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Luís Fernando Morales Morante is Professor at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain. He is the author of several books, and has worked as an editor for Panamericana Televisión and Frecuencia Latina, as well as for the media postproduction company Advanced Video Systems in Lima, Peru.
This third volume in the Media for All series offers a diverse selection of articles which bear testimony to the vigour and versatility of research and developments in audiovisual translation and media accessibility. The collection reflects the critical impact of new technologies on AVT, media accessibility and consumer behaviour and shows the significant increase in collaborative and interdisciplinary research targeting changing consumer perceptions as well as quality issues. Complementing newcomers such as crowdsourcing and potentially universal emoticons, classical themes of AVT studies such as linguistic analyses and corpus-based research are featured. Prevalent throughout the volume is the impact of technology on both methodologies and content. The book will be of interest to researchers from a wide range of disciplines as well as audiovisual translators, lecturers, trainers and students, producers and developers working in the field of language and media accessibility.
Translation, accessibility and the viewing experience of foreign, deaf and blind audiences has long been a neglected area of research within film studies. The same applies to the film industry, where current distribution strategies and exhibition platforms severely underestimate the audience that exists for foreign and accessible cinema. Translated and accessible versions are usually produced with limited time, for little remuneration, and traditionally involving zero contact with the creative team. Against this background, this book presents accessible filmmaking as an alternative approach, integrating translation and accessibility into the filmmaking process through collaboration between translators and filmmakers. The book introduces a wide notion of media accessibility and the concepts of the global version, the dubbing effect and subtitling blindness. It presents scientific evidence showing how translation and accessibility can impact the nature and reception of a film by foreign and sensory-impaired audiences, often changing the film in a way that filmmakers are not always aware of. The book includes clips from the award-winning film Notes on Blindness on the Routledge Translation Studies Portal, testimonies from filmmakers who have adopted this approach, and a presentation of the accessible filmmaking workflow and a new professional figure: the director of accessibility and translation. This is an essential resource for advanced students and scholars working in film, audiovisual translation and media accessibility, as well as for those (accessible) filmmakers who are not only concerned about their original viewers, but also about those of the foreign and accessible versions of their films, who are often left behind.
Flashing through crystalline skies on prism wings of gossamer or madly cantering through autumn’s fallen leaves astride their nutmeg-colored mounts of sable voles and ash-colored mice: images of sprite-like fairies with insanely delicate features, bedecked in gauzes of layered green, shimmering with morning’s dew. Fairies bequeath themselves as the virtually immortal emissaries of enchanted glens and timeless worlds that twinkle amidst the shattered nonsense of our dreams. Well may that all be true. Quite possible, then every bit as real, may be phantasmal, spectral creatures that glide through the folding fogs of night: an entire world of entities who, long fallen from the morning stars, have twisted their whole existence to thwart the intent of God and pathetic exploits of man. Horrific and terrifying, blackened apparitions lurk at the very edge of short-sighted humanity’s periphery with features that curdle both our hearts and our imaginations—soulless, illusory beings that nightly prance and plot amidst a nightmarish existence that lies just outside mankind’s perception. Enduring the squalid darkness eternally, they wait patiently, every iota as legitimate as the fleeting, pale, and all too fragile physical reality humanity chooses to acknowledge and inhabit. One would do well to keep in mind that not all fairy tales are purely make-believe.
Editing and Montage in International Film and Video presents a theoretical and practical approach to the art of editing. In this book, Lu�s Fernando Morales Morante explores the international history, technology, theory, practical techniques, psychology, and cognitive effects of editing across a range of media from around the world, featuring case studies from film, dramatic television, news media, music videos, commercials, and mobile-delivered formats, from the films of Sergei Eisenstein to Michael Jackson's "Thriller" to coverage of the 2012 U.S. presidential elections. The book includes self-study exercises throughout to help readers put theory into practice.
La muestra constituye una suerte de panorama que gira en torno a una selección de obras de los años 70 y 80 hasta la actualidad, cuyo denominador común es la TV, foco del análisis crítico de los mass-media o "el paisaje de los media", como lo denomina Muntadas: el concepto que subyace en todas las obras es el origen de una genealogía de los "mecanismos invisibles". Muntadas indaga en el espacio de la comunicación, lo social y lo político, intrínsecamente relacionados con la intersección público/privado desde el análisis de contextos y de la arquitectura.
El nuevo ecosistema audiovisual, en el que las televisiones tratan de convivir con Internet, ofrece grandes posibilidades para informar, sensibilizar y educar al público sobre los retos ambientales a los que se enfrenta nuestra sociedad. Sin embargo, la investigación pone de manifiesto que los medios no han estado a la altura del envite, debido a la complejidad de las cuestiones ambientales, la siempre difícil relación de la ciencia con los medios de comunicación y la creciente tendencia hacia el infoentretenimiento. El medio ambiente en el nuevo universo audiovisual es el resultado tangible de un rico debate generado en la octava edición del foro «Transformar la televisión», reunido en La Casa Encendida, centro social y cultural de Fundación Montemadrid. En las páginas de este volumen, una decena de expertos en la materia analizan, con rigor y valentía, la representación audiovisual del medio ambiente en este nuevo paradigma comunicativo, en el que los formatos televisivos tradicionales han perdido peso y el vídeo en línea ha alcanzado un notable desarrollo, impulsado por las redes sociales.
Fray Bernardino de Sahagún-INAH Award in Mexico for Best Research Work in Anthropology Gabriela Zamorano Villarreal examines the political dimension of indigenous media production and distribution as a means by which indigenous organizations articulate new claims on national politics in Bolivia, a country experiencing one of the most notable cases of social mobilization and indigenous-based constitutional transformation in contemporary Latin America. Based on fieldwork in Bolivia from 2005 to 2007, Zamorano Villarreal details how grassroots indigenous media production has been instrumental to indigenous political demands for a Constituent Assembly and for implementing the new constitution within Evo Morales's controversial administration. On a day-to-day basis, Zamorano Villarreal witnessed the myriad processes by which Bolivia’s indigenous peoples craft images of political struggle and enfranchisement to produce films about their role in Bolivian society. Indigenous Media and Political Imaginaries in Contemporary Bolivia contributes a wholly new and original perspective on indigenous media worlds in Bolivia: the collaborative and decolonizing authorship of indigenous media against the neoliberal multicultural state, and its key role in reimagining national politics. Zamorano Villarreal unravels the negotiations among indigenous media makers about how to fairly depict a gender, territorial, or justice conflict in their films to promote grassroots understanding of indigenous peoples in Bolivia’s multicultural society.
La precisión y la fluidez del montaje o la edición son cruciales para el éxito de cualquier producto audiovisual, aunque la reciente efervescencia tecnológica hace que, a menudo, se valore más la pericia operativa que el talento creador. Esto puede hacer que nos olvidemos de sus importantes aportes a la narrativa, dramaturgia y expresividad de una ficción, noticia, spot, o de los nuevos formatos para web, móviles o tablets. Todos estos aspectos se abordan en el presente libro, que combina la parte teórica y técnica fundamental, con el análisis práctico debidamente ilustrado de programas recientes. También se incluye un apartado donde se presenta un panorama actual de las diferentes corrientes experimentales dedicadas a medir los efectos perceptivos, cognitivos y emocionales del montaje. Este manual va dirigido a estudiantes de comunicación y profesionales que desean actualizarse en esta fase capital de la realización de cine y vídeo.