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Después de completar este libro, comprenderá el marco de la atención plena y cómo mejorará su vida una vez que lo incorpore a su rutina. En Mindfulness, le enseño cómo crear felicidad, ordenar su mente y nutrir la conciencia espiritual para convertirse en la versión más poderosa de usted mismo. ¡No más estrés, ansiedad y confusión que lo agobien! Solo las técnicas claras y enfocadas que se ofrecen aquí. Ejercicios para principiantes: •Alimentación consiente •Meditación de respiración consciente. •Meditación de movimiento consciente. •Meditación de exploración corporal •Escucha de Atención plena. •Atención plena a los pensamientos y sentimientos •Conciencia sin elección. •Caminata de Atención plena •Escaneo corporal caminando. •Caminata feliz •Meditación de bondad amorosa Después de completar este libro, comprenderá el marco de la atención plena y cómo mejorará su vida una vez que lo incorpore a su rutina. Si esta práctica ha faltado en su vida y está listo para cambiar eso, no espere más. Aprenda a estar presente y a vivir con un propósito.
Las meditaciones mindfulness son un modo excelente de cultivar la atención y la aceptación del aquí y el ahora. Matthew Sockolov lo hace fácil y asequible en esta obra estructurada en 75 ejercicios basados en evidencias y pensados para aportar calma y compasión a tu vida cotidiana. Desde meditaciones tradicionales breves, como control de la respiración y escaneos corporales, hasta ejercicios creativos más largos, esta guía proporciona las herramientas perfectas para aliviar el estrés, cultivar el bienestar y practicar la paz mental instante a instante y a través de la rutina diaria. En 75 prácticas esenciales de mindfulness hallarás toda la ayuda que necesitas para gestionar los pensamientos distorsionados o erráticos, manejar los bloqueos mentales, y dar los pasos indicados para mantenerte despierto y sereno en todas las situaciones. Comienza hoy mismo un viaje de paz y de paciencia en el sendero hacia una vida mejor y más equilibrada.
¿Cómo vives tu día a día? ¿Sientes que muchas veces te abruman las preocupaciones y no sabes cómo gestionarlas? ¿Quieres aprender a reducir el estrés y la ansiedad y controlar los pensamientos rumiantes que no dejan de dar vueltas en tu cabeza? Lo que necesitas es pasarte a una actitud mindfulness, y con este libro aprenderás cómo. Y es que, si bien no podemos evitar que ocurran ciertas situaciones, gracias al mindfulness podemos enfocarlas y aceptarlas de una manera que nos aporte tranquilidad en lugar de más tensión o estrés. Este libro presenta prácticas de atención plena muy sencillas y asequibles para realizar en el día a día y modificar gradualmente los patrones mentales que causan la mayor parte del sufrimiento emocional que padecemos. A través del mindfulness aprenderás a gestionar tus emociones y pensamientos, y podrás dejar de vivir en piloto automático para volverte más consciente. Además, desarrollarás actitudes positivas como la compasión o el agradecimiento, que te permitirán liberarte de tu cárcel mental y encontrar la calma, crecer interiormente y comenzar a vivir de manera más satisfactoria.
Una brillante introducción a la práctica del mindfulness. Mindfulness para principiantes es una invitación para que el lector modifique su relación con el modo en que piensa, siente, ama, trabaja o juega; y despierte y encarne de forma plena lo que realmente es. Los meditadores principiantes (pero también los avezados) descubrirán en estas páginas un valioso compendio de las prácticas y actitudes fundamentales que Jon Kabat-Zinn ha desarrollado tras décadas de investigación, enseñanza y práctica. A destacar: · la importancia de conectar con nuestro cuerpo y nuestros sentidos; · ir más allá de nuestra «historia» y conectar con la experiencia directa; · estabilizar nuestra atención y presencia en medio de las actividades cotidianas; · los factores mentales fundamentales que provocan sufrimiento; · por qué corazón pleno ( heartfulness) es sinónimo de mindfulness. Mindfulness para principiantes proporciona las respuestas apropiadas para lograr que conectemos de un modo más claro, duradero y amoroso con nosotros mismos y el mundo. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION An Invitation to the Practice of Mindfulness We may long for wholeness, suggests Jon Kabat-Zinn, but the truth is that it is already here and already ours. The practice of mindfulness holds the possibility of not just a fleeting sense of contentment, but a true embracing of a deeper unity that envelops and permeates our lives. With Mindfulness for Beginnersyou are invited to learn how to transform your relationship to the way you think, feel, love, work, and play―and thereby awaken to and embody more completely who you really are. Here, the teacher, scientist, and clinician who first demonstrated the benefits of mindfulness within mainstream Western medicine offers a book that you can use in three unique ways: as a collection of reflections and practices to be opened and explored at random; as an illuminating and engaging start-to-finish read; or as an unfolding "lesson-a-day" primer on mindfulness practice. Beginning and long-time meditators alike will discover in these pages a valuable distillation of the key attitudes and essential practices that Jon Kabat-Zinn has found most useful with his students, including: • Why heartfulness is synonymous with true mindfulness • The value of coming back to our bodies and to our senses over and over again • How our thoughts "self-liberate" when touched by awareness • Moving beyond our "story" into direct experience • Stabilizing our attention and presence amidst daily activities • Three fundamental mental factors that cause suffering • How mindfulness heals, even after the fact •Reclaiming our wholeness, and more The prescription for living a more mindful life seems simple enough: return your awareness again and again to whatever is going on. But if you’ve tried it, you know that here is where all the questions and challenges really begin. Mindfulness for Beginners provides welcome answers, insights, and instruction to help us make that shift, moment by moment, into a more spacious, clear, reliable, and loving connection with ourselves and the world.
Based on twenty case studies of universities worldwide, and on a survey administered to leaders in 101 universities, this open access book shows that, amidst the significant challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, universities found ways to engage with schools to support them in sustaining educational opportunity. In doing so, they generated considerable innovation, which reinforced the integration of the research and outreach functions of the university. The evidence suggests that universities are indeed open systems, in interaction with their environment, able to discover changes that can influence them and to change in response to those changes. They are also able, in the success of their efforts to mitigate the educational impact of the pandemic, to create better futures, as the result of the innovations they can generate. This challenges the view of universities as "ivory towers" being isolated from the surrounding environment and detached from local problems. As they reached out to schools, universities not only generated clear and valuable innovations to sustain educational opportunity and to improve it, this process also contributed to transform internal university processes in ways that enhanced their own ability to deliver on the third mission of outreach
For many clients, group therapy is a more practical treatment option than one-on-one therapy sessions. The financial cost of group therapy is substantially less than individual therapy, and research shows it can be just as effective. However, group therapy also presents unique challenges, and is often more difficult to administer. That’s why professionals need a solid plan of action when using group therapy to treat clients. In recent years, acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) has gained immense popularity. Based in values, mindfulness, and committed action, this therapeutic model has proven successful in treating a number of psychiatric disorders, including anxiety, depression, stress, addictions, eating disorders, trauma, and relationship problems. However, despite the popularity of this modality, there are very limited resources available when it comes to applying ACT in a group setting. Learning ACT for Group Treatment is a comprehensive, powerful manual for clinicians, therapists, and counselors looking to implement ACT in group therapy with clients. A composite of stand-alone sessions, the book provides detailed explanations of each of the core ACT processes, printable worksheets, tips on group session formatting, and a wide range of activities that foster willingness, cooperation, and connection among participants. In the book, professionals will see how the benefits of ACT can actually be enhanced in a group setting, particularly because there are more participants for ACT exercises. This leads to increased accountability among clients, and allows them to play both an active role and the role of the observer during treatment. The book also includes concrete tips for applying ACT to a number of treatment scenarios, including inpatient group therapy, partial hospitalization programs, outpatient programs, and community self-help groups. With detailed exercises and group activities, this book has everything therapists need to start using ACT in group settings right away.
"Approachable and user-friendly." —The Professional Counselor The use of metaphor is central to the implementation of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and is a powerful tool for all practicing psychotherapists. In Metaphor in Practice, psychotherapist Niklas Törneke presents the first practical book to combine the behavioral and linguistic sciences of metaphor, and illustrates how and when to apply metaphors in practice for better treatment outcomes. The use of metaphors and experiential exercises can help clients gain a deeper understanding of the problems that cause their disorders. Metaphors help clients connect with their values, and often spark the inspiration and motivation needed to make a commitment to change. And while metaphor is central to relational frame theory (RFT), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), research now shows its usefulness has an even broader reach. In this book, you’ll find a scientific analysis of metaphor based on over thirty years of research, as well as trends in research over the last ten years. The book includes an overview of RFT, how metaphor has influenced the community of behavior analysis, as well as available clinical research on metaphor use. You’ll also discover how to create metaphors for functional analysis, distance of observation, and things that matter to your client. Most importantly, you’ll find practical examples of metaphors and clinical exercises you can use in-session. There are many books on metaphor and psychotherapy, but this is the first book to make the connection between the science of metaphor and the detailed clinical process of using that knowledge. If you are a mental health professional—or simply interested in the science of metaphor—this book will provide everything you need to understand and apply this approach.
This compelling book provides psychotherapists with evidence-based strategies for harnessing the power of language to free clients from life-constricting patterns and promote psychological flourishing. Grounded in relational frame theory (RFT), the volume shares innovative ways to enhance assessment and intervention using specific kinds of clinical conversations. Techniques are demonstrated for activating and shaping behavior change, building a flexible sense of self, fostering meaning and motivation, creating powerful experiential metaphors, and strengthening the therapeutic relationship. User-friendly features include more than 80 clinical vignettes with commentary by the authors, plus a "Quick Guide to Using RFT in Psychotherapy" filled with sample phrases and questions to ask. See also two works by Paul L. Wachtel--Therapeutic Communication, Second Edition, which provides another vital perspective on language in psychotherapy, and Making Room for the Disavowed, which integrates psychodynamic thinking with ACT and other contemporary approaches.
Geriatric Psycho-Oncology is a comprehensive handbook that provides best practice models for the management of psychological, cognitive, and social outcomes of older adults living with cancer and their families. Chapters cover a wide range of topics including screening tools and interventions, psychiatric emergencies and disorders, physical symptom management, communication issues, and issues specific to common cancer sites. A resource section is appended to provide information on national services and programs. This book features contributions from experts designed to help clinicians review, anticipate and respond to emotional issues that often arise in the context of treating older cancer patients. Numerous cross-references and succinct tables and figures make this concise reference easy to use. Geriatric Psycho-Oncology is an ideal resource for helping oncologists and nurses recognize when it may be best to refer patients to their mental health colleagues and for those who are establishing or adding psychosocial components to existing clinics.