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Confesiones de un Psiquiatra un relato escrito en forma coloquial sin someterse a tradiciones o formatos literarios. El autor relata algunos fragmentos de su vida exitosa y azarosa en una forma sencilla a la vez que hace reflexiones sobre diversos temas que tienen alguna relacion con sus vivencias, desde aspectos muy comunes de la vida cotidiana hasta reflexiones sobre aspectos de tipo filosofico, psicologico, sociopoliticos entre otros. En sus relatos no sigue una forma cronologica exacta sino que mucha veces avanza y retrocede para comunicarse con el lector como si lo tuviera frente a el como un interlocutor valido. Siendo un libro motivador, comunica no solo experiencias conducientes al exito sino tambien comparte situaciones de fracaso y dolor y la forma de superarlas. Lo mas caracteristico es la transmision en forma consistente de mensajes positivos que insiste en transmitir a sus lectores haciendoles participes de las experiencias de un ser real y hasta cierto punto considerado reservado y enigmatico como se suele pensar de un psiquiatra. El autor vencio todas esas barreras y se revela tal como ha sido y sigue siendo a como lo haria en el sillon de un psicoterapeuta o en el confesionario. El autor esta consciente de los riesgos que puede correr un profesional de la salud mental que se destapa y desprende de todo prejuicio con la esperanza de poner a la disposicion de sus lectores un testimonio del cual pueda sustraer algo util para sus vidas y sus ocupaciones o profesiones. Habiendo enfrentado tantas situaciones de alto riesgo, el autor hace apologia del ejercito de angeles que lo han protegido y que el identifica con los seres a quien ha dado amor y respeto y que le han retribuido esos afectos en forma incondicional, tanto en su familia como en muchas personas que fue encontrando en su largo recorrido por el mundo. De formacion transcultural, el autor ha podido convivir armoniosamente con personas de diversas creencias religiosas, politicas y origen etnico. El autor ha hecho muchas renuncias excepto renunciar a vivir en libertad, lejos de los opresores de las libertades y derechos individuales, y no renuncia a la esperanza de algun dia vivir en un mundo libre de prejuicios, estereotipos y dictaduras depredadoras y brutales, ni tampoco renuncia a la esperanza de que cada ser humano pueda aprender a usar los recursos personales que todos poseemos para ser ricos, interdependientes y exitosos en vez de pobres, lastimosamente dependientes y fracasados. El mensaje que el autor intenta transmitir en sus confesiones es un mensaje de vida y prosperidad por medios eticos, repudiando enfaticamente el lema de que "los fines justifican los medios"
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Multidisciplinary and trans-cultural ... This book provides an up-to-date review of the current state of care, treatment and prevention in child and adolescent mental health from multidisciplinary and trans-cultural perspectives. Systems of care, services and interventions in selected parts of the world are described by leading experts with a focus on the current status of services in the respective parts of the world the major needs and deficits in identifying mental health problems in children and adolescents (awareness and diagnosis) the major needs in treatment, care and prevention realistic proposals on how to improve the situation of children and adolescents who suffer from, or are at risk for, mental health problems. In addition, the major principles and strategies of treatment and intervention are described, on an empirical basis, using a selected number of treatment approaches and treatment settings as examples. Finally, the possibilities, strategies and limitations of early detection and prevention are reviewed with the aim of improving the living conditions of children and families in need of mental health support. ... a valuable resource for mental health workers all over the world!
Evaluation and Treatment of Neuropsychologically Compromised Children: Understanding Clinical Applications Post Luria and Reitan defines what executive functions are, discusses differences in executive functioning between normative children and those with special education needs, identifies how best to perform neuropsychological assessments of executive function using both qualitative and quantitative measures, and presents the best treatment interventions for improvement. The book makes special note of the contributions of A.R. Luria, from Russia, and Ralph M. Reitan, from the US as the "fathers" of modern neuropsychology to help readers understand current advances in theory and clinical applications relating to executive function. Describes executive functioning in normative and special needs children Outlines the contributions of Luria and Reitan, relating them to current developments in executive function Integrates qualitative and quantitative assessment measures Covers ADHD and executive functioning Includes children of all ages through teens
'In this book it is made plain that complex and powerful understanding can take place in brief work. The baby's development is carried forward, the family re-groups differently, and understanding brings a change in behaviour.'- Lisa Miller, from the Foreword. 'This book focuses on young children as old as five and the parents and siblings who live with them. It wants to explore deep, unconscious connections between children and parents, especially in those cases where symptomatic behaviours develop and turn a potentially pleasant and satisfying family life into hell.' - This fascinating and comprehensive work is divided into two parts. The first gives the theoretical background to the subject, outlining the main theories of the pioneering Melanie Klein, Wilfred Bion and Donald Winnicott. The second part deals with the clinical cases that illustrate issues such as post-natal depression, separation difficulties, eating problems, bereavement and loss, learning disabilities and hyperactivity.
An examination of how racial and gender hierarchies are intertwined in Brazil.
Around the world, school districts and institutions are exploring ways to provide quality education to their students. With this, there is a deeper need for multiculturalism in classrooms, as many students are from varying cultures and speak different languages. Early Childhood Education From an Intercultural and Bilingual Perspective provides emerging research on the use of play, toys, and games as tools for meaningful multicultural and bilingual education. By highlighting topics such as cross-cultural psychology, classroom management, and second language acquisition, this publication explores the importance of culture in games and play. This book is an important resource for educators, academicians, researchers, and students seeking current research on the role of intercultural education in society and modern approaches to early education.