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Network models are critical tools in business, management, science and industry. “Network Models and Optimization” presents an insightful, comprehensive, and up-to-date treatment of multiple objective genetic algorithms to network optimization problems in many disciplines, such as engineering, computer science, operations research, transportation, telecommunication, and manufacturing. The book extensively covers algorithms and applications, including shortest path problems, minimum cost flow problems, maximum flow problems, minimum spanning tree problems, traveling salesman and postman problems, location-allocation problems, project scheduling problems, multistage-based scheduling problems, logistics network problems, communication network problem, and network models in assembly line balancing problems, and airline fleet assignment problems. The book can be used both as a student textbook and as a professional reference for practitioners who use network optimization methods to model and solve problems.
This is the first book to describe modern methods for analyzing complex networks arising from a wide range of disciplines.
This text on the theory and applications of network science is aimed at beginning graduate students in statistics, data science, computer science, machine learning, and mathematics, as well as advanced students in business, computational biology, physics, social science, and engineering working with large, complex relational data sets. It provides an exciting array of analysis tools, including probability models, graph theory, and computational algorithms, exposing students to ways of thinking about types of data that are different from typical statistical data. Concepts are demonstrated in the context of real applications, such as relationships between financial institutions, between genes or proteins, between neurons in the brain, and between terrorist groups. Methods and models described in detail include random graph models, percolation processes, methods for sampling from huge networks, network partitioning, and community detection. In addition to static networks the book introduces dynamic networks such as epidemics, where time is an important component.
Using network models to investigate the interconnectivity in modern economic systems allows researchers to better understand and explain some economic phenomena. This volume presents contributions by known experts and active researchers in economic and financial network modeling. Readers are provided with an understanding of the latest advances in network analysis as applied to economics, finance, corporate governance, and investments. Moreover, recent advances in market network analysis that focus on influential techniques for market graph analysis are also examined. Young researchers will find this volume particularly useful in facilitating their introduction to this new and fascinating field. Professionals in economics, financial management, various technologies, and network analysis, will find the network models presented in this book beneficial in analyzing the interconnectivity in modern economic systems.
This book presents a new approach that can be applied to complex, integrated individual and social human processes. It provides an alternative means of addressing complexity, better suited for its purpose than and effectively complementing traditional strategies involving isolation and separation assumptions. Network-oriented modeling allows high-level cognitive, affective and social models in the form of (cyclic) graphs to be constructed, which can be automatically transformed into executable simulation models. The modeling format used makes it easy to take into account theories and findings about complex cognitive and social processes, which often involve dynamics based on interrelating cycles. Accordingly, it makes it possible to address complex phenomena such as the integration of emotions within cognitive processes of all kinds, of internal simulations of the mental processes of others, and of social phenomena such as shared understandings and collective actions. A variety of sample models – including those for ownership of actions, fear and dreaming, the integration of emotions in joint decision-making based on empathic understanding, and evolving social networks – illustrate the potential of the approach. Dedicated software is available to support building models in a conceptual or graphical manner, transforming them into an executable format and performing simulation experiments. The majority of the material presented has been used and positively evaluated by undergraduate and graduate students and researchers in the cognitive, social and AI domains. Given its detailed coverage, the book is ideally suited as an introduction for graduate and undergraduate students in many different multidisciplinary fields involving cognitive, affective, social, biological, and neuroscience domains.
Providing an in-depth treatment of neural network models, this volume explains and proves the main results in a clear and accessible way. It presents the essential principles of nonlinear dynamics as derived from neurobiology, and investigates the stability, convergence behaviour and capacity of networks.
Networks are ubiquitous in science and have become a focal point for discussion in everyday life. Formal statistical models for the analysis of network data have emerged as a major topic of interest in diverse areas of study, and most of these involve a form of graphical representation. Probability models on graphs date back to 1959. Along with empirical studies in social psychology and sociology from the 1960s, these early works generated an active network community and a substantial literature in the 1970s. This effort moved into the statistical literature in the late 1970s and 1980s, and the past decade has seen a burgeoning network literature in statistical physics and computer science. The growth of the World Wide Web and the emergence of online networking communities such as Facebook, MySpace, and LinkedIn, and a host of more specialized professional network communities has intensified interest in the study of networks and network data. Our goal in this review is to provide the reader with an entry point to this burgeoning literature. We begin with an overview of the historical development of statistical network modeling and then we introduce a number of examples that have been studied in the network literature. Our subsequent discussion focuses on a number of prominent static and dynamic network models and their interconnections. We emphasize formal model descriptions, and pay special attention to the interpretation of parameters and their estimation. We end with a description of some open problems and challenges for machine learning and statistics.
Artificial intelligence and expert systems have seen a great deal of research in recent years, much of which has been devoted to methods for incorporating uncertainty into models. This book is devoted to providing a thorough and up-to-date survey of this field for researchers and students.
This book is an outgrowth of one phase of an upper-division course on quantitative ecology, given each year for the past eight at Berkeley. I am most grateful to the students in that course and to many graduate students in the Berkeley Department of Zoology and Colleges of Engineering and Natural Resources whose spirited discussions inspired much of the book's content. I also am deeply grateful to those faculty colleagues with whom, at one time or another, I have shared courses or seminars in ecology or population biology, D.M. Auslander, L. Demetrius, G. Oster, O.H. Paris, F.A. Pitelka, A.M. Schultz, Y. Takahashi, D.B. Tyler, and P. Vogelhut, all of whom contributed substantially to the development of my thinking in those fields, to my Depart mental colleagues E. Polak and A.J. Thomasian, who guided me into the litera ture on numerical methods and stochastic processes, and to the graduate students who at one time or another have worked with me on population-biology projects, L.M. Brodnax, S-P. Chan, A. Elterman, G.C. Ferrell, D. Green, C. Hayashi, K-L. Lee, W.F. Martin Jr., D. May, J. Stamnes, G.E. Swanson, and I. Weeks, who, together, undoubtedly provided me with the greatest inspiration. I am indebted to the copy-editing and production staff of Springer-Verlag, especially to Ms. M. Muzeniek, for their diligence and skill, and to Mrs. Alice Peters, biomathematics editor, for her patience.
Intelligent Vehicle-Highway Systems are providing a welcome stimulus to research on dynamic urban transportation network models. This book presents a new generation of models for solving dynamic travel choice problems including traveler's destination choice, mode choice, departure/arrival time choice and route choice. These models are expected to function as off-line travel forecasting and evaluation tools, and eventually as on-line prediction and control models in advanced traveler information and traffic management systems. In addition to a rich set of new formulations and solution algorithms, the book provides a summary of the necessary mathematical background and concludes with a discussion of the requirements for model implementation.