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Franz Kafka, the author has very nicely narrated the story of Gregou Samsa who wakes up one day to discover that he has metamorphosed into a bug. The book concerns itself with the themes of alienation and existentialism. The author has written many important stories, including ‘The Judgement’, and much of his novels ‘Amerika’, ‘The Castle’, ‘The Hunger Artist’. Many of his stories were published during his lifetime but many were not. Over the course of the 1920s and 30s Kafka’s works were published and translated instantly becoming landmarks of twentieth-century literature. Ironically, the story ends on an optimistic note, as the family puts itself back together. The style of the book epitomizes Kafka’s writing. Kafka very interestingly, used to present an impossible situation, such as a man’s transformation into an insect, and develop the story from there with perfect realism and intense attention to detail. The Metamorphosis is an autobiographical piece of writing, and we find that parts of the story reflect Kafka’s own life.
In graphic novel format, retells stories from the Acts of the Apostles.
„Nu pot decât să-i fiu recunoscător dnei Marinela V. Ardelean pentru efortul său, mereu reiterat, de a face cunoscut profilul românesc al oenologiei europene. Cititorul, localnic sau străin, află tot ce nu ştia, sau ştia vag, despre un patrimoniu care îşi merită locul printre valorile protejate ale civilizaţiei noastre. Inventarul e amplu şi alcătuit cu acribie, autoarea are toate calităţile unui comunicator eficient: expertiză (globală şi circumstanţială), hărnicie inteligentă, profesionalitate pragmatică, farmec personal. Mai în glumă, mai în serios, ea reuşeşte, prin acest volum, ceea ce nu reu¬şeşte istoria contemporană: unificarea spaţiului românesc, consemnarea continuităţii dintre spaţiul de dincoace de Prut şi cel al Republicii Moldova. Avem ce bea, avem ce citi, avem ce visa. Un cuvânt de laudă şi pentru ţinuta grafică a cărţii: avem şi ce privi! Lectură plăcută! Noroc!“ – Andrei Pleșu „I can only thank Mrs Marinela V. Ardelean for her effort, always reiterated, to make the Romanian profile of European oenology known. The reader, local or foreign, finds out everything he did not know, or he barely knew, about a patrimony that deserves its place among the protected values of our civilization. The inventory is extensive and rigurous, the author has all the qualities of an efficient communicator: expertize (global and circumstantial), intelligent workmanship, pragmatic professionalism, personal charm. As a joke, but not really, she succeeds, through this volume, where contemporary history fails: the unification of the Romanian space, marking the continuity of the space between this side of the Prut and the Republic of Moldova. We have what to drink, we have what to read, we have what to dream of. A word of praise for the graphic outfit of the book too: we also have what to look at! Enjoy your reading! Cheers!“ - Andrei Pleșu
Papers presented at an international symposium April 10-11, 1981 under the sponsorship of the University of Toronto.
Sarah Roger investigates Jorge Luis Borges's development as an author in light of Franz Kafka's influence, and in consideration of Borges's relationship with his father, a failed author. She explores how reading Kafka helped Borges mediate and make productive use of his own relationship with his father.