beginning graduate students, this book gives a concise overview of the field.
An expert in pulmonary medicine shares a wide-ranging exploration of the human lung: the organ that explains our origins and holds the keys to our future. We take an average of 7.5 million breaths a year and some 600 million in our lifetime, and what goes on in our body each time oxygen is taken in and carbon dioxide expelled is nothing short of miraculous. “Our lungs are the lynchpin between our bodies and the outside world,” writes pulmonologist Michael Stephen. And yet, we too often take our lungs for granted. In Breath Taking, Stephen sheds much-needed light on our extraordinary lungs. He relates the history of oxygen on Earth and the evolutionary origins of breathing, and explores the healing power of breath and its spiritual potential. Stephen interweaves his narrative with scientific history, such as the development of the lung transplant, and poignant human stories, including his own frantic attempts to engage his son’s lungs at birth. Despite great advances in science, our lungs are ever more threatened. Asthma is on the rise, increasing anxiety leaves us vulnerable to disease, and COVID-19 has revealed that vulnerability in historic ways. Breath Taking offers inspiration and hope, inspiration, and vital perspective to us all.