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Volume 2 contains 19 papers on theoretical and applied problems in hydrodynamics.
The Fifteenth Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics was held in Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany, on September 2-7, 1984, under the joint sponsorship of the Office of Naval Research, the National Research Council, and the Hamburgische Schiffbau-Versuchsanstalt (HSVA) with the support of Institut fur Schiffbau, the Deutsche Forachungagemeinechaft, and the Preie und Hansestadt Hamburg. The symposium was the culmination of several years of intense and careful preparation, and its success is a result of the dedication of many people involved in that work. The traditional policy of featuring current research results in important problem areas in ship hydrodynamics was reflected in the selection of the major themes of the symposium. The four major themes were Seakeeping Problems; Hull-Propeller Interactions; Non- linear Free-Surface Problems; and Frontier Problems in Hydrodynamics. Two sessions were allocated for each theme, except for the last theme, which had only one session. Thirty- three papers of excellent technical quality were presented. Participants came from as many as twenty-four countries.
The Sixteenth Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics was held at the University of California, Berkeley on July 13-18, 1986 under the joint sponsorship of the Office of Naval Research, the University of California at Berkeley, and the National Research Council. The symposium was the result of two years of dedicated work of many people involved in planning, organizing, and executing the tasks involved. The five major themes chosen for the symposium were: Ship Wakes; Large Amplitude Waves including Breaking Effects; Real Fluid Effects in Ship Hydrodynamics; Fluid-Structure interaction; and Frontier Problems in Hydrodynamics. Thirty seven papers of excellent quality were presented in nine sessions. The symposium, as in the past, provided a gathering place for international colleagues who are seriously interested in advancing the state-of-the-art in ship hydrodynamics research. The participants represented as many as eighteen countries. The symposium was highlighted by the variety of new subjects introduced. Some of these subjects are ship wake images by satellites and computer-aided flow visualization. The solutions of these complex problems reflect the developing trend in scientific research in general that multi-disciplinary efforts are required. Also, a noticeable change was the signfflcant increase in the number of young investigators participating in the symposium through paper presentations and discussions.