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That the field of Mossbauer spectroscopy continues for the remarks section of the index, and the inclusion to be an important growth area in science and tech of some new appendices and tables (such as the en nology, despite recent economic pressures, is ade ergy conversion tables, nuclear radius and moment quately evidenced by the present volume. Covering re data, and the report of the ASTM Task Group on search published only in the year 1969, its size is com Mossbauer Nomenclature and Conventions). The parable to its predecessor, Mossbauer Effect Data advertisement section, too, provides a collection of Index 1958-1965. With such continuing growth in information useful to many readers. many fields, the need for specialized information re In summary, the new editors are to be congratulated trieval tools for the research worker is now becoming for their excellent and tremendous effort in putting together such a fine compilation in a remarkably short an increasingly important internationally recognized time. The user community, I am sure, will strongly concern. MEDI 1969 satisfies much of this need for the community it addresses in a timely manner. urge them to continue this series, as I know their pred This work not only follows in the footsteps of its ecessor has been urged to help fill the gap for the years 1966-1968. predecessor, but also includes a number of important and very useful innovations. Among these are the classification of substances investigated according to ARTHUR H. MUIR, JR.
One of the most important - and unfortunately scientific information of interest in our field least advertised - applications of nuclear gamma from ali over the world in many languages, and resonance spectroscopy is the organized indexing documented, evaluated, and presented this in of scientific information. While there are only formation in a comprehensive format. two active workers in this field, the rest of us It tak.e this opportunity to congratulate the are the beneficiaries of their unique effort which Stevenses for their success, and to express my keeps us well informed in our own fields of in gratitude to them for their service to all of us. terest. This tenth volume of MEDI is a land 1 wish them very good luck. mark in an experiment in the distribution of scientific information, initiated by Art Muir R. L. M?SSBAUER and his group. Sin ce 1969, J ohn and Virginia Munich Stevens have explored new ways of gathering December, 1977 V Acknowledgments This year our operation was located at the Uni proofread the data and references, and in so versity of Nijmegen, The Netherlands, where we doing demonstrated a special kind of patience were working during a year lea ve of absence from and attention to detail. Other longtime assistants UNC-A. In Nijmegen Dr. Jan Trooster was our are Professor G. N. Belozerskii of USSR and Dr.
That the field of Mossbauer spectroscopy continues for the remarks section of the index, and the inclusion to be an important growth area in science and tech of some new appendices and tables (such as the en nology, despite recent economic pressures, is ade ergy conversion tables, nuclear radius and moment quately evidenced by the present volume. Covering re data, and the report of the ASTM Task Group on search published only in the year 1969, its size is com Mossbauer Nomenclature and Conventions). The parable to its predecessor, Mossbauer Effect Data advertisement section, too, provides a collection of Index 1958-1965. With such continuing growth in information useful to many readers. many fields, the need for specialized information re In summary, the new editors are to be congratulated trieval tools for the research worker is now becoming for their excellent and tremendous effort in putting together such a fine compilation in a remarkably short an increasingly important internationally recognized time. The user community, I am sure, will strongly concern. MEDI 1969 satisfies much of this need for the community it addresses in a timely manner. urge them to continue this series, as I know their pred This work not only follows in the footsteps of its ecessor has been urged to help fill the gap for the years 1966-1968. predecessor, but also includes a number of important and very useful innovations. Among these are the classification of substances investigated according to ARTHUR H. MUIR, JR.