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The field equations of Einstein's General Relativity are solved for an infinite universe with uniform density. One of the three solutions, the Infinite Universe of Einstein and Newton, fits all the data for the Hubble diagram better than the Big Bang. Next, using general relativity and the physics that evolved from Newton, the force of gravity between two massive point particles is found. Utilizing this force and the Infinite Universe of Einstein and Newton model, the net force of gravity on a point particle in arbitrary motion, due the uniform mass distribution of the universe, is calculated by integration. This net force of gravity is found to be equal to the Force of Inertia. These calculations explain Newton's First Law, Newton's Second Law, and the equivalence of inertial and gravitational mass. The middle of the book deals with the development of quantum mechanics. Here it is shown that hidden within the classical mechanics of particles there is the phase of a wave, associated with a particle, that moves at the speed of a de Broglie wave. The form of the phase of the wave is developed. Making use of the form of the phase, the Hamilton-Jacobi equation for a particle is setup to be solved using an integrating factor. The resulting equation is manipulated directly into the form of the Schrodinger equation. This development requires that the particle Hamilton-Jacobi equation has a solution whenever the Schrodinger equation has a solution and vice versa. The classical wave function is then shown to have exactly the same mathematical properties as the quantum mechanical wave function, including the fact that the absolute value squared of the classical wave function has the mathematical properties of a probability density. However, the interpretation that this is a probability density for the particle is shown not to hold. Lastly, the missing matter problem is resolved by showing that the dynamics and the mass of a spiral galaxy are better and more naturally explained by using ordinary physics with ordinary interacting matter than they are by postulating and using exotic weakly interacting dark matter.
For a thousand years, infinity has proven to be a difficult and illuminating challenge for mathematicians and theologians. It certainly is the strangest idea that humans have ever thought. Where did it come from and what is it telling us about our Universe? Can there actually be infinities? Is matter infinitely divisible into ever-smaller pieces? But infinity is also the place where things happen that don't. All manner of strange paradoxes and fantasies characterize an infinite universe. If our Universe is infinite then an infinite number of exact copies of you are, at this very moment, reading an identical sentence on an identical planet somewhere else in the Universe. Now Infinity is the darling of cutting edge research, the measuring stick used by physicists, cosmologists, and mathematicians to determine the accuracy of their theories. From the paradox of Zeno’s arrow to string theory, Cambridge professor John Barrow takes us on a grand tour of this most elusive of ideas and describes with clarifying subtlety how this subject has shaped, and continues to shape, our very sense of the world in which we live. The Infinite Book is a thoroughly entertaining and completely accessible account of the biggest subject of them all–infinity.
This book is for anyone who wants a fresh approach to modern physics. Are you tired of amusing anecdotes about scientists' personal lives and eureka moments? Bored of chronological narratives of scientific progress through the ages? No longer wowed by ideas like string theory? Interested in first principles thinking and what it can do for you? This book is for you. This book is designed to take you step by step through the fundamental principles that underlie the physics of space, time, and matter. It is a how-to guide for building up our universe from first principles. By posing questions and answering them with illustrations and examples, the book shows how we can demonstrate what we know about the universe with simple concepts and thought experiments. With this book, you too can apply first principles to build up your own model of the universe and how it works, one you can take with you, and apply it to other areas of your life such as your job, business, even your relationships. There are no complicated mathematics in this book and I have minimized the amount of jargon. Thus, it is suitable anyone of any educational background from high school on. The book aims to be straightforward about how we get from simple ideas to complex physical theories. So, if you are interested in a new way of looking at the universe and are not afraid to unlearn some of what you have learned, take a look inside.
This is a provocative account of the astounding new answers to the most basic philosophical question: Where did the universe come from and how will it end?
What happened before the primordial fire of the Big Bang: a theory about the ultimate origin of the universe. In the beginning was the Big Bang: an unimaginably hot fire almost fourteen billion years ago in which the first elements were forged. The physical theory of the hot nascent universe—the Big Bang—was one of the most consequential developments in twentieth-century science. And yet it leaves many questions unanswered: Why is the universe so big? Why is it so old? What is the origin of structure in the cosmos? In An Infinity of Worlds, physicist Will Kinney explains a more recent theory that may hold the answers to these questions and even explain the ultimate origins of the universe: cosmic inflation, before the primordial fire of the Big Bang. Kinney argues that cosmic inflation is a transformational idea in cosmology, changing our picture of the basic structure of the cosmos and raising unavoidable questions about what we mean by a scientific theory. He explains that inflation is a remarkable unification of inner space and outer space, in which the physics of the very large (the cosmos) meets the physics of the very small (elementary particles and fields), closing in a full circle at the first moment of time. With quantum uncertainty its fundamental feature, this new picture of cosmic origins introduces the possibility that the origin of the universe was of a quantum nature. Kinney considers the consequences of eternal cosmic inflation. Can we come to terms with the possibility that our entire observable universe is one of infinitely many, forever hidden from our view?
"The key message in "You Are Infinite, You Are Eternal, You Are God" is the most important wisdom anyone will learn in this life. The surprise, for many, is that this message has been affirmed throughout human history by our greatest visionaries, and is clearly implicit in certain areas of modern science. Mark Ellison's book is an important challenge to the deadening views of modern materialism. The earlier one acquires this teaching, the richer and happier life becomes. That is why his effort to inform young adults is crucial."~ Larry Dossey, MDAuthor: ONE MIND: How Our Individual Mind Is Part of a Greater Consciousness and Why It Matters"This is the story of the Cosmos, which is the story of God, which is the story of you. It is a breathtakingly epic journey through time and space, into eternity and divinity. Ancient history tells us. Indigenous cultures tell us. Enlightened masters, spiritual gurus, and modern philosophers tell us. And now modern science is finally catching up. The New Story of Cosmology is the overwhelming scientific evidence, that confirms what we have always intuitively known ? that We Are All One ? that the entire cosmos is one inextricably interconnected, and indivisible whole. As one with this whole then, You are not separate ? from me, from God, or from any ?other part? of creation. You are not a tiny, mortal shell in a sterile lifeless void. You are creation. You are Life itself. You are quite literally the extraordinarily magnificent One Whole All There Is. Put simply, The New Story of Cosmology is the radical scientific assuredness that:You Are Infinite,You Are Eternal,You Are God.And more importantly, You Are Me.This realisation will change your world.
Infinite Universe Theory presents the ultimate alternative to the Big Bang Theory and the common assumption that the universe had an origin. Author Glenn Borchardt starts with photos of the "elderly" galaxies at the observational edge of the universe and restates the fundamental assumptions that must underlie the new paradigm. He shows in detail how misinterpretations of relativity have aided current flights of fancy more in tune with religion than science.He demonstrates why only Infinite Universe Theory can provide answers to questions untouched by currently regressive physics and cosmogony. His new modification of gravitation theory gets us closer to its physical cause without calling upon attraction or curved spacetime.This the book for you if you have doubts about the universe exploding out of nothing and expanding in all directions at once, that the universe has more than three dimensions, or that light is a massless wave-particle that defies the Second Law of Thermodynamics. "What a great read! Thanks so much for a book full of great ideas. I love the Q&A format; it's very satisfying to have good answers to clearly stated questions." -Rick Dutkiewicz"Truly brilliant." -Jesse Witwer"A radical, daring, and innovative demolition of regressive physics, from the creation of 'something out of nothing' to the 'God Particle.'"-William Westmiller"Glenn Borchardt's book uses the hammer of Infinity to explain and destroy the junk theories that plague 'Official' physics today. This is a book that should be used in college courses, to give students a basic understanding of how physics is done. Physics has 'gone off the rails' for a century and it is books like Borchardt's that will return physics from its current unscientific and anti-materialist base and back on to a scientific and materialist road." - Mike Gimbel"What a fascinating read!"-Juan Calsiano
What happened before the primordial fire of the Big Bang: a theory about the ultimate origin of the universe. In the beginning was the Big Bang: an unimaginably hot fire almost fourteen billion years ago in which the first elements were forged. The physical theory of the hot nascent universe—the Big Bang—was one of the most consequential developments in twentieth-century science. And yet it leaves many questions unanswered: Why is the universe so big? Why is it so old? What is the origin of structure in the cosmos? In An Infinity of Worlds, physicist Will Kinney explains a more recent theory that may hold the answers to these questions and even explain the ultimate origins of the universe: cosmic inflation, before the primordial fire of the Big Bang. Kinney argues that cosmic inflation is a transformational idea in cosmology, changing our picture of the basic structure of the cosmos and raising unavoidable questions about what we mean by a scientific theory. He explains that inflation is a remarkable unification of inner space and outer space, in which the physics of the very large (the cosmos) meets the physics of the very small (elementary particles and fields), closing in a full circle at the first moment of time. With quantum uncertainty its fundamental feature, this new picture of cosmic origins introduces the possibility that the origin of the universe was of a quantum nature. Kinney considers the consequences of eternal cosmic inflation. Can we come to terms with the possibility that our entire observable universe is one of infinitely many, forever hidden from our view?
The Theory of Entirety© as its name suggests, encompasses the entirety of creation—both visible and invisible, spanning all ages and dimensions, known and unknown. This groundbreaking work explores the interplay between faster-than-light phenomena and singularity, presenting a unified nature of the infinite cosmos in which our universe is exponentially expanding. In other word, The Theory of Entirety© posits that the universe and multiple universes originated from a timeless, pre-existing state called Entirety. This state was achieved through instantaneous speed faster than light, in no time. Within this serene and eternal state, any occurrence of a Big Bang results in the birth of a universe or multiverse with a date of origin. The Big Bang, which happened 13.8 billion years ago, created the universe within this state. Entirety remains a fundamental, unchanging source, unlike the manipulable universe. To express this profound concept, the book introduces two aspects of a revolutionary formula, both extending beyond Einstein's energy equation of E=mc². In contrast to this, Entirety is basically explained as ∑ = č²(0) =1 ∝ ∞. This notation encapsulates the idea of entirety as a singular, indivisible entity that includes all cosmic phenomena achieved in no time consumed ever (0). This equation can be expressed two aspects to provide same valuable perspectives on its core concept: [I] ∑ = č²(0) ∝ ∞: This equation emphasizes the timelessness and the instantaneous aspect of the entirety. By incorporating "zero time," it suggests that the state of entirety is achieved without any temporal duration, highlighting a key aspect of the infinite and eternal nature of the cosmos. This perspective aligns well with the idea of Entirety being beyond the constraints of time and space. [II] ∑ = č²1 ∝ ∞: This equation emphasizes the singularity and indivisibility of the cosmic void. By using "1" to represent the unique cosmic void, it underscores the foundational and unified nature of the entirety. This perspective aligns well with the idea of Entirety as a singular, unified entity encompassing all cosmic phenomena. Unlike the Universe, Entirety is infinite, indivisible, cannot be added with anything, cannot be reduced in any manner, nor can be multiplied or is non-multipliable, meaning the conventional mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication, which are applicable in empirical mathematics, are inapplicable when dealing with the Entirety. The Entirety is absolute, represented by the cosmic void as "1", encompassing everything within it. This characteristic emphasizes the uniqueness and singularity of the Entirety, setting it apart from the finite and measurable universe. Closer to the Concept of Entirety Given that Entirety encompasses both the timeless nature and the singular, indivisible state, ∑ = č²(0) ∝ ∞ might be slightly closer to the concept of Entirety as it captures the essential idea of being beyond time, which is a fundamental characteristic of an infinite and unified cosmos. This equation highlights the instantaneous aspect of achieving this state, resonating with the notion of Entirety as a state that transcends temporal and spatial limitations. However, both equations together provide a comprehensive understanding of Entirety, incorporating both its timelessness and its foundational singularity. They complement each other in expressing the full scope of the concept so in the book, both aspects have been explained gradually. Proposing this unique equation marks a significant advancement in modern physics for several reasons: 1. It provides tangible substantiation of spiritual statements. 2. It redefines the universe as a smaller unit within the entirety. 3. It confirms the existence of an outer cosmic phenomenon. 4. It extends Einstein's energy equation, breaking its previous limits. 5. It offers exceptional insights into the concept of the Cosmic Void ...and much more, but where the Core Ideas of The Theory of Entirety© are : 1. The universe is part of a larger, unified, and infinite entity called the Entirety. 2. Everything within the Entirety is interconnected, forming a single, indivisible whole. 3. The Entirety is timeless, existing beyond the limitations of time and space. 4. The cosmic void is not just empty space, but a fundamental aspect of the Entirety, representing its singularity and indivisibility. The Theory of Entirety© thus explores the profound mysteries of existence. It bridges the gap between science and spirituality, offering innovative perspectives on the nature of the cosmos. For more information and to follow this groundbreaking work, visit author's personal website at
A Leading Figure in the Development of the New Cosmology Explains What It All Means Among his peers, Alex Vilenkin is regarded as one of the most imaginative and creative cosmologists of our time. His contributions to our current understanding of the universe include a number of novel ideas, two of which—eternal cosmic inflation and the quantum creation of the universe from nothing—have provided a scientific foundation for the possible existence of multiple universes. With this book—his first for the general reader—Vilenkin joins another select group: the handful of first-rank scientists who are equally adept at explaining their work to nonspecialists. With engaging, well-paced storytelling, a droll sense of humor, and a generous sprinkling of helpful cartoons, he conjures up a bizarre and fascinating new worldview that—to paraphrase Niels Bohr—just might be crazy enough to be true.