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Mobility and Modernity uses voluminous German data on migrations over the past two centuries to demonstrate why conventional assumptions about the relationship between mobility and modernity must be revised. Thus far the changing total volume of migration has not been traced over a long period for any country. Unique migration registration statistics, both detailed and broadly geographical in coverage, allow the precise plotting of migration rates in Germany since 1820. Steve Hochstadt combines careful quantitative methods, easily understood numerical data, and social analysis based upon broad reading in German social history to show that current beliefs about the direction and timing of changes in German mobility, which have been based on late nineteenth-century anxieties about urbanization and industrialization, do not match the data. Migration rates in Germany rose continuously throughout the nineteenth century, and have fallen during the twentieth century. Mobility, Hochstadt argues, was not an unprecedented accompaniment to industrialization, but a traditional rural response to specific economic changes. Hochstadt's more precise analysis of urban in- and outmigration shows the mechanism of urbanization to have been the migration of families rather than the much greater, but also more circular, migration of single men and women. Hochstadt demonstrates the importance of examining historical behavior, powerfully justifying the methods of historical demography as a path to social understanding. The data and specific conclusions are German, but the methods and reinterpretaion of migration history have much wider application, both to other modern European nations and to currently developing countries. Those who study the modern social history of Europe, the mechanisms that formed urban working classes, and the methods of historical demography will be interested in Hochstadt's work.
Mobility in Germany is embracing market changes like never before. Megatrends, notably, digitalization, urbanization and sustainable thinking are driving Germany’s mobility transformation such that traditional players are rethinking their business models and new companies are constantly seeking market penetration. This book captures these changes in a holistic approach to depict Germany’s mobility transition driven by innovation. Beginning with an evaluation of the market environment and megatrends impacting mobility, the book compares and contrasts traditional mobility business models with those of the new entrants. Using business management techniques and a detailed survey on customer perspectives, this book equips mobility professionals, policymakers, entrepreneurs and researchers with concise, critical and up-to-date analysis of the developments in German mobility and provides valuable insights into new business models that offer user-oriented, futuristic and sustainable mobility solutions.
Based on a novel class scheme and a unique compilation of German and American data, this book reveals that intergenerational class mobility increased over most of the past century. While country differences in intergenerational mobility are surprisingly small, gender, regional, racial and ethnic differences were initially large but declined over time. At the end of the 20th century, however, mobility prospects turned to the worse in both countries. In light of these findings, the book develops a narrative account of historical socio-political developments that are likely to have driven the basic resemblances across countries but also account for the initial decline and the more recent increase in intergenerational inequality.
This report provides new evidence on social mobility in the context of increased inequalities of income and opportunities in OECD and selected emerging economies. It covers the aspects of both, social mobility between parents and children and of personal income mobility over the life course, ...
We characterize intergenerational social mobility in Germany using census data on the educational attainment of 526,000 children and their parents' earnings. Our measure of educational attainment is the A-Level degree, a requirement for access to university and the most important qualification in the German education system. On average, a 10 percentile increase in the parental income rank is associated with a 5.2 percentage point increase in the probability to obtain an A-Level. This parental income gradient has not changed for the birth cohorts from 1980 to 1996, despite a large-scale policy of expanding upper secondary education in Germany. At the regional level, there exists substantial variation in mobility estimates. Place effects, rather than sorting of households into different regions, seem to account for most of these geographical differences. Mobile regions are, among other aspects, characterized by high school quality and enhanced possibilities to obtain an A-Level degree in vocational schools.
Die Ungleichheit der Lohneinkommen in Deutschland verschärft sich seit geraumer Zeit deutlich. Umso mehr muss zumindest die Gleichheit der Chancen in unserer Gesellschaft gewährleistet sein. Die Höhe des Einkommens sollte - aus gesellschaftlichen wie ökonomischen Gründen - von der individuellen Leistungsfähigkeit abhängen, nicht vom Status der Eltern. Doch wie ist es um die Gleichheit der Chancen in Deutschland tatsächlich bestellt? Ist das hiesige Einkommensgefüge so durchlässig, dass auch Menschen aus sozial schwachen Familien eine realistische Aufstiegschance haben? Wie hoch ist in Deutschland die ökonomische Mobilität zwischen sowie innerhalb von Generationen? Und wie schneidet Deutschland im Vergleich zu anderen Ländern ab? Daniel Schnitzlein untersucht diese Fragen mit neuen methodischen Ansätzen und analysiert die Ursachen für das unterschiedliche Ausmaß an ökonomischer Mobilität im internationalen Vergleich. Publikationssprache: Englisch
This book tackles the problem of the insufficient and expensive charging infrastructure in Germany. It assesses the lack of charging infrastructure for electric vehicles with regard to regulatory and competition law, as well as economic aspects. The legal solutions proposed here could ultimately serve to offer e-motorists around the country highly efficient and competitively priced charging options.