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When the Sweet Adelines International Barbershop Competition brings Tina's chorus to San Antonio, she kicks back. For a week, she can forget about her career as a police officer. But when two members die singing, Tina discovers that bullets and barbershop are anything but a harmonious combination.
In San Antonio, the Sweet Adelines International Barbershop competition starts out with a bang. Actually, two bangs as two women of a quartet singing on an outdoor stage in front of the Alamo are shot and killed. Tina, a member of the Fort Worth police department, is there, singing with the Fort Worth Flair chorus. The members of the ill-fated quartet are also members of the Flair. Tina sees two of her friends from the Flair gunned down and she vows to find the killer. Fortunately she knows the detective assigned to the case and convinces him she will be a big help since she is in the Sweet Adelines and can find more information than an outside police detective. The San Antonio police have no suspects, no leads, and the detective agrees to keep Tina in the loop if she supplies him helpful information. The decision is made that the Flair will continue in the week-long competition. Tina is on the costume committee for the Flair. So she has to deal with rehersals and costumes problems. She sifts through the sequined costumes and whispered gossip, desperately trying to find clues. But when another member of the Flair is murdered, it becomes clear that the killer has more on his mind than a song, and Tina may be the next victim.
"The Whiffenpoofs of Yale are the oldest and most celebrated collegiate a cappella singing group in the nation. The legendary group selects only fourteen seniors, musical stars - The best of the best. Loc Quang Pham arrives at Yale with one ambition - to become a Whiffenpoof...he did not expect murder...The story of the Whiffenpoofs is the story of Yale in the 20th century...Fact and fiction merge in this journey through the creeping ivy." --Back cover.
“From the first sentence, it captures your attention and carries you on an intriguing mystery-solving adventure.” Avid reader Sharon S. “… distinctively and enjoyably different. Father Frank is a really good character.” Amazon review by Roger B. Rod Granet, award-winning novelist and womanizer, is the main speaker at a writers conference. But after the opening session and in front of a crowd, Maggie DeLuca, Father Frank's sister, accuses Granet of stealing her story and says he will pay for it. That night, Granet is killed. The sheriff quickly zeros in on Maggie and she is hauled off in handcuffs. When Father Frank comes to her aid, the sheriff threatens him with jail if he interferes. A Texas Ranger is assigned to the investigation. Soon he sees Father Frank as a valuable asset. Even as the sheriff continues to harass Father Frank and interrogate Maggie, the Ranger pushes Father Frank to get involved, telling him the sheriff considers Maggie his only suspect. Can Father Frank stay out of jail and alive, and find the real killer?
Whether you believe it or not, there's no better place to escape one's past than at sea. Or so I learned after an impulse put me aboard the freighter, Cappella. My name is Kyle Parker. I'm a litigator from Austin, Texas. My adventure started after I accompanied my Brazilian stepmother's mortal remains to Sao Paolo. Upon completion of her internment, my intention was to take the first flight home. However an overheard conversation, between two Portuguese women, changed those plans - and my life.
Includes excerpt from: Murder at Half Moon Gate.
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