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Obra que proporciona pautas comunes para unificar objetivos, contenidos y criterios de evaluación en los centros participantes.
The sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick plays a significant role in the lives of many throughout the Church, but confusion over the sacrament can result in individuals not receiving this important comfort from the Church. Understanding Sacramental Healing: Anointing and Viaticum explores the rich history of the sacrament and addresses the changes that have occurred since the Second Vatican Council by providing a theological basis for the history and pastoral practice of the sacrament of the sick. Father John Kasza offers a cohesive and concise synthesis of the disciplines of theology, canon law, medicine, anthropology, and liturgy geared toward assisting the practitioner in using the ritual to the fullest extent possible. He also builds a greater appreciation of the sacrament and its part in the Church's role as healer in today's society. By recognizing the theological tradition of the sacrament of the sick, Understanding Sacramental Healing: Anointing and Viaticum becomes an incisive reflection on the current state of the sacrament that will bring all-priest sand ministers of care-to a greater understanding of the sacrament. The author examines: -The liturgical development of the sacrament in light of the Second Vatican Council. -The practical implementation of the sacrament in both parish and diocesan venues in the 40 years since the close of the Council. -The nature of illness, how illness affects someone, and how the Church responds to those suffering from an illness. -The criteria for the reception of the sacrament and how its use may be broadened.
Institut Universitari de Lingüística Aplicada (IULA).\nUniversitat Pompeu Fabra.\nSèrie Activitats, 15.\nLa lexicografia exigeix rigor, amplitud, complexitat i laboriositat. L'interès actual és tenir diccionaris variats i idonis des de perspectives diverses i per a tot tipus d'usuaris variats. El I Symposium Internacional de Lexicografia va convidar a considerar l'activitat lexicogràfica des d'un horitzó obert, que enllaci, uneixi i travi les nostres llengües amb unes altres i els productes de les quals representin realment una ajuda, ja que el gènere comú o descriptor de tot tipus de diccionari és el terme instrument; de precisió, si pot ser.\n
Lexicography requires rigour, a broad scope, complexity and diligence. The current interest is for having varied and ideal dictionaries from diverse perspectives and for all types of users. The I International Symposium on Lexicography invited the consideration of lexicographical activity from an open perspective that links and unites languages together, considering its output a real help, since what links all dictionaries is that they are all instruments, and precision ones if possible.
«Reflexiones sobre el sacerdocio bajo sus aspectos teológicos, filosóficos, pastorales, morales y litúrgicos, podría ser un subtítulo de la erudita obra: SACERDOTES PARA SIEMPRE del Padre CARLOS MIGUEL BUELA, Fundador del “Instituto del Verbo Encarnado” para misioneros ad Gentes y de las “Servidoras del Señor y de la Virgen de Matará”. Y con decir esto, ya tenemos sobrada presentación para acreditar al autor, como experto en vocaciones sacerdotales y religiosas. Al respetable volumen de la obra, con más de 800 páginas, se agrega la fluidez y calidad de su escritura, constituyendo un arsenal de citas de textos escogidos de la Biblia, los Santos Padres, Mensajes Pontificios y Documentos Conciliares, especialmente de Trento y Vaticano II, síntesis este último Concilio Pastoral, de toda la doctrina católica, compendiada a su vez en el Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica» (Pbro. Victorino Ortego. Tomado del prólogo del libro).