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This book explains how the entire universe can be created using just two ingredients: nothing at all and the Principle of Sufficient Reason (PSR). Why would you need anything else? Nothing else could do the job. Existence, believe it or not, is just dimensionless mathematical points moving according to the PSR. Come and find out how the PSR accomplishes it.
The universe is a mathematical hologram. It's made of ontological mathematics. It's a living, thinking, self-optimising holographic organism composed of immortal, indestructible, ontological mathematical units called monads, defined by the most powerful and beautiful equation in the whole of mathematics: Euler's Formula. Monads have a much more resonant name: souls. We all inhabit Soul World, a wondrous immaterial Singularity outside space and time. Our souls are individual mathematical singularities: autonomous, uncaused, uncreated, dimensionless frequency domains. Via Fourier mathematics, these imperishable, immaterial monadic souls can collectively create the spacetime domain of the material world. Where each soul is a single frequency domain, the material world of space and time is their collective Fourier output. What is "matter"? It's simply dimensional energy: energy existing in the Fourier spacetime domain rather than in the Fourier dimensionless frequency domain. Welcome to Soul World.
Ontological mathematics is the rational and logical explanation of everything. Where did it come from? If you wish to develop a profound understanding of ontological mathematics, the science that will shape the future of the human race, you need to know the context in which it evolved, and how it diverged from scientific materialism. Ontological mathematics is the subject that accomplished what scientific materialism considered impossible. It inserted mind into science, via the most powerful analytic formula in all of mathematics. What went wrong with how scientists think about reality, leading them into systemic error? This is the extraordinary tale of how the ultimate intellectual revolution unfolded in its earliest phase.
The universe is a vast thought, a cosmic process of thinking, a living organism seeking to know itself. It thinks about itself all the time, and what it wants to know is exactly what it is. The task of the universal thought is to become conscious of itself, to become entirely self-aware, to attain Absolute Knowledge of itself. The secret of thought is that it is the purest and clearest energy of all - light energy. Your mind is an immaterial electromagnetic system outside space and time. When all of us become "enlightened", the resultant state of the universe is the "God State" of perfect light, perfect reason, perfect knowledge, perfect understanding, perfect symmetry, perfect consciousness, and perfect bliss. God is in his heaven and all is right with the universe. This is the State that awaits us all, and which some humans - the enlightened ones - are actually bringing about right now. Don't you want to be one of the Illuminated Ones?
Are you ready to become one of the dream sorcerers? Discover the extraordinary relationship between the unconscious and conscious minds, between ordinary dreaming, lucid dreaming, ordinary waking and lucid waking. How can you get from lucid dreaming to an out-of-body experience? What is the relationship between out-of-body experiences and near-death experiences? Is a Collective Consciousness – a God Consciousness – possible? Can we all optimize our individual conscious minds and become individual gods? Is dreaming the key to our divine journey? If we crack the Dream Code, will we become as gods, able to make any reality we please?! Join the Dream Team. Make all your dreams come true. It's time to change the world into a theater of dreams. As Shakespeare said, "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players; they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts ..."
Ancient cultures were faced with two immense problems. Why is there something rather than nothing and why is the universe ordered rather than chaotic? To answer these questions, they invented cosmologies, which were also the basis of their religious beliefs. A person's cosmological and religious beliefs are always interdependent. The ordered universe of the ancients was divided into four: 1) the World (that we inhabit), 2) the Overworld (the sky and heavens that the gods inhabit), 3) the Underworld (that the dead inhabit), and 4) Dreamworld (the mysterious zone between sleep and death that connects the living, dead and the gods). This is the incredible story of these four worlds and how they have influenced the development of all human thought, right up to the present day.
You think you understand Rupert Sheldrake's theory of formative causation and morphic resonance? You have no idea how deep the rabbit hole goes. Sitting beneath his theory is the most extraordinary theory of all, the theory that changes everything.
The New Way Is there a better way of doing physics that retains the best of current physics while going far beyond it? Physics is currently based on the claim – and claim it most certainly is – that physics deals with something real (let's call that real thing "matter", though there is no ontological definition of matter) and it can be somehow analyzed by an unreal, manmade abstraction, namely mathematics. But what happens if you accept a different assertion, one that makes mathematics not an abstraction but a concrete reality, an ontology? As soon as you make mathematics real, you cast doubt on the reality of matter. But do we need to make a definitive choice? Why not operate both systems – one based on mathematics as real, and one based on matter as real – and then try to find a way to synthesize these different views? Kant, with his transcendental idealism, sought to reconcile empiricism and rationalism. Ontics seeks to reconcile the empiricism of materialism and the rationalism of mathematics. Ontics, via ontological mathematics, gives mind a reality that is entirely absent in materialism. So, with science on the one hand and ontological mathematics on the other hand, body and soul, matter and mind can start to be brought together into a single system. Isn't explaining mind science's biggest challenge? Ontological mathematics provides that exact capacity! Isn't it time for the ultimate paradigm shift? Isn't it time for an intellectual revolution, for a true age of reason?!
Existence is mathematical music, and all of us are the instruments playing the cosmic symphony. Our task is simple – to arrive not at any old music, but the finest music that can possibly be played. The ideal music is reached when every player is in perfect harmony with every other player, and not a single discordant note is played. The orchestra is as one, and there are no disruptive soloists trying to play their own song. It takes the lifetime of the universe to arrive at this perfect music. Every disruptive soloist has to be brought into the collective orchestra. Who is the Devil? He's the final hold-out, the last player to be integrated into the orchestra. Who is the conductor of the orchestra? It's Abraxas, the first God, the first to play a tuneful song and recruit others to his song. Whose side are you on?
A book attacking the ideology of Richard Dawkins is invariably assumed to be a defence of religious faith. Nothing could be further from the truth in this case. This book equates faith with insanity. Instead, it argues that we live in the hyperrational reality of ontological mathematics. We attack the scientific dogma of Dawkins and his fellow travellers for being incompatible with ontological mathematics, and, in fact, constituting a quasi-religious (hence mad) faith in empiricism, materialism, randomness and meaninglessness (nihilism), all of which are refuted by ontological mathematics, which reflects the principle of sufficient reason. Are you rational enough for the truth? Are you intelligent enough to be an ontological mathematician? Many are called, few are chosen.