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The area of physics involving muons and neutrinos has become exciting in particle physics. Using their high intensity sources, physicists undertake, in various ways, extensive searches for new physics beyond the Standard Model, such as tests of supersymmetric grand unification (SUSY-GUT) and precision measurements of the muon and neutrino properties, which will in future extend to ambitious studies such as determination of the three-generation neutrino mixing matrix elements and CP violation in the lepton sector. The physics of this field is advancing, with potential improvements of the sources. Many R&D projects, such as those concerning high intensity, low energy muon sources or a neutrino factory, are being carried out or planned at various places. Some of those topics are included in this book.
The area of physics involving muons and neutrinos has become exciting in particle physics. Using their high intensity sources, physicists undertake, in various ways, extensive searches for new physics beyond the Standard Model, such as tests of supersymmetric grand unification (SUSY-GUT) and precision measurements of the muon and neutrino properties, which will in future extend to ambitious studies such as determination of the three-generation neutrino mixing matrix elements and CP violation in the lepton sector. The physics of this field is advancing, with potential improvements of the sources. Many R&D projects, such as those concerning high intensity, low energy muon sources or a neutrino factory, are being carried out or planned at various places. Some of those topics are included in this book. Contents: Muon Applied Science: Status at the End of the 20th Century (K Nagamine); Lepton Flavor Violation and Supersymmetric Models with Right-Handed Neutrino (D Nomura); Neutrino Oscillation Scenarios and GUT Model Predictions (C Albright); The MECO Experiment (J Sculli); CP Violation and Atmospheric Neutrinos (I Stancu et al.); Neutrino Oscillations with Four Generations (O Yasuda); Ambiguities of Theoretical Parameters and CP/T Violation in Neutrino Factories (M Koike et al.); Testing Neutrino Properties at Long Baseline Experiments and Neutrino Factories (S Pakvasa); Next Generation Water Cherenkov Detector at Kamioka (K Nakamura); and other papers. Readership: High energy physicists.
This important book presents the proceedings of the conference ?Neutrinos and Implications for Physics Beyond the Standard Model?, put on by the Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics, State University of New York at Stony Brook.The observation of neutrino masses and lepton mixing constitutes the first confirmed evidence for physics beyond the Standard Model. This evidence includes the measured deficiency of charged current reactions induced by solar neutrinos and the anomalous zenith angle distribution of atmospheric neutrinos. A profound question now facing theorists is: What do these observations imply for new physics? At the conference, members of the major experiments gave an update on current experimental evidence from solar and atmospheric neutrino data for neutrino oscillations, and status reports from KamLAND and MiniBooNE. Leading theorists also reported on neutrinoless double beta decay, high energy neutrino scattering and precision electroweak data, theoretical models for neutrino masses and lepton mixing, and constraints from neutrino data, etc. Since neutrino physics is at present one of the most exciting areas of particle physics, this volume should be of interest to a wide variety of students and researchers in physics.
High intensity muon sources are needed in exploring neutrino factories, lepton flavor violating muon processes, and lower energy experiments as the stepping phase towards building higher energy??− colliders. We present a brief overview, sketch of a neutrino source, and an example of a muon storage ring at BNL with detector(s) at Fermilab, Sudan, etc. Physics with low energy neutrino beams based on muon storage rings (?SR) and conventional Horn Facilities are described and compared. CP violation Asymmetries and a new Statistical Figure of Merit to be used for comparison is given. Improvements in the sensitivity of low energy experiments to study Flavor changing neutral currents are also included.
Since the discovery of neutrino oscillations neutrino physics has become an interesting field of research in physics. They imply that neutrino must have a small mass and that the neutrinos, coupled to the charged leptons, are mixtures of the mass eigenstates, analogous to the flavor mixing of the quarks. The mixing angles for the quarks are small, but for the leptons two of the mixing angles are large. The masses of the three neutrinos must be very small, less than 1 eV, but from the oscillation experiments we only know the mass differences -- the absolute masses are still unknown. Also we do not know, if the masses of the neutrinos are Dirac masses, as the masses of the charged leptons and of the quarks, or whether they are Majorana masses.In this volume, an overview of the present state of research in neutrino physics is given by well-known experimentalists and theorists. The contents -- originated from talks and discussions at a recent conference addressing some of the most pressing open questions in neutrino physics -- range from the oscillation experiments to CP-violation for leptons, to texture zero mass matrices and to the role of neutrinos in astrophysics and cosmology.
Solar neutrino measurement in super-Kamiokande / Y. Koshio -- Calibration and results from the SNO salt phase / K. Graham -- KamLAND (contribution was not received) / S. Freedman -- Solar neutrino road map / C. Peña Garay -- Uncertainties in solar-neutrino source reactions : theoretical study of S[symbol] by using inverse [symbol]B reactions / M. Kamimura -- Helioseismology and neutrino physics / H. Shibahashi -- Future solar neutrino experiments / M. Nakahata -- Lens-Sol : a detector for measuring the neutrino luminosity of the sun / H. Back ... [et al.] -- SK atmospheric neutrino / C. Saji -- Direct oscillatory evidence from L/E analysis in super-Kamiokande / M. Ishitsuka -- Future atmospheric neutrino experiments : the case of water Cherenkov detectors / T. Kajita ... [et al.] -- Precise measurement of cosmic-ray proton spectrum up to 500 GEV / S. Haino -- Atmospheric cosmic-ray muons, protons, and antiprotons / T. Sanuki -- Atmospheric neutrinos and the v mass matrix / P. Lipari -- Recent K2K results / T. Ishii -- Status of global analysis of neutrino oscillation data / M. C. Gonzalez-Garcia & M. Maltoni -- Neutrino-nucleus cross sections : measurements versus calculations / P. Vogel -- Neutrino interactions at K2K / Y. Hayato -- Miniboone status / J. L. Raaf -- J-PARC neutrino beam line / T. Kobayashi -- Physics at J-Parc neutrino experiment / Y. Itow -- The status of MINOS / D. A. Petyt -- The NOvA detector measuring [symbol] with the NuMI beam / R. Rusack -- Plans for a fermilab proton driver / D. Finley -- Status of OPERA / M. Komatsu -- Summary of model precitions for U[symbol] / A. S. Joshipura -- Double-CHOOZ : a search for [symbol] / T. Lasserre -- Towards a precision measurement of [symbol] with reactor neutrinos : initiatives in the United States / K. M. Heeger -- Towards exploring U[symbol] / O. Yasuda -- On the atmospheric neutrino oscillations, [symbol] and neutrino mass hierarchy / S. T. Petcov & S. Palomares-Ruiz -- Status of KASKA : the Japanese reactor [symbol] project / F. Suekane -- Current status and future prospects of neutrino direct mass / C. Kraus -- Five sample proposals for next generation neutrinoless double-beta decay experiments / F. T. Avignone III & G. S. King III -- CANDLES for the study of [symbol] decay of [symbol]Ca / I. Ogawa ... [et al.] -- Status of the NEMO 3 experiment / F. Piquemal & L. Simard -- New CUORICINO results and the CUORE project / O. Cremonesi ... [et al.] -- EXO : a status report / K. Wamba -- Neutrinoless double beta decay, neutrino mass spectrum and CP-violation / S. Pascoli & S. T. Petcov -- Neutrinos and the deaths of massive stars / W. R. Hix, A. Mezzacappa & O. E. B. Messer -- Supernova neutrino oscillation with/without neutrino magnetic moment / S. Ando & K. Sato -- The supernova relic neutrino background / M. Kaplinghat -- Future detection of supernovas / M. R. Vagins -- Neutrinos from protoneutron stars with various equation of states / H. Suzuki -- Discovering Tau and muon solar neutrino flares above backgrounds / D. Fargion & F. Moscato -- Leptogenesis and low energy data / K. R. S. Balaji -- WIMP-nucleus scattering / G. Prézeau -- WIMPS : direct and indirect detection, status and perspectives / G. Gerbier -- DAMA/NaI results / R. Bernabei ... [et al.] -- XMASS / T. Namba -- Dark matter search with direction sensitive scintillator / H. Sekiya ... [et al.] -- Neutrino oscillations, and the origin of pulsar velocities and dark matter / A. Kusenko -- Recent topics of particle cosmology / M. Kawasaki -- B-L genesis : generalities and impact on neutrino physics / M. Yoshimura -- Models of maximal atmospheric neutrino mixing and leptogenesis / W. Grimus & L. Lavoura -- Texture zeros and CP-violating phases in the neutrino mass matrix / Z.-Z. Xing -- The MEG experiment study of the origin of Mv by searching for lepton flavor violation in charged leptons / T. Mori -- Neutrino mixing pattern and its implications for charged lepton rare decays and CP violation (contribution was not received) / K. S. Babu -- B physics, Hg EDM, and lepton flavor violation in SUSY models / Y. Shimizu -- Neutrino oscillations and their origin (NOON2004) : summary / A. Yu Smirnov
This thesis reports the measurement of muon neutrino and antineutrino disappearance and electron neutrino and antineutrino appearance in a muon neutrino and antineutrino beam using the T2K experiment. It describes a result in neutrino physics that is a pioneering indication of charge-parity (CP) violation in neutrino oscillation; the first to be obtained from a single experiment. Neutrinos are some of the most abundant—but elusive—particles in the universe, and may provide a promising place to look for a potential solution to the puzzle of matter/antimatter imbalance in the observable universe. It has been firmly established that neutrinos can change flavour (or ‘oscillate’), as recognised by the 2015 Nobel Prize. The theory of neutrino oscillation allows for neutrinos and antineutrinos to oscillate differently (CP violation), and may provide insights into why our universe is matter-dominated. Bayesian statistical methods, including the Markov Chain Monte Carlo fitting technique, are used to simultaneously optimise several hundred systematic parameters describing detector, beam, and neutrino interaction uncertainties as well as the six oscillation parameters.
At present there is evidence from neutrino oscillation searches that the neutrinos are in fact massive particles and that they mix. If confirmed, this would imply that the conservation of LFN is not exact. Lepton family number violation (LFNV) has been searched for with impressive sensitivities in many processes involving charged leptons. The present experimental limits on some of them (those which the author shall consider here) are shown in Table 1. These stringent limits are not inconsistent with the neutrino oscillation results since, given the experimental bounds on the masses of the known neutrinos and the neutrino mass squared differences required by the oscillation results, the effects of LFNV from neutrino mixing would be too small to be seen elsewhere (see Section 2). The purpose of experiments searching for LFNV involving the charged leptons is to probe the existence of other sources of LFNV. Such sources are present in many extensions of the SM. In this lecture the author shall discuss some of the possibilities, focusing on processes that require muon beams. Other LFNV processes, such as the decays of the kaons and of the [tau], provide complementary information. In the next Section he shall consider some sources of LFNV that do not require an extension of the gauge group of the SM (the added leptons or Higgs bosons may of course originate from models with extended gauge groups). In Section 3 he discusses LFNV in left-right symmetric models. In Section 4 he considers LFNV in supersymmetric models, first in R-parity conserving supersymmetric grand unified models, and then in the minimal supersymmetric standard model with R-parity violation. The last section is a brief summary of the author's conclusions.