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Soul Songs are a sacred technology that can heal, tone, uplift, inspire, and restore balance and light in our changing world today . . . in every single heart beating on the planet. And we are their instruments. These New Earth Soul Songs are shared with the open-hearted intention and invitation to people all over the world . . . to join hands, hearts, and voices . . . to sing, drum, hum, shine, share, and enjoy them! Together we can sing this peace, bliss, and oneness into our daily experiences on this beautiful earth planet. Please note that there are no musical notes in this book. Only the song stories and lyrics themselves shine here. As I am not a trained musician, the harmonies simply came through my heart center onto the canvas of each of these pages. All harmonies to every song and story can be found at my website: and also at Oneness Blessings and Sparkles of Song Joy and New Earth Light from my heart to yours!
New Earth Soul Songs II is the second book in a unique two part series, that offers inspirational songs, stories, and channeled messages to awaken the heart light, talent brilliance, amazing gifts, and threads of oneness within us all. The core themes in this book center around Union, Wholeness, and the shining essence that We Are The Instruments of the Divine here to birth this New Earth and New Paradigm of Unified Light. All lyrics from all of the New Earth Soul Songs on CDs 4 and 5 are included in this book. All lyrics from New Earth Soul Song CDs 1,2, and 3 are included in book one. Please note that there are no song notes included in this book, as all melodies and words were channeled directly from Spirit. I believe that New Earth Soul Songs I and II are essential cosmic tools for our time, to help us remember our own personal keynotes and to sing the heart song we uniquely came to shine! For more info, please visit and
A beautiful starchild is born remembering the magic of the universe in her heart and treasuring the colors of love and light that shower her in creative possibilities and divine goodness in all ways. She grows strong, healthy, and happy in this blanket of loving guidance and joy. Until one day, she hears others' disbelief that true magic exists. With a believing and hopeful heart, she shares her star sight and her colors of magic with everyone she sees, trusting the vibrant colors and happy thoughts to express what she deeply knows inside. But when no one reflects back to her the world she knows within, her light grows dim. She then experiences life without such heart visions of hope and luminous possibilities. It takes the re-awakening of her inner ears and heart wisdom that ultimately helps her to find her inner starshine once more. In this full circle journey, this special starchild reflects a magical essence that indwells us all - that invites us to color our own heart visions again!
An Affirming and Inspirational Story for Readers of ALL Ages! A dragonfly finds himself in a flightless journey where he feels the wonders of the world in his heart but doesn't understand the weary nature of his life experience. Through the kindness, wisdom, and mentoring of old turtle, dragonfly re-discovers the true nature of his core light. He remembers to integrate the four chambers of his heart, that mirror and reflect the wisdom and gifts of his four sacred wings. Through willingness and commitment, dragonfly coordinates his wings to fly free of perceived limitations. As he integrates his heart wings, rises above his past footprints, and lives his core light, dragonfly soars in the bliss of true flight! A Heart Integration Exercise (and/or Meditation), on which the story Dragonfly is based, is included in the back of the book as well. This is a wonderful story to read with children, it is a heart inspiring story for the timeless inner child, and it is a call to remember the light we truly are.
For more than 30 years, Yoga Journal has been helping readers achieve the balance and well-being they seek in their everyday lives. With every issue,Yoga Journal strives to inform and empower readers to make lifestyle choices that are healthy for their bodies and minds. We are dedicated to providing in-depth, thoughtful editorial on topics such as yoga, food, nutrition, fitness, wellness, travel, and fashion and beauty.
Samadhi is the goal and the peak of meditation. According to classical and contemporary interpreters of yoga and meditation, samadhi denotes the unity of the subject and the object, the inner and the outer world, our Self and Absolute. In other words, enlightenment. Here, this unity is described simply as the unity of consciousness and existence. In this book you will find much more details about this unity, it will be revealed in a completely new way, you will comprehend that unity of the conscious and the existence in a man is gradually achieved at all levels of consciousness and being, on which a man exists and works, in all dimensions, and which are expressed in chakras, psycho-energetic centers in a man. Each chakra represents a blend of consciousness and existence. This blend is also manifested through the human culture of life and civilization. Understanding the chakra is connected to the historical development of the man and the events in the world, not only to the personal states of consciousness. It is an old and universal story of understanding the meaning of existence. In fact, the entire cosmos and life represent a spectrum of merging and expressing of consciousness and existence. Consciousness is expressed as existence and existence is fundamentally conscious. Moreover, consciousness is here explained in the light of an understanding of the consciousness of a man's soul as well, which through intelligent design, thanks to the quantum field creates the whole reality and existence. This can be because the soul of the man comes from the same divine consciousness that allows the whole existence. A complete connection and the realization of both consciousness and existence occurs only in a man who reaches Samadhi through meditation. The whole other nature, all of the cosmos and all of our lives, are just a scenography in which the drama of this merging is occurring. Though, paradoxically, Samadhi always already happens as a mere existence. The only question is whether a person participates in it all the time, whether he/she is aware of it. This book will help you to see the existence in such a way.