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The contributions in this volume aim to deepen understanding of some of the current research problems and theories in modern topics such as calculus of variations, optimization theory, complex analysis, real analysis, differential equations, and geometry. Applications to these areas of mathematics are presented within the broad spectrum of research in Engineering Science with particular emphasis on equilibrium problems, complexity in numerical optimization, dynamical systems, non-smooth optimization, complex network analysis, statistical models and data mining, and energy systems. Additional emphasis is given to interdisciplinary research, although subjects are treated in a unified and self-contained manner. The presentation of methods, theory and applications makes this tribute an invaluable reference for teachers, researchers, and other professionals interested in pure and applied research, philosophy of mathematics, and mathematics education. Some review papers published in this volume will be particularly useful for a broader audience of readers as well as for graduate students who search for the latest information. ​ Constantin Carathéodory’s wide-ranging influence in the international mathematical community was seen during the first Fields Medals awards at the International Congress of Mathematicians, Oslo, 1936. Two medals were awarded, one to Lars V. Ahlfors and one to Jesse Douglass. It was Carathéodory who presented both their works during the opening of the International Congress. This volume contains significant papers in Science and Engineering dedicated to the memory of Constantin Carathéodory and the spirit of his mathematical influence.
This book addresses extensible and adaptable computing, a broad range of methods and techniques used to systematically tackle the future growth of systems and respond proactively and seamlessly to change. The book is divided into five main sections: Agile Software Development, Data Management, Web Intelligence, Machine Learning and Computing in Education. These sub-domains of computing work together in mutually complementary ways to build systems and applications that scale well, and which can successfully meet the demands of changing times and contexts. The topics under each track have been carefully selected to highlight certain qualitative aspects of applications and systems, such as scalability, flexibility, integration, efficiency and context awareness. The first section (Agile Software Development) includes six contributions that address related issues, including risk management, test case prioritization and tools, open source software reliability and predicting the change proneness of software. The second section (Data Management) includes discussions on myriad issues, such as extending database caches using solid-state devices, efficient data transmission, healthcare applications and data security. In turn, the third section (Machine Learning) gathers papers that investigate ML algorithms and present their specific applications such as portfolio optimization, disruption classification and outlier detection. The fourth section (Web Intelligence) covers emerging applications such as metaphor detection, language identification and sentiment analysis, and brings to the fore web security issues such as fraud detection and trust/reputation systems. In closing, the fifth section (Computing in Education) focuses on various aspects of computer-aided pedagogical methods.
The purpose of this assessment of the fusion energy sciences program of the Department of Energy's (DOE's) Office of Science is to evaluate the quality of the research program and to provide guidance for the future program strategy aimed at strengthening the research component of the program. The committee focused its review of the fusion program on magnetic confinement, or magnetic fusion energy (MFE), and touched only briefly on inertial fusion energy (IFE), because MFE-relevant research accounts for roughly 95 percent of the funding in the Office of Science's fusion program. Unless otherwise noted, all references to fusion in this report should be assumed to refer to magnetic fusion. Fusion research carried out in the United States under the sponsorship of the Office of Fusion Energy Sciences (OFES) has made remarkable strides over the years and recently passed several important milestones. For example, weakly burning plasmas with temperatures greatly exceeding those on the surface of the Sun have been created and diagnosed. Significant progress has been made in understanding and controlling instabilities and turbulence in plasma fusion experiments, thereby facilitating improved plasma confinement-remotely controlling turbulence in a 100-million-degree medium is a premier scientific achievement by any measure. Theory and modeling are now able to provide useful insights into instabilities and to guide experiments. Experiments and associated diagnostics are now able to extract enough information about the processes occurring in high-temperature plasmas to guide further developments in theory and modeling. Many of the major experimental and theoretical tools that have been developed are now converging to produce a qualitative change in the program's approach to scientific discovery. The U.S. program has traditionally been an important source of innovation and discovery for the international fusion energy effort. The goal of understanding at a fundamental level the physical processes governing observed plasma behavior has been a distinguishing feature of the program.