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"First published in the United States of America by Dutton, an imprint of Penguin Random House LLC, 2005"--Copyright page.
Compositions of Grace is a collection of talks given in a group setting answering questions pertaining to life and consciousness. The teachings lift the understanding to a place of hope and wonder, illuminating the purpose of our evolution as human beings. Heartfelt concerns around death, fear, crisis, world conditions, religion, relationship and more are met with light-filled answers, leading the reader to a conclusion that indeed all existence is a composition of grace. The source of the teachings is universal wisdom and is referred to as 'The Guidance'. Jean Christian is the receiver and channel and has been holding circles of inquiry and learning for over 20 years. This book and its sequel, "Immeasurable Grace", are the result of many people transcribing, editing, and providing funds towards manifestation.
"Igniting the Sixth Sense deals with the magnetic sense that allows birds, whales, bees and many other animals to detect and use magnetic fields in ways that seem impossible for humans. Yet, we possess this same natural ability. What happens if you combine a modern human with an active, magnetic sensory? They display skills and abilities that seem, at time, super-human"--Publisher.
#1 New York Times bestselling author Eckhart Tolle highlights the most inspiring and beautiful insights of A New Earth When Oprah announced A New Earth as her 61st Book Club selection, it skyrocketed to #1 on the New York Times bestseller list, selling over five million copies in paperback and remaining at the top of the list for twenty-two consecutive weeks . In A New Earth, renowned spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle describes how our current ego-based state of consciousness operates. The purpose of this book is to bring about a shift in consciousness, or in his words, an awakening. An essential part of this awakening is the recognition of the ego, and our attachment to things, the past, and enemies. In Oneness With All Life, Eckhart Tolle has picked the essential phrases and paragraphs-the gems of the book-that he feels are most important and reorganized them so readers can focus on the most powerful ideas. Beautifully packaged with evocative artwork and design, it is the perfect gift for anyone with a well-worn copy of A New Earth who wants deeper insight into this seminal work.
INTERNATIONAL SECOND PLACE WINNER, Book Excellence Awards 2016 (sole Finalist) in Spirituality. National Finalist USA Best Books, New Age Nonfiction 2012. Finalist CIPA EVVY Awards, Spirituality 2012. Third Place CIPA EVVY, Spirituality 2002. As seen at 2018 INATS Trade Show Denver, 2018 ALA Mid-Winter Book Show Denver,2017 Frankfurt, Germany International Book Fair. HUMANITY IS ON THE BRINK OF CHANGE. We have crossed an evolutionary threshold. HUMANITY 2.0 heralds the new paradigm and offers a unique perspective on the planetary civilization that is our destiny and how we are creating that new society individually. No matter how things seem, no matter how much the world¿s noise is like a rumble letting loose across the airwaves, no matter how much the cries and desperation of millions are like a throttling of all hope, humanity, we are in a new life, struggling to find a new sense of Purpose. This is a new awareness piercing the density of the compelling dissonance. This is a new life threading through the very breath of all the confounding voices. This unexpected expansion of humanity is very much the infusion of a stronger heart-consciousness. The conflicts in the various nations are an awakening cry, the anguish of prying free from old selfish dispositions, the surrender of ideas that have battered humanity from the beginning. In this hour, humanity, we are shattering the old feelings of disconnection. We are holding ourselves up to a standard of compassion and involvement. This century and the next, we will be seeing tremendous strides in our capacity to be more. Although we live in a time of uncertainty, we are in a time of renewal. ¿WOW!¿ ~ The Futurist, World Future Society. ¿Uplifting. Inspirational.¿ ~ Bud Gardner, co-author Chicken Soup for the Soul. ¿New enlightening concepts.¿ ~ Midwest Book Review. Book 1 ¿The New Humanity¿ Series.
Love and Surrender explains the important role that surrender plays in releasing us from bondage to our conditioning into the freedom and love of our true nature. Surrender is the “miracle” that occurs when we are finally able to let go and let things be as they are. When this happens, we are Home, and love naturally flows to ourselves, to others, and to life. This is our natural state and the direction and goal for every human life. But how do we surrender? In Love and Surrender, Jesus, as dictated to Gina Lake, unveils this great mystery so that you can more easily live your life from a place of love, acceptance, peace, and happiness. This book is one in a trilogy of books by Jesus, which includes Choice and Will and Beliefs, Emotions, and the Creation of Reality. The books in the trilogy can be read in any order. They are also available in a single volume called The Jesus Trilogy. From Love and Surrender: “Surrender is the means by which you come to know Love, or God... Love and surrender are important because they bring you your deepest heart’s desire as a human being. You are meant to be happy, to love, to be at peace, and to be free. You are meant to move from fear, contraction, hopelessness, anger, victimization, and hate to trust, expansion, strength, courage, joy, peace, and love. This transformation comes about through surrender. All of the spiritual practices ever invented are designed to accomplish this one thing. Surrender is the boat that takes you from one shore to another, from the limited human experience to the experience of the Divine incarnate. This was my message in times gone by, and it is my message today: You are not only human but divine, and you are meant to flourish and love one another.”
Description of inner stages of personal spiritual development. Making spiritual ideals a reality in everyday life.
Never before has this country-indeed this world-faced such a need for a book that unites people, a book that reassures those disillusioned by faith that they can navigate their way back to God and even experience a profound spiritual awakening. For author and entrepreneur Steve McSwain, such an epiphany transformed his life. In The Enoch Factor, readers discover a kindred spirit in an author who understands how religion can subvert a spiritual life. His story will help them navigate their own spiritual journeys. More than a personal odyssey, The Enoch Factor is also a testimonial to the innate dangers of fundamentalist thinking. It is a persuasive argument for a more enlightened religious dialogue in America, one that affirms the goals of all religions-guiding followers in self-awareness, finding serenity and happiness, and discovering what the author describes as "the sacred art of knowing God." Unapologetic and moving, McSwain's take on The Almighty is sure to ignite spirited debate. Full of wisdom, humor, and truth, The Enoch Factor bridges the gap between secular and Christian book titles on spirituality, setting a new standard in both.