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Dynamics of billiard balls and their role in physics have received wide attention since the monumental lecture by Lord Kelvin at the turn of the 19th century. Billiards can nowadays be created as quantum dots in the microscopic world enabling one to envisage the so-called quantum chaos, i.e.quantum manifestation of chaos of billiard balls. In fact, owing to recent progress in advanced technology, nanoscale quantum dots, such as chaotic stadium and antidot lattices analogous to the Sinai Billiard, can be fabricated at the interface of semiconductor heterojunctions. This book begins itsexploration of the effect of chaotic electron dynamics on ballistic quantum transport in quantum dots with a puzzling experiment on resistance fluctuations for stadium and circle dots. Throughout the text, major attention is paid to the semiclassical theory which makes it possible to interpretquantum phenomena in the language of the classical world. Chapters one to four are concerned with the elementary statistical methods (curvature, Lyapunov exponent, Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy and escape rate), which are needed for a semiclassical description of transport in quantum dots. Chapters fiveto ten discuss the topical subjects in the field, including the ballistic weak localization, Altshuler-Aronov-Spivak oscillation, partial time-reversal symmetry, persistent current, Arnold diffusion and Coulomb blockade.
This book provides a comprehensive overview of our understanding of chaotic behaviour in quantum systems.
Quantum Information Processing and Communication (QIPC) has the potential to revolutionize many areas of science and technology. This book covers the following topics: introduction to quantum computing; quantum logic, information and entanglement; quantum algorithms; error-correcting codes for quantum computations; quantum communication; and more."
Spectral twinkling: A new example of singularity-dominated strong fluctuations (summary) / M. Berry -- Quantum chaos in GaAs/AlxGa1-x As microstructures / A. M. Chang -- Ground state spin and Coulomb blockade peak motion in chaotic quantum dots / J. A. Folk ... [et al.] -- Quantum chaos and transport phenomena in quantum dots / A. S. Sachrajda -- Conductance of a ballistic electron billiard in a magnetic field: Does the semiclassical approach apply? / T. Blomquist and I. Zozoulenko -- Semiconductor billiards - a controlled environment to study fractals / R. P. Taylor ... [et al.] -- Experimental signatures of wavefunction scarring in open semiconductor billiards / J. P. Bird, R. Akis, and D. K. Ferry -- Chaos in quantum ratchets / H. Linke ... [et al.] -- Statistics of resonances in open billiards / H. Ishio -- The exterior and interior edge states of magnetic billiards: Spectral statistics and correlations / K. Hornberger and U. Smilansky -- Non-universality of chaotic classical dynamics: implications for quantum chaos / M. Wilkinson -- Chaos and interactions in quantum dots / Y. Alhassid -- Stochastic aspects of many-body systems: The embedded Gaussian ensembles / H. A. Weidenmuller -- Quantum-classical correspondence for isolated systems of interacting particles: Localization and ergodicity energy space / F. M. Izrailev -- Effect of symmetry breaking on statistical distributions / G. E. Mitchell and J. F. Shriner, Jr. -- Quantum chaos and quantum computers / D. L. Shepelyansky -- Disorder and quantum chronodynamics - non-linear [symbol] models / T. Guhr and T. Wilke -- Correlations between periodic orbits and their role in spectral statistics / M. Sieber and K. Richeter -- Quantum spectra and wave functions in terms of periodic orbits for weakly chaotic systems / R. E. Prange, R. Narevich and O. Zaitsev -- Bifurcation of periodic orbit as semiclassical origin of superdeformed shell structure / K. Matsuyanagi -- Wavefunction localization and its semiclassical description in a 3-dimensional system with mixed classical dynamics / M. Brack, M. Sieber and S. M. Reimann -- Neutron stars and quantum billiards / A. Bulgac and P. Magierski -- Scars and other weak localization effects in classically chaotic systems / E. J. Heller -- Tunneling and chaos / S. Tomsovic -- Relaxation and fluctuations in quantum chaos / G. Casati -- Rydberg electrons in crossed fields: A paradigm for nonlinear dynamics beyond two degrees of freedom / T. Uzer -- Classical analysis of correlated multiple ionization in strong fields / B. Eckhardt and K. Sacha -- Classically forbidden processes in photoabsorption spectra / J. B. Delos ... [et al.] -- Quantum Hall effect breakdown steps due to an instability of laminar flow against electron-hole pair formation / L. Eaves -- Dynamical and wave chaos in the Bose-Einstein condensate / W. P. Reinhardt and S. B. McKinney -- Wave dynamical chaos: An experimental approach in billiards / A. Richter -- Acoustic chaos / C. Ellegaard, K. Schaadt and P. Bertelsen -- Ultrasound resonances in a rectangular plate described by random matrices / K. Schaadt, G. Simon and C. Ellegaard -- Quantum correlations and classical resonances in an open chaotic system / W. T. Lu ... [et al.] -- Why do an experiment, if theory is exact, and any experiment can at best approximate theory? / H.-J. Stockmann -- Wave-Chaotic optical resonators and lasers / A. D. Stone -- Angular momentum localization in oval billiards / J. U. Nockel -- Chaos and time-reversed acoustics / M. Fink -- Single-mode delay time statistics for scattering by a chaotic cavity / K. J. H. van Bemmel, H. Schomerus and C. W. J. Beenakker.