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This book, drawing on recent literature, highlights several methodologies for the detection of outliers and explains how to apply them to solve several interesting real-life problems. The detection of objects that deviate from the norm in a data set is an essential task in data mining due to its significance in many contemporary applications. More specifically, the detection of fraud in e-commerce transactions and discovering anomalies in network data have become prominent tasks, given recent developments in the field of information and communication technologies and security. Accordingly, the book sheds light on specific state-of-the-art algorithmic approaches such as the community-based analysis of networks and characterization of temporal outliers present in dynamic networks. It offers a valuable resource for young researchers working in data mining, helping them understand the technical depth of the outlier detection problem and devise innovative solutions to address related challenges.
This book provides comprehensive coverage of the field of outlier analysis from a computer science point of view. It integrates methods from data mining, machine learning, and statistics within the computational framework and therefore appeals to multiple communities. The chapters of this book can be organized into three categories: Basic algorithms: Chapters 1 through 7 discuss the fundamental algorithms for outlier analysis, including probabilistic and statistical methods, linear methods, proximity-based methods, high-dimensional (subspace) methods, ensemble methods, and supervised methods. Domain-specific methods: Chapters 8 through 12 discuss outlier detection algorithms for various domains of data, such as text, categorical data, time-series data, discrete sequence data, spatial data, and network data. Applications: Chapter 13 is devoted to various applications of outlier analysis. Some guidance is also provided for the practitioner. The second edition of this book is more detailed and is written to appeal to both researchers and practitioners. Significant new material has been added on topics such as kernel methods, one-class support-vector machines, matrix factorization, neural networks, outlier ensembles, time-series methods, and subspace methods. It is written as a textbook and can be used for classroom teaching.
This book discusses a variety of methods for outlier ensembles and organizes them by the specific principles with which accuracy improvements are achieved. In addition, it covers the techniques with which such methods can be made more effective. A formal classification of these methods is provided, and the circumstances in which they work well are examined. The authors cover how outlier ensembles relate (both theoretically and practically) to the ensemble techniques used commonly for other data mining problems like classification. The similarities and (subtle) differences in the ensemble techniques for the classification and outlier detection problems are explored. These subtle differences do impact the design of ensemble algorithms for the latter problem. This book can be used for courses in data mining and related curricula. Many illustrative examples and exercises are provided in order to facilitate classroom teaching. A familiarity is assumed to the outlier detection problem and also to generic problem of ensemble analysis in classification. This is because many of the ensemble methods discussed in this book are adaptations from their counterparts in the classification domain. Some techniques explained in this book, such as wagging, randomized feature weighting, and geometric subsampling, provide new insights that are not available elsewhere. Also included is an analysis of the performance of various types of base detectors and their relative effectiveness. The book is valuable for researchers and practitioners for leveraging ensemble methods into optimal algorithmic design.
Finding Data Anomalies You Didn't Know to Look For Anomaly detection is the detective work of machine learning: finding the unusual, catching the fraud, discovering strange activity in large and complex datasets. But, unlike Sherlock Holmes, you may not know what the puzzle is, much less what “suspects” you’re looking for. This O’Reilly report uses practical examples to explain how the underlying concepts of anomaly detection work. From banking security to natural sciences, medicine, and marketing, anomaly detection has many useful applications in this age of big data. And the search for anomalies will intensify once the Internet of Things spawns even more new types of data. The concepts described in this report will help you tackle anomaly detection in your own project. Use probabilistic models to predict what’s normal and contrast that to what you observe Set an adaptive threshold to determine which data falls outside of the normal range, using the t-digest algorithm Establish normal fluctuations in complex systems and signals (such as an EKG) with a more adaptive probablistic model Use historical data to discover anomalies in sporadic event streams, such as web traffic Learn how to use deviations in expected behavior to trigger fraud alerts
With the increasing advances in hardware technology for data collection, and advances in software technology (databases) for data organization, computer scientists have increasingly participated in the latest advancements of the outlier analysis field. Computer scientists, specifically, approach this field based on their practical experiences in managing large amounts of data, and with far fewer assumptions– the data can be of any type, structured or unstructured, and may be extremely large. Outlier Analysis is a comprehensive exposition, as understood by data mining experts, statisticians and computer scientists. The book has been organized carefully, and emphasis was placed on simplifying the content, so that students and practitioners can also benefit. Chapters will typically cover one of three areas: methods and techniques commonly used in outlier analysis, such as linear methods, proximity-based methods, subspace methods, and supervised methods; data domains, such as, text, categorical, mixed-attribute, time-series, streaming, discrete sequence, spatial and network data; and key applications of these methods as applied to diverse domains such as credit card fraud detection, intrusion detection, medical diagnosis, earth science, web log analytics, and social network analysis are covered.
Outlier (or anomaly) detection is a very broad field which has been studied in the context of a large number of research areas like statistics, data mining, sensor networks, environmental science, distributed systems, spatio-temporal mining, etc. Initial research in outlier detection focused on time series-based outliers (in statistics). Since then, outlier detection has been studied on a large variety of data types including high-dimensional data, uncertain data, stream data, network data, time series data, spatial data, and spatio-temporal data. While there have been many tutorials and surveys for general outlier detection, we focus on outlier detection for temporal data in this book. A large number of applications generate temporal datasets. For example, in our everyday life, various kinds of records like credit, personnel, financial, judicial, medical, etc., are all temporal. This stresses the need for an organized and detailed study of outliers with respect to such temporal data. In the past decade, there has been a lot of research on various forms of temporal data including consecutive data snapshots, series of data snapshots and data streams. Besides the initial work on time series, researchers have focused on rich forms of data including multiple data streams, spatio-temporal data, network data, community distribution data, etc. Compared to general outlier detection, techniques for temporal outlier detection are very different. In this book, we will present an organized picture of both recent and past research in temporal outlier detection. We start with the basics and then ramp up the reader to the main ideas in state-of-the-art outlier detection techniques. We motivate the importance of temporal outlier detection and brief the challenges beyond usual outlier detection. Then, we list down a taxonomy of proposed techniques for temporal outlier detection. Such techniques broadly include statistical techniques (like AR models, Markov models, histograms, neural networks), distance- and density-based approaches, grouping-based approaches (clustering, community detection), network-based approaches, and spatio-temporal outlier detection approaches. We summarize by presenting a wide collection of applications where temporal outlier detection techniques have been applied to discover interesting outliers. Table of Contents: Preface / Acknowledgments / Figure Credits / Introduction and Challenges / Outlier Detection for Time Series and Data Sequences / Outlier Detection for Data Streams / Outlier Detection for Distributed Data Streams / Outlier Detection for Spatio-Temporal Data / Outlier Detection for Temporal Network Data / Applications of Outlier Detection for Temporal Data / Conclusions and Research Directions / Bibliography / Authors' Biographies
This book enriches unsupervised outlier detection research by proposing several new distance-based and density-based outlier scores in a k-nearest neighbors’ setting. The respective chapters highlight the latest developments in k-nearest neighbor-based outlier detection research and cover such topics as our present understanding of unsupervised outlier detection in general; distance-based and density-based outlier detection in particular; and the applications of the latest findings to boundary point detection and novel object detection. The book also offers a new perspective on bridging the gap between k-nearest neighbor-based outlier detection and clustering-based outlier detection, laying the groundwork for future advances in unsupervised outlier detection research. The authors hope the algorithms and applications proposed here will serve as valuable resources for outlier detection researchers for years to come.
The problem of outliers is one of the oldest in statistics, and during the last century and a half interest in it has waxed and waned several times. Currently it is once again an active research area after some years of relative neglect, and recent work has solved a number of old problems in outlier theory, and identified new ones. The major results are, however, scattered amongst many journal articles, and for some time there has been a clear need to bring them together in one place. That was the original intention of this monograph: but during execution it became clear that the existing theory of outliers was deficient in several areas, and so the monograph also contains a number of new results and conjectures. In view of the enormous volume ofliterature on the outlier problem and its cousins, no attempt has been made to make the coverage exhaustive. The material is concerned almost entirely with the use of outlier tests that are known (or may reasonably be expected) to be optimal in some way. Such topics as robust estimation are largely ignored, being covered more adequately in other sources. The numerous ad hoc statistics proposed in the early work on the grounds of intuitive appeal or computational simplicity also are not discussed in any detail.
This book discusses the problems that can occur in data mining, including their sources, consequences, detection and treatment.
There is no royal road to science, and only those who do not dread the fatiguing climb of its steep paths have a chance of gaining its luminous summits. Karl Marx A Universial Genius of the 19th Century Many scientists from all over the world during the past two years since the MLDM 2007 have come along on the stony way to the sunny summit of science and have worked hard on new ideas and applications in the area of data mining in pattern r- ognition. Our thanks go to all those who took part in this year's MLDM. We appre- ate their submissions and the ideas shared with the Program Committee. We received over 205 submissions from all over the world to the International Conference on - chine Learning and Data Mining, MLDM 2009. The Program Committee carefully selected the best papers for this year’s program and gave detailed comments on each submitted paper. There were 63 papers selected for oral presentation and 17 papers for poster presentation. The topics range from theoretical topics for classification, clustering, association rule and pattern mining to specific data-mining methods for the different multimedia data types such as image mining, text mining, video mining and Web mining. Among these topics this year were special contributions to subtopics such as attribute discre- zation and data preparation, novelty and outlier detection, and distances and simila- ties.