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Plasma physicist Ian Hutchinson has been asked hundreds of questions about faith and science. Is God’s existence a scientific question? Is the Bible consistent with the modern scientific understanding of the universe? Are there scientific reasons to believe in God? In this comprehensive volume, Hutchinson answers a full range of inquiries with sound scientific insights and measured Christian perspective.
Two dangers confront the modern Christian regarding the apparent conflict between the role of miracles and the rigors of modern science. First, a naïveté that forces such shallow methods upon the scientific disciplines that the result is the evaporation of both reason and miracles. Second, the inherently irreligious spirit that empties the world of wonder out of homage to an outdated rationalism. Scientist and theologian Stanley Jaki makes a case for recognizing the needs of modern science and of establishing a proper understanding of the miraculous in history.
For as long as the idea of "miracles" has been in the public sphere, the conversation about them has been shaped exclusively by religious apologists and Christian leaders. The definitions for what a miracles are have been forged by the same men who fought hard to promote their own beliefs as fitting under that umbrella. It's time for a change. Enter John W. Loftus, an atheist author who has earned three master's degrees from Lincoln Christian Seminary and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Loftus, a former student of noted Christian apologist William Lane Craig, got some of the biggest names in the field to contribute to this book, which represents a critical analysis of the very idea of miracles. Incorporating his own thoughts along with those of noted academics, philosophers, and theologians, Loftus is able to properly define "miracle" and then show why there's no reason to believe such a thing even exists. Addressing every single issue that touches on miracles in a thorough and academic manner, this compilation represents the most extensive look at the phenomenon ever displayed through the lens of an ardent nonbeliever. If you've ever wondered exactly what a miracle is, or doubted whether they exist, then this book is for you.
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The debate between science and religion is never out of the news: emotions run high, fuelled by polemical bestsellers like The God Delusion and, at the other end of the spectrum, high-profile campaigns to teach "Intelligent Design" in schools. Yet there is much more to the debate than the clash of these extremes. As Thomas Dixon shows in this balanced and thought-provoking introduction, a whole range of views, subtle arguments, and fascinating perspectives can be found on this complex and centuries-old subject. He explores the key philosophical questions that underlie the debate, but also highlights the social, political, and ethical contexts that have made the tensions between science and religion such a fraught and interesting topic in the modern world. Dixon emphasizes how the modern conflict between evolution and creationism is quintessentially an American phenomenon, arising from the culture and history of the United States, as exemplified through the ongoing debates about how to interpret the First-Amendment's separation of church and state. Along the way, he examines landmark historical episodes such as the Galileo affair, Charles Darwin's own religious and scientific odyssey, the Scopes "Monkey Trial" in Tennessee in 1925, and the Dover Area School Board case of 2005, and includes perspectives from non-Christian religions and examples from across the physical, biological, and social sciences. About the Series: Combining authority with wit, accessibility, and style, Very Short Introductions offer an introduction to some of life's most interesting topics. Written by experts for the newcomer, they demonstrate the finest contemporary thinking about the central problems and issues in hundreds of key topics, from philosophy to Freud, quantum theory to Islam.
Do miracles still happen today? This book demonstrates that miraculous works of God, which have been part of the experience of the church around the world since Christianity began, continue into the present. Leading New Testament scholar Craig Keener addresses common questions about miracles and provides compelling reasons to believe in them today, including many accounts that offer evidence of verifiable miracles. This book gives an accessible and concise overview of one of Keener's most significant research topics. His earlier two-volume work on miracles stands as the definitive word on the topic, but its size and scope are daunting to many readers. This new book summarizes Keener's basic argument but contains substantial new material, including new accounts of the miraculous. It is suitable as a textbook but also accessible to church leaders and laypeople.
Argues that the discoveries of twentieth-century physics--relativity and the quantum theory--demand a radical reformulation of the fundamentals of reality and a way of thinking, that is closer to mysticism than materialism.
This book deals with the discovery of an ancient and secret system of workable magic, which, if we can learn to use it as did the native magicians of Polynesia and North Africa, bids fair to change the world … Contents: The Discovery That May Change the World Fire-Walking as an Introduction to Magic The Incredible Force Used in Magic, Where It Comes From, and Some of Its Uses The Two Souls of Man and the Proofs That There Are Two Instead of One The Kahuna System and the Three "Souls" or Spirits of Man, Each Using Its Own Voltage of Vital Force. These Spirits in Union and in Separation Taking The Measure of the Third Element in Magic, That of the Invisible Substance Through Which Consciousness Acts by Means of Force Psychometry, Crystal Gazing, Visions of the Past, Visions of the Future, Etc., Explained by the Ancient Lore of the Kahunas Mind Reading, Clairvoyance, Vision, Prevision, Crystal Gazing, and All of the Psychometrically Related Phenomena, as Explained in Terms of the Ten Elements of the Ancient Huna System The Significance of Seeing into the Future in the Psychometric Phenomena and in Dreams The Easy Way to Dream into the Future Instant Healing Through the High Self. The Proofs and Methods Raising the Dead, Permanently and Temporarily The Life-Giving Secrets of Lomilomi and Laying on of Hands Startling New and Different Ideas from the Kahunas Concerning the Nature of the Complex and Healing The Secret Kahuna Method of Treating the Complex How the Kahunas Fought the Horrid Things of Darkness The Secret Within the Secret The Secret Which Enabled the Kahunas to Perform the Miracle of Instant Healing The Magic of Rebuilding the Unwanted Future The High Self and the Healing in Psychic Science How The Kahunas Controlled Winds, Weather and the Sharks by Magic The Practical Use of the Magic of the Miracle
"Have you ever wondered if there is a scientific explanation for phenomena such as miraculous instant healings? Want to learn a simple, rational, step-by-step technique to fill your life with health, wealth, and love? Are you frustrated with all the self-help books and seminars that don't deliver results for you? Did you know that thousands of people around the world are now using the consciousness technology of Theta Healing and experiencing miraculous instant healings and profound life transformations? Where Science Meets Spirit: The Formula for Miracles bridges the gap between the worlds of science and spirituality by presenting the scientific principles used by healers, mystics, self-help gurus, and miracle workers to manipulate and bend the fabric of reality itself."--Page 4 of cover.
In a quiet moment of therapy, a breakthrough comes -- the miracle of the new. To experience an epiphany is to have sudden insight into the essential meaning of something, unleashed sometimes in exquisitely slow motion, sometimes in a flash. In an intimate, lyrical integration of the science of psychology and transcendence of spirituality, celebrated clinician Dr. Ann Jauregui introduces us to nine individuals who have undergone astonishing transformations by exploring a world quite different from the one described by our five senses. With moments of miraculous and joyful surprise, Epiphanies exposes a reality outside of everyday existence that has momentous implications for life's ultimate questions. "Shyly we venture out with these stories," Dr. Jauregui writes, "into a world where science itself is struggling to describe a realm out of time and space and language." We are the beneficiaries of these extraordinary shifts of perspective, invited into a sparkling conversation that allows us to see the potential residing in all of us.