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This second of two volumes on issues surrounding oil and gas examines a succession of fundamental changes in the European energy economy during the last 40 years. Examined are the reasons why imported oil replaced indigenous coal as the primary energy source in the early post–World War II period; the discovery and exploitation of the North Sea basin’s hydrocarbons resources; and the evolution of the continent’s natural gas markets from the early 1960s, when it accounted for less than two percent of total energy used, to the current contribution of more than 25 percent and an expected eventual share of 35 percent of Europe’s energy supply. These powerful and complex dynamics of Europe’s energy sector are then put in the context of the broader political and economic structures and policies that have emerged over the last four decades.
The history of the European oil and gas industry reflects local as well as global political events, economic constraints and the personal endeavours of individual petroleum geoscientists as much as it does the development of technologies and the underlying geology of the region. The first commercial oil wells in Europe were drilled in Poland in 1853, Romania in 1857, Germany in 1859 and Italy in 1860. The 23 papers in this volume focus on the history and heritage of the oil and gas industry in the key European oil-producing countries from the earliest onshore drilling to its development into the modern industry that we know today. The contributors chronicle the main events and some of the major players that shaped the industry in Europe. The volume also marks several important anniversaries, including 150 years of oil exploration in Poland and Romania, the centenary of the drilling of the first oil well in the UK and 50 years of oil production from onshore Spain.
"The Cold War was not simply a duel of superpowers. It took place not just in Washington and Moscow, but also in the social and political arenas of geographically far-flung countries emerging from colonial rule. Moreover, Cold War tensions were manifest not only in global political disputes, but also in struggles over technology. Technological systems and expertise offered a powerful way to shape countries politically, economically, socially, and culturally. [This book] explores how Cold War politics, imperialism, and postcolonial nation building became entangled in technologies and considers the legacies of those entanglements for today's globalized world. The essays address such topics as the islands and atolls taken over for military and technological purposes by the supposedly non-imperial United States, apartheid-era South Africa's efforts to achieve international legitimacy as a nuclear nation, international technical assistance and Cold War politics, the Saudi irrigation system that spurred a Shi'i rebellion, and the momentary technopolitics of emergency as practiced by Medecins sans Fronti?res"--Publisher description.
Russia’s use of its vast energy resources for leverage against post-Soviet states such as Ukraine is widely recognized as a threat. Yet we cannot understand this danger without also understanding the opportunity that Russian energy represents. From corruption-related profits to transportation-fee income to subsidized prices, many within these states have benefited by participating in Russian energy exports. To understand Russian energy power in the region, it is necessary to look at the entire value chain—including production, processing, transportation, and marketing—and at the full spectrum of domestic and external actors involved, from Gazprom to regional oligarchs to European Union regulators. This book follows Russia’s three largest fossil-fuel exports—natural gas, oil, and coal—from production in Siberia through transportation via Ukraine to final use in Germany in order to understand the tension between energy as threat and as opportunity. Margarita M. Balmaceda reveals how this dynamic has been a key driver of political development in post-Soviet states in the period between independence in 1991 and Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014. She analyzes how the physical characteristics of different types of energy, by shaping how they can be transported, distributed, and even stolen, affect how each is used—not only technically but also politically. Both a geopolitical travelogue of the journey of three fossil fuels across continents and an incisive analysis of technology’s role in fossil-fuel politics and economics, this book offers new ways of thinking about energy in Eurasia and beyond.
Britain's maritime tradition is well documented. The management of its marine and coastal environment is therefore of tantamount importance, and offers lessons for other nations across the world. The beginning of the new millennium marks a major, long-term turning point in the historical development of Britain's maritime interest discernible by continued diversification and intensification in the uses of the sea; unprecedented and often adverse environmental impacts engendered by these uses; and the beginning of a major effort to establish a comprehensive management system which can deal with both multiple uses and environmental impacts. This collection, featuring an impressive list of contributors, covers themes including maritime history, environmental issues, public policy, tourism, technology and resources as well as open sea development and management. It is a useful addition for those interested in geography, the environment, maritime studies and also engineering.
The entangled threat of crime, corruption, and terrorism now deserves high-level policy attention because of its growth trajectory. Using lively case studies, this book analyzes the transformation of crime and terrorism and the business logic of terrorism. Louise I. Shelley concludes that corruption, crime, and terrorism will remain important security challenges in the twenty-first century as a result of economic and demographic inequalities in the world, the rise of ethnic and sectarian violence, climate change, the growth of technology, and the failure of nineteenth- and twentieth-century institutions to respond to these challenges when they emerged.
Modern societies face several structural problems such as transport congestion and greenhouse gas emissions due to the widespread use of fossil fuels. To address these important societal problems and achieve sustainability in the broad sense, major transformations are required, but this poses an enormous challenge given the complexity of the processes involved. Such transformations are called 'transitions' or 'system innovations' and involve changes in a variety of elements, including technology, regulation, user practices and markets, cultural meaning and infrastructure. This book considers two main questions: how do system innovations or transitions come about and how can they be influenced by different actors, in particular by governments. The authors identify the theories which can be used to conceptualise the dynamics of system innovations and discuss the weaknesses in these theories. They also look at the lessons which can be learned from historical examples of transitions, and highlight the instruments and policy tools which can be used to stimulate future system innovations towards sustainability. The expert contributors address these questions using insights from a variety of different disciplines including innovation studies, evolutionary economics, the sociology of technology, environmental analysis and governance studies. The book concludes with an extensive summary of the results and practical suggestions for future research. This important new volume offers an interdisciplinary assessment of how and why system innovations occur. It will engage and inform academics and researchers interested in transitions towards sustainability, and will also be highly relevant for policymakers concerned with environmental issues, structural change and radical innovation.
“Hard-hitting and comprehensive, Develay’s investigative treatise uncovers the real nexus of Ukrainian and U.S. Democratic Party establishment corruption. For anyone interested in what really happened, this book should be at the top of their reading list.” Patrick Henningsen, journalist and founder of 21st Century Wire The freight train that is the conflict in Ukraine inexorably advances to its final destination. Each one of its passengers feels inextricably trapped onboard as the infernal machine acquires more speed and time runs out for an off-ramp. For years, the exit signs have succeeded one another so as to turn into an ever more indistinguishable blur: The Minsk Agreements, the late 2021 Russian proposal to Washington on security guarantees, the aborted peace negotiations held in Istanbul at the onset of the war. All that remains is the (increasing) background noise of random security experts, pundits and occasional reality-based politicians offering the notion that maybe Ukraine might just not be able to win the West’s proxy war with Russia. Why won’t sensible heads in Washington own up to the situation and call it a day? Why does the West keep sending Ukraine billions of dollars better spent at home while exhorting Ukraine to send countless young (and old and female) Ukrainians to certain death? What is it about Ukraine that seems to prevent the foreign policy Blob from finding a way out, as happened in Korea, Viet-Nam and Cambodia? Can it be because Ukraine remains to this day the exclusive playground of a concentration of interests which, taken all together, constitute a who’s who of the Washington Establishment—including DARPA, DTRA, the EcoHealth Alliance, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to name but a few. For years, Kiev had served as a home away from home to US political figures and their offspring, furthering Ukraine’s deserved reputation for being one of the most corrupt places on Earth. For years, Ukraine offered all of them opportunities to advance their respective projects and operate with total impunity. Arnaud Develay dives into the murky waters of Washington’s “external management” of Ukraine dating back to the infamous Maidan coup d’état and extending forward to include the political weaponization of law and elections foibles, past and forthcoming, reflecting the fracturing of the American political class. It’s one hell of an expose, full of the nitty-gritty on how America seems ready and willing to tear itself apart.