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Drawing on the fifteenth century theology of Saint Joseph, classical visual sources, Ficinoa (TM)s commentary on the "Phaedrus" and "Symposium," and Dantea (TM)s "rime petrose," this book interprets Michelangeloa (TM)s Tondo Doni as a model of Ephesiansa (TM) a ~great sacramenta (TM) of marriage for the new Florentine republic.
Early modern thought was haunted by the unknowable character of the fallen world. The sometimes brilliant and sometimes baffling fusion of theological and scientific ideas in the era, as well as some of its greatest literature, responds to this sense that humans encountered only an incomplete reality. Ranging from Paradise Lost to thinkers in and around the Royal Society and commentary on the Book of Job, The Unknowable in Early Modern Thought explores how the era of the scientific revolution was in part paralyzed by and in part energized by the paradox it encountered in thinking about the elusive nature of God and the unfathomable nature of the natural world. Looking at writers with scientific, literary and theological interests, from the shoemaker mystic, Jacob Boehme to John Milton, from Robert Boyle to Margaret Cavendish, and from Thomas Browne to the fiery prophet, Anna Trapnel, Kevin Killeen shows how seventeenth-century writings redeployed the rich resources of the ineffable and the apophatic—what cannot be said, except in negative terms—to think about natural philosophy and the enigmas of the natural world.
This is a biography of one of the most original and one of the least understood seminal writers of the Baroque world, Jacob Boehme. In a period tormented by mysteries and controversies, Boehme's visionary mysticism responded to the vexing quandaries confronting his contemporaries. His concerns included the apocalyptic religious disputes of his day, the havoc wrought by the Thirty Years' War in his region, the disintegration of the Old Middle European order, the rise of new cosmic models from avant-garde heliocentrism to obscure esoteric theories, and his endeavor to express by means of codes and symbols a new sense of the human, divine, and natural realms.
The Archaic takes as its major reference points C.G. Jung's classic essay, 'Archaic Man' (1930), and Ernesto Grassi's paper on 'Archaic Theories of History' (1990). Moving beyond the confines of a Jungian framework to include other methodological approaches, this book explores the concept of the archaic. Defined as meaning 'old-fashioned', 'primitive', 'antiquated', the archaic is, in fact, much more than something very, very old: it is timeless, inasmuch as it is before time itself. Archē, Urgrund, Ungrund, 'primordial darkness', 'eternal nothing' are names for something essentially nameless, yet whose presence we nevertheless intuit. This book focuses on the reception of myth in the tradition of German Idealism or Romanticism (Creuzer, Schelling, Nietzsche), which not only looked back to earlier thinkers (such as Jacob Boehme) but also laid down roots for developments in twentieth-century thought (Ludwig Klages, Martin Heidegger). The Archaic also includes: studies of the Germanic dimension of the archaic (Charles Bambach, Alan Cardew) a discussion of the mytho-phenomenological approach to the archaic (Robert Josef Kozljanič) a series of articles on Jung's understanding of the archaic (Paul Bishop, Susan Rowland, Robert Segal). This book will be of interest to psychoanalysts, anthropologists and phenomenologists, as well as students of psychology, cultural studies, religious studies, and philosophy, as it seeks to rehabilitate a concept of demonstrable and urgent relevance for our time.
Magnum Mysterium is Irish American poet Julie O'Callaghan's first collection since Tell Me Normal: New & Selected Poems (2008). Her new poems have evolved from the early monologues - written in American demotic - to poems of heartache on the death of her husband, the poet Dennis O'Driscoll. But even in these harrowing poems she never loses her ear for the absurdities of modern life - including the grieving process where she can "see" her husband alive and doing what he loves. In Magnum Mysterium Julie O'Callaghan has continued writing poems which 'seem effortless and are immediately accessible and achieve great emotional weight by the lightest of means' (Michael Hartnett Award citation)
Showing the Sign and Signification of the Several Forms and Shapes in the Creation; and what the Beginning, Ruin, and Cure of Everything is. It proceeds out of Eternity into Time, and again out of Time into Eternity, and Comprises all Mysteries. And other Writings Of the Supersensual Life or the Life which is Above Sense; The Way from Darkness to True Illumination; Discourse Between Two Souls. Contents: How that all whatever is spoken of God without the Knowledge of the Signature is dumb and without Understanding, and that in the Mind of Man the Signature lies very exactly composed, according to the Being of all Beings, Of the Opposition and Combat in the Essence of all Essences, whereby the Ground of the Sympathy and Antipathy in Nature may be seen, and also the Corruption and Cure of each Thing, Of the great Mystery of all Beings, Of the Birth of the four Elements and Stars, Of the Sulphurean Death, and how the dead Body is revived and replaced into its first Glory or Holiness, How a Water and Oil is generated, How Adam (while he was in Paradise) and also Lucifer were glorious Angels, Of the Sulphurean Sude, or Seething of the Earth, Of the Signature, showing how the inward signs the outward, Of the inward and outward Cure of Man, Of the Process of Christ in his Suffering, Dying, and Rising again, Of the Seventh Form in the Kingdom of the Mother, Of the Enmity of the Spirit and Body, and of their Cure and Restoration, Of the Wheel of Sulphur, Mercury, and Sa