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Abstract: The observation of gravitational waves from compact stars (neutron and quark stars) is a promising method of determining their internal composition. This research presents the details and results for calculations of some of the principal modes of compact star oscillations, by which they radiate gravitational waves. These are: the f-modes, p-modes, and g-modes. We find that for the same stellar mass, the f-modes for quark stars are higher in frequency than for neutron stars. The p-mode frequency of quark stars decrease with stellar mass, displaying an opposite trend to that of neutron stars. Two-component models were also considered. A core-ocean model was examined for a neutron star, using a polytropic equation of state (EOS), and a core-crust model for a quark star, using a bag model EOS. We find that g-mode oscillations in neutron star oceans depend on the dominant chemical species of the ocean as well as the mass of the underlying core. The addition of a solid crust onto a quark star increases the frequencies, attributable to shear stresses between the core and crust. These results pave the way to model and contrast the gravitational wave signals emitted by oscillating compact stars.
Gravitational waves (GWs) are a hot topic and promise to play a central role in astrophysics, cosmology, and theoretical physics. Technological developments have led us to the brink of their direct observation, which could become a reality in the coming years. The direct observation of GWs will open an entirely new field: GW astronomy. This is expe
The detection of gravitational waves from binary black hole and binary neutron star mergers has ushered in a new age of observational astronomy. Anticipation of detection from these coalescing compact binaries has led to the development of models for comparison using analytical and numerical techniques. Typically, these methods model gravitational-wave signals as small oscillations that grow over time, reach some maximum value, and eventually decay to zero. However, these models are incomplete: compact binaries can emit gravitational waves that decay to a non-zero value. This phenomenon is known as the gravitational-wave memory. In particular, the signal from compact binaries displays a nonlinear memory effect, which arises from gravitational waves produced by the previously emitted gravitational-wave energy. Using a semi-analytic approach we generate nonlinear memory signals for a range of binary black hole parameters, extending previous work. We also, for the first time, compute the nonlinear memory for binary neutron star mergers. Additionally, we perform the first comparison between our semi-analytic approach and full numerical relativity simulations of the nonlinear memory. These waveforms will be useful in future searches of the nonlinear memory in ground and space-based detectors.
This book provides a concise introduction to the physics of gravitational waves. It is aimed at graduate-level students and PhD scholars. Ever since the discovery of gravitational waves in 2016, gravitational wave astronomy has been adding to our understanding of the universe. Gravitational waves have been detected in the past few years from several transient events such as merging stellar-mass black holes, binary neutron stars, etc. These waves have frequencies in a band ranging from a few hundred hertz to around a kilohertz to which LIGO type instruments are sensitive. LISA will be sensitive to much lower range of frequencies from SMBH mergers. Apart from these cataclysmic burst events, there are innumerable sources of radiation which are continuously emitting gravitational waves of all frequencies. These include a whole mass range of compact binary and isolated compact objects and close planetary stellar entities. This book discusses the gravitational wave background produced in typical frequency ranges from such sources emitting over a Hubble time and the fluctuations in the h values measured in the usual devices. Also discussed are the high-frequency thermal background gravitational radiation from hot stellar interiors and newly formed compact objects. The reader will also learn how gravitational waves provide a testing tool for various theories of gravity, i.e. general relativity and extended theories of gravity, and will be the definitive test for general relativity.
The main objective of this volume is to discuss the physical properties, observational signals and various probes of compact objects in the Universe. These include black holes, neutron stars, and exotic objects studied in alternative theories of gravity. The text is mainly addressed to postgraduate students and young researchers with the aim of introducing them to these very challenging topics.
The book gives an extended review of theoretical and observational aspects of neutron star physics. With masses comparable to that of the Sun and radii of about ten kilometres, neutron stars are the densest stars in the Universe. This book describes all layers of neutron stars, from the surface to the core, with the emphasis on their structure and equation of state. Theories of dense matter are reviewed, and used to construct neutron star models. Hypothetical strange quark stars and possible exotic phases in neutron star cores are also discussed. Also covered are the effects of strong magnetic fields in neutron star envelopes.
Gravitational waves were first predicted by Albert Einstein in 1916, a year after the development of his new theory of gravitation known as the general theory of relativity. This theory established gravitation as the curvature of space-time produced by matter and energy. To be discernible even to the most sensitive instruments on Earth, the waves have to be produced by immensely massive objects like black holes and neutron stars which are rotating around each other, or in the extreme situations which prevail in the very early ages of the Universe. This book presents the story of the prediction of gravitational waves by Albert Einstein, the early attempts to detect the waves, the development of the LIGO detector, the first detection in 2016, the subsequent detections and their implications. All concepts are described in some detail, without the use of any mathematics and advanced physics which are needed for a full understanding of the subject. The book also contains description of electromagnetism, Einstein’s special theory and general theory of relativity, white dwarfs, neutron stars and black holes and other concepts which are needed for understanding gravitational waves and their effects. Also described are the LIGO detectors and the cutting edge technology that goes into building them, and the extremely accurate measurements that are needed to detect gravitational waves. The book covers these ideas in a simple and lucid fashion which should be accessible to all interested readers. The first detection of gravitational waves was given a lot of space in the print and electronic media. So, the curiosity of the non-technical audience has been aroused about what gravitational waves really are and why they are so important. This book seeks to answer such questions.