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The Standard Model has been the model of choice for nuclear structure since the late 1960s. However, 40 years later, scientists are still struggling to validate it. Nuclear Alternative offers an alternative explanation for the structure of matter that uses particles and forces observed and characterized since the 1930s. By redesigning the models of the proton, neutron, and electron, and developing a nuclear binding mechanism similar to covalent bonds in atoms, the book systematically develops models for more than 250 stable nuclei. It then uses the models to explain alpha and beta decay, and nuclear fission and fusion.
Transitional Energy Policy 1980-2030: Alternative Nuclear Technologies discusses topics the tackle concerns regarding the use of nuclear technology as an energy source. The book explains issues such as the reservations regarding the use of nuclear, energy resource supply/demand problems, and controversial concepts. The text is comprised of seven chapters; each tackles a different area of concern. Chapter I discusses the trends, logistic curves, economic cycles, and predictions of energy growth, while Chapter II covers the perils of paucity of fossil fuels. Chapter III deals with nuclear energy directions, and Chapters IV and V discuss the strategies used in pursuit of nuclear technology evolution. The sixth chapter tackles institutions and commercialization of nuclear technologies from a historical perspective, while the seventh chapter covers possible patterns. The book will be of great interest to readers concerned with the development of nuclear technology as an energy source.
E. L. Zebroski During the 1970s, there was rapid growth of a philosophy that assumes that deindustrialization will result in an Elysian postindustrial society. This view is generally antitechnology; commonly in opposition to large-scale energy sources; and often supportive of high-cost, speculative, or at most, small-scale energy sources. The social and economic costs of policies which would lead to dein dustrialization are ignored or considered to be irrelevant. The development of civilian nuclear energy as a by-product of wartime developments also brings with it an association with the fear of nuclear weapons and with the repugnance for war in general. Many of these views and associations mingle to provide significant political constituencies. These have had consid erable impact on party platforms and elections. Also, another important aspect is the conservation viewpoint. This view--correctly--concerns the fact that in definite increase in per capita energy consumption, coupled with increasing U.S. and world populations, must at some point be restrained by limits on resources as well as by limits arising from environmental effects. All of these concerns have been subject to voluminous analysis, publications, and public discussion. They underlie one of the dominant social movements of the 1970s and 1980s. Indefinite exponential growth of energy production is neither possible nor de sirable.
This book is a collection of essays focused on the Gordian knot of our time, the closely coupled problems of energy poverty for billions of humans, and global warming for all humans. The central thesis of the book in that nuclear power is not only the only solution, it is a highly desirable solution, cheaper, safer, less intrusive on nature than all the alternatives.
As the world’s energy sources continue to develop, with less reliance on traditional fossil fuels and more reliance on cleaner, more efficient, alternative energy sources, nuclear power continues to be a dividing point for many people. Some believe it is the answer to our energy problems for the future, while others warn of the risks. Written by a retired scientist who spent most of his career at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL), this book aims to delve into the issues surrounding nuclear power and dispel its myths, while building an argument for why the United States should develop a nuclear power plan for the future. As a “whistleblower,” the author spent much of the last ten years of his career at the INL raising concerns about how its mission of serving as the Department of Energy’s lead laboratory in radioactive waste management was not being properly managed. While the United States continues to tread water on the issue of nuclear energy, the author believes that a nuclear “renaissance” is not only possible but is necessary for meeting the world’s growing demand for energy, especially clean energy. With fossil fuels slowly dying out and renewable energy sources not able to handle the demand for a continuously growing energy-consuming public, nuclear is an obvious solution. This book is a must-have for any engineer working in nuclear power, students hoping to go into that industry, and other engineers and scientists interested in the subject. This book is both “technical” and “political” because they’re equally important in determining what actually happens in institutions dealing with technical problems.
Energy supply problems for the long run have not been solved according to John Blackburn, and they will reappear when the present temporary glut in the oil market ends. Now is the time, Blackburn argues, to plan an orderly transition to a sustainable energy future—before another crisis looms.