Download Free Oecd Multi Level Governance Studies Making The Most Of Public Investment In A Tight Fiscal Environment Multi Level Governance Lessons From The Crisis Book in PDF and EPUB Free Download. You can read online Oecd Multi Level Governance Studies Making The Most Of Public Investment In A Tight Fiscal Environment Multi Level Governance Lessons From The Crisis and write the review.

During the crisis, many countries invested in infrastructure as part of their stimulus packages, and sub-national governments played an implementing role. This book examines the challenges faced in multi-level governance.
During the crisis, many countries invested in infrastructure as part of their stimulus packages, and sub-national governments played an implementing role. This book examines the challenges faced in multi-level governance.
Almost two-thirds of public investment is undertaken by sub-national governments and major projects often involve multiple government levels. This report dissects the relationships different government actors form vertically, across levels, and horizontally, across both sectors and jurisdictions
Over 2008-11, most OECD countries switched from highly expansive fiscal policies to the tightest in decades. During the crisis and subsequent recession in 2008-09, many OECD and G20 countries implemented stimulus packages, which in some cases amounted to 4% or more of GDP. On the expenditure side, the fiscal programmes typically focused on public investment. Given their large traditional role in public investment in OECD countries, sub-national governments (SNGs) have played an important role in implementing investment recovery strategies. For future investment strategies it is important to learn about obstacles encountered across levels of government and the instruments that facilitated implementation. The crisis has made more obvious the multi-level governance challenges - in particular fiscal, policy, capacity or administrative challenges - that are inherent to decentralised political systems. Co-ordination across levels of government has proven critical for targeting investment priorities, ensuring coherence in fiscal policy and facilitating the implementation of national strategies during the crisis. As stimulus packages are phased out, many countries are planning some combination of spending cuts and tax increases in 2011-12. To avoid simply shifting the problem from the centre to the regions, co-ordinated efforts from all levels of government are required to accommodate appropriate budget cuts for fiscal consolidation and better prioritise investment in what unlocks each region?s potential to restore growth. Both the stimulus and the process of fiscal consolidation highlight the need to foster and improve policy co-ordination, transparency and information sharing across levels of government.
This report takes stock of discussions between academics and country practitioners on opportunities to improve the design and delivery of regional development policies in a series of seminars organised during 2017 by the OECD and the European Commission. What can governments do to enhance ...
This report provides an overview of “multi-level governance” reforms in OECD countries. It includes case studies on Finland, France, Italy, Japan and New Zealand.
This study examines the multi-level governance framework for public investment in Colombia.
This report provides an overview of the institutional and financial relations across levels of government that enables policymakers evaluate their position and identify good practices for mobilizing sub-central governments for national growth, equity and stability objectives.
In recent decades, federal and unitary countries have increasingly adopted or deepened regional governance reforms, especially in the OECD and Europe, but also in Asia, America and to a lesser extent Africa. Approximately two-thirds of countries around the world have increased the power of regions over the last 50 years.
This report focuses on the challenges of governing infrastructure investment and public-private partnerships (PPPs) at the subnational level. Subnational governments – cities and regions – play a vital role in the infrastructure landscape.