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WikiLeaks is the most challenging journalistic phenomenon to have emerged in the digital era. It has provoked anger and enthusiasm in equal measure, from across the political and journalistic spectrum. WikiLeaks poses a series of questions to the status quo in politics, journalism and to the ways we understand political communication. It has compromised the foreign policy operations of the most powerful state in the world, broken stories comparable to great historic scoops like the Pentagon Papers, and caused the mighty international news organizations to collaborate with this tiny editorial outfit. Yet it may also be on the verge of extinction. This is the first book to examine WikiLeaks fully and critically and its place in the contemporary news environment. The authors combine inside knowledge with the latest media research and analysis to argue that the significance of Wikileaks is that it is part of the shift in the nature of news to a network system that is contestable and unstable. Welcome to Wiki World and a new age of uncertainty.
Over the last few years, social media has expanded to become a key platform for news dissemination and circulation, and a key orginator and propogator of 'fake news'.. Nations, governments, organisations and societies are now coming to terms with the unpredictable and debilitating consequences of fake news. The propagation of news containing falsehoods has been linked to an increase in measles cases, surges in youth crimes, the spread of pseudo-science, compromised national security, and more. Some even perceive it as a global threat to democratic systems around the world. In this book, the authors examine factors influencing the spread of fake news, and suggest ways to combat it by exploring the key elements which enable and facilitate this phenomenon.
Misunderstanding News Audiences interrogates the prevailing myths around the impact of the Internet and social media on news consumption and democracy. The book draws on a broad range of comparative research into audience engagement with news, across different geographic regions, to provide insight into the experience of news audiences in the twenty-first century. From its inception, it was imagined that the Internet would benignly transform the nature of news media and its consumers. There were predictions that it would, for example, break up news oligarchies, improve plurality and diversity through news personalisation, create genuine social solidarity online, and increase political awareness and participation among citizens. However, this book finds that, while mainstream news media is still the major source of news, the new media environment appears to lead to greater polarisation between news junkies and news avoiders, and to greater political polarisation. The authors also argue that the dominant role of the USA in the field of news audience research has created myths about a global news audience, which obscures the importance of national context as a major explanation for news exposure differences. Misunderstanding News Audiences presents an important analysis of findings from recent audience studies and, in doing so, encourages readers to re-evaluate popular beliefs about the influence of the Internet on news consumption and democracy in the West.
The Presidency in the Era of 24-Hour News examines how changes in the news media since the golden age of television--when three major networks held a near monopoly on the news people saw in the United States--have altered the way presidents communicate with the public and garner popular support. How did Bill Clinton manage to maintain high approval ratings during the Monica Lewinsky scandal? Why has the Iraq war mired George Bush in the lowest approval ratings of his presidency? Jeffrey Cohen reveals how the decline of government regulation and the growth of Internet and cable news outlets have made news organizations more competitive, resulting in decreased coverage of the president in the traditional news media and an increasingly negative tone in the coverage that does occur. He traces the dwindling of public trust in the news and shows how people pay less attention to it than they once did. Cohen argues that the news media's influence over public opinion has decreased considerably as a result, and so has the president's ability to influence the public through the news media. This has prompted a sea change in presidential leadership style. Engaging the public less to mobilize broad support, presidents increasingly cultivate special-interest groups that often already back the White House's agenda. This book carries far-reaching implications for the future of presidential governance and American democracy in the era of new media.
Charts the social and cultural life of private insurance in postwar America, showing how insurance institutions and actuarial practices played crucial roles in bringing social, political, and economic neoliberalism into everyday life. Actuarial thinking is everywhere in contemporary America, an often unnoticed byproduct of the postwar insurance industry’s political and economic influence. Calculations of risk permeate our institutions, influencing how we understand and manage crime, education, medicine, finance, and other social issues. Caley Horan’s remarkable book charts the social and economic power of private insurers since 1945, arguing that these institutions’ actuarial practices played a crucial and unexplored role in insinuating the social, political, and economic frameworks of neoliberalism into everyday life. Analyzing insurance marketing, consumption, investment, and regulation, Horan asserts that postwar America’s obsession with safety and security fueled the exponential expansion of the insurance industry and the growing importance of risk management in other fields. Horan shows that the rise and dissemination of neoliberal values did not happen on its own: they were the result of a project to unsocialize risk, shrinking the state’s commitment to providing support, and heaping burdens upon the people often least capable of bearing them. Insurance Era is a sharply researched and fiercely written account of how and why private insurance and its actuarial market logic came to be so deeply lodged in American visions of social welfare.
Talk of so-called fake news, what it is and what it isn’t, is front and center across the media landscape, with new calls for the public to acquire appropriate research and evaluation skills and become more information savvy. But none of this is new for librarians and information professionals, particularly for those who teach information literacy. Cooke, a Library Journal Mover & Shaker, believes that the current situation represents a golden opportunity for librarians to impart these important skills to patrons, regardless of their age or experience. In this Special Report, she demonstrates how. Readers will learn more about the rise of fake news, particularly those information behaviors that have perpetuated its spread;discover techniques to identify fake news, especially online; andexplore methods to help library patrons of all ages think critically about information, teaching them ways to separate fact from fiction. Information literacy is a key skill for all news consumers, and this Special Report shows how librarians can make a difference by helping patrons identify misinformation.
Quin és el paper de les agències de notícies, l'actor més desconegut de l'esfera dels mitjans de comunicació, davant dels reptes de la primera dècada del segle XXI? 16 autors d'arreu presenten en aquest volum les seves aportacions sobre el món de les agències en un context de canvi i d'incertesa. El llibre planteja si les democràcies mantindran, amb el suport econòmic i una actitud respectuosa, un a infraestructura sòlida d'agències de notícies que serveixi l'interès públic se nse censures. També s'hi estudien el perills que amenacen actualment, en la turb ulenta era d'Internet, la viabilitat econòmica dels mitjans escrits, la ràdio, l a televisió i les mateixes agències de notícies. Obra editada per Oliver Boyd-Ba rret, director de l'Escola d'Estudis de Comunicació de la Bowling Green State Un iversity d'Ohio.
In this work, Jane Mansbridge's fresh insights uncover a significant democratic irony - the development of self-defeating, contradictory forces within a democratic movement in the course of its struggle to promote its version of the common good. Mansbridge's book is absolutely essential reading for anyone interested in democratic theory and practice.
Why ERA Failed looks at the systemic problems of politics and the amending process. The author, Mary Frances Berry, considers the behavior of the two sides from the perspective of a historian and lawyer. She describes the history of the amending process, from the Constitutional Convention to the present day, and its application to the struggles for amendments concerned with the status of blacks after the Civil War, income tax, prohibition, child labor, and woman suffrage. Berry concludes that ERA approval was problematic at best and defeat predictable. Supporters did too little of what is required for ratification of a substantive proposal too late. Furthermore, the large number of state ratifications gained was deceptive. Support was eroding instead of increasing in the final stages of the campaign.
The era of social technologies provides seemingly endless opportunity, both for individuals and organizations. But it’s also the subject of seemingly endless hype. Yes, social tools allow us to do things entirely differently—but how do you really capitalize on that? In 11 Rules for Creating Value in the Social Era, the newest in Harvard Business Review’s line of digital books (HBR Singles), social strategist and insightful blogger Nilofer Merchant argues that “social” is much more than “media.” Smart companies are letting social become the backbone of their business models, increasing their speed and flexibility by pursuing openness and fluidity. These organizations don’t operate like the powerful “800-pound gorillas” of yesteryear—but instead act more like a herd of 800 gazelles, moving together across a savannah, outrunning the competition. This ebook offers new rules for creating value, leading, and innovating in our rapidly changing world. These social era rules are both provocative and grounded in reality—they cover thorny challenges like forsaking hierarchy and control for collaboration; getting the most out of all talent; allowing your customers to become co-creators in your organization; inspiring employees through purpose in a world where money alone no longer wields that power; and soliciting community investment in an idea so that it can take hold and grow. The strategies of the Industrial Era—or even the Information Age—will not be enough for the Social Era. Read 11 Rules for Creating Value in the Social Era to get ready to meet the challenges of this new age and thrive. HBR Singles provide brief yet potent business ideas, in digital form, for today's thinking professional. Editorial Reviews Named a “Best Business Book of 2012” by Fast Company “Ms. Merchant's new work provides a provocative vision of the future of both what organizations and what work might look like, yet grounded in real businesses today…this will inspire ideas and thought about what running a business really means.” — “Every CEO, CMO, and decision maker needs to read this. Nilofer has taken a high-level concept and made it abundantly clear how to implement this big idea.” — Tara Hunt, cofounder and CEO, Buyosphere; author, The Whuffie Factor: Using the Power of Social Networks to Build Your Business “A rare combination: strategic, well researched, and actionable. Nilofer Merchant helps executives see what’s at stake in the connection economy.” — Seth Godin, author, Meatball Sundae: Is Your Marketing Out of Sync? “Traditional strategy is dead. But do not fear—Nilofer Merchant shows how your organization can thrive with the new rules of the Social Era. Buy yourself a copy—and one for every member of your board.” — Charlene Li, founder, Altimeter Group; author, Open Leadership: How Social Technology Can Transform the Way You Lead; and coauthor, Groundswell “Social media is not about hooking up online. It’s becoming a new means of production and engagement. Nilofer lays out her enormously helpful ‘11 Rules’ to embrace the Social Era.” — Don Tapscott, coauthor, Macrowikinomics: Rebooting Business and the World “Pay attention to Nilofer Merchant. Or risk obsolescence.” — Dave Gray, Senior Vice President, Dachis Group “Nilofer Merchant nails it in this important and timely book. It’s an insightful road map. through the new world of business that embraces openness, stability, sustainable advantages, profitability, and the new value chain. It’s all here for you to devour. I hope you’re hungry.” — Mitch Joel, President, Twist Image; author, Six Pixels of Separation: Everyone Is Connected. Connect Your Business to Everyone “Nilofer Merchant offers not just a name—the Social Era—to these confusing and turbulent times, but thoughtful and straightforward advice about how both institutions and people can thrive, not just be the last one standing. Required reading for today’s leaders—and tomorrow’s.” — Barry Z. Posner, Accolti Professor of Leadership, Santa Clara University; coauthor, The Leadership Challenge: How to Make Extraordinary Things Happen in Organizations “With tools, metrics, and markets pulsing with change, Nilofer’s 11 Rules for Creating Value in the Social Era is a vital compass to staying relevant and profitable. Embrace them.” — Lisa Gansky, entrepreneur; author, The Mesh: Why the Future of Business Is Sharing “Nilofer Merchant deftly dissects the industrial traditions that are failing us. Not content to simply describe the state of affairs, she also offers comprehensive, prescient guidelines for taking the future into our own hands. This book opened me up to a whole new way of thinking about business, influence, and power.” — Deanna Zandt, media technologist; author, Share This!: How You Will Change the World with Social Networking “11 Rules for Creating Value in the Social Era completely, convincingly, and lucidly redefines what it’s going to take for companies to be successful going forward. Powerfully provocative and highly practical. Bravo, Nilofer!” — Tony Schwartz, President and CEO, The Energy Project; coauthor, The Power of Full Engagement and The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working