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This paper describes the design and implementation of an object-oriented simulation environment called OZ for the Superconducting Super Collider (SSC). The design applies object-oriented technology to data visualization, behavior modelling, dynamic simulation and version control. A meta class structure is proposed to model different types of objects in large systems by their functionality. OZ provides a direct-manipulation user interface which allows the user to visualize the data as an object in the database and interactively model the component of the system. Modelling can be exercised at different levels of the class hierarchy and then can be dynamically bound into a system for simulation. Inheritance is used to derive new configurations of the system or subsystem from the existing one, and specify an object's behavior. Delegation is used to construct a system by instantiating existing objects and ''stealing'' their methods by delegators.
IISSC '89 was a tremendous success. A total of 635 people attended this educational forum which was dedicated to further the understanding of the design, construction and operation of the Superconducting Supercollider (SSC). A total of 110 presentations and addresses were given. The topics discussed covered .all aspects of the SSC including: Magnet Technology Cryogenics Conventional Facilities Technical Systems Detectors Related Accelerator Technology Superconducting Wire/Cable ApproXimately 38% of the presentations addressed superconducting magnet technology, 16% were devoted to detector technology, 10% addressed superconducting wire/ cable, and the balance was equally split between the remaining topics. A special award was presented to Professor M. Tigner for his meritorious contribution to the Superconducting Supercollider (SSC). The award was presented on behalf of the IISSC Board of Directors. Keynote speakers included: Gerald 'Bachy, CERN Joe Barton, Representative from Texas, 6th Disctrict Ed Bingler, Exec. Director, Texas National Research Laboratory Commission James Decker, Deputy Director, Office of Energy Research, (DOE) Helen Edwards, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory M. G. D. Gilchriese, SSC Central Design Group Robert Hunter, Director, Office of Energy Research, (DOE) Leon Lederman, Director, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Roy Schwitters, Director, SSC Laboratory Alvin Trivelpiece, Director, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Gus Voss, DESY Highlights of the symposium included two panel sessions. The first panel discussed the growing role of industry in accelerator technology. The second panel addressed the congressional perspective on SSe. Industrial Panel Congressional Panel J. R. Faulkner, Varian-Continental Joe Barton (R), Texas, 6th Dist.
The Second International Industrialization Symposium on the Supercollider, IISSC, was held in Miami Beach Florida on March 14-16, 1990. It was an even bigger and more successful meeting than our ftrst in New Orleans in 1989. There were 691 attendees and 75 exhibitors. The enthusiasm shown by both the speakers and the audience was exhilarating for all attendees. The symposium again brought together the physicists and engineers designing the machine, the industrial organizations supporting the design and construction, the education community, and the governmental groups responsible for the funding and management of the SSC project. We believe it is this unique rnix which makes this particular meeting so valuable. The theme of this symposium was "The SSC-Americas Research Partnership" and the varied presentations throughout the meeting high-lighted that theme. The keynote speakers were: Dr. Roy Schwitters, Director of the SSC Mr. Paul F. Orefftce, Chairman of the Board of Dow Chemical Company Honorable W. Hinson Moore, Deputy Secretary of Energy Mr. Morton Meyerson, Chairman of the Texas National Research Laboratory Commission Honorable Robert A. Roe Congressman from New Jersey and Chairman, House Science and Technology Committee Honorable Tom Bevel, Representative from Alabama, Chairman House Energy and Water Development Appropriation Subcommittee In addition there was a discussion of issues by a panel of four Congressmen: Honorable Jim Chapman, Representative from Texas Honorable Vic Fazio, Representative from California Honorable James A. Hayes, Representative from Louisiana Honorable Carl D.
Abstract: "This report describes the development of an equation-based dynamic simulator for the proposed Superconducting Super Collider (SSC) using SPEEDUP (Simulation Program for Evaluation and Evolutionary Design of Unsteady Processes)."
The fourth annual International Industrial Symposium on the Super Collider, rrssc held March 4-6, 1992, in New Orleans was a great success. Present at this year's conference were 839 attendees representing 24 universities and colleges, 34 states, 13 countries, 17 national laboratories, 11 research centers, many government entities at the local, state and federal levels, and 235 businesses and companies. This year's symposium also included 101 exhibits by 78 organizations. In all categories, this year's participation exceeded the totals of previous years and is an example of the growing support for the Superconducting Super Collider Program. This year's program had many highlights. One of the best was a message from President George Bush, read by Linda Stuntz, Acting Deputy Secretary, Department of Energy. President Bush said that each of us "can be proud of the role that you are playing in building the Collider and in setting the stage for a new era of research and discovery in high energy physics. " The 1992 IISSC's theme was "SSC-Discovering the Future. " This theme was chosen in commemoration of the SOOth anniversary of Columbus's voyage of discovery and the relationship of the SSC with discovery. This theme was articulated by all the speakers in the opening plenary session. Progress on the program was also very evident at this year's symposium. In the pictorial session, 66 photographs from all over the world were displayed to highlight progress in making the SSC a reality.