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A comprehensive analysis of merger outcomes based on all empirical studies, with an assessment of the effectiveness of antitrust policy toward mergers. In recent decades, antitrust investigations and cases targeting mergers—including those involving Google, Ticketmaster, and much of the domestic airline industry—have reshaped industries and changed business practices profoundly. And yet there has been a relative dearth of detailed evaluations of the effects of mergers and the effectiveness of merger policy. In this book, John Kwoka, a noted authority on industrial organization, examines all reliable empirical studies of the effect of specific mergers and develops entirely new information about the policies and remedies of antitrust agencies regarding these mergers. Combined with data on outcomes, this policy information enables analysis of, and creates new insights into, mergers, merger policies, and the effectiveness of remedies in preventing anticompetitive outcomes. After an overview of mergers, merger policy, and a common approach to merger analysis, Kwoka offers a detailed analysis of the studied mergers, relevant policies, and chosen remedies. Kwoka finds, first and foremost, that most of the studied mergers resulted in competitive harm, usually in the form of higher product prices but also with respect to various non-price outcomes. Other important findings include the fact that joint ventures and code sharing arrangements do not result in such harm and that policies intended to remedy mergers—especially conduct remedies—are not generally effective in restraining price increases. The book's uniquely comprehensive analysis advances our understanding of merger decisions and policies, suggests policy improvements for competition agencies and remedies, and points the way to future research.
A series of huge and bitterly contested takeover bids has recently focused public attention on the merger phenomenon. At the same time British merger policy, which has for long lacked clarity and bite, has been the subject of government review.
International Merger Policy offers a compelling comparative assessment of domestic and regional merger laws and procedures. Identifying important areas of convergence and emerging best practice, it considers existing levels of international cooperation
GIULIANO MUSSATI Why do mergers occur, which are their effects on social welfare and which is the best economic policy toward them? These three questions have been puzzling industrial economists since the end of the last century when the first great merger wave has come about in the US. They have returned at the centre of the stage of the theoretical and empirical economic research during the last decade when merger and acquisition activity became one of the most evident firms' activities in all industrialised countries, being fostered by some general and country specific facts. These facts have been identified in the appearance of new financial instruments facilitating fund raising by firms, in the benevolent behaviour of the authorities in charge of competition policy during the Reagan administration in the US, while inter nal market completion has become a strong incentive for European firms to reach a true continental dimension in the UE through external growth. However a robust and univocal answer to these questions has not yet been found in spite of its importance not only from the theoretical point of view, but also from the normative one. In fact the correct identification of firms' motivations in pursuing merger and acquisition operations and of their consequences on social welfare would help the choice by administra tive authorities of different possible options in competition and industrial policies.
This set includes articles from the four main fields which have influenced the study of Mergers and Acquisitions: Economics, Finance, Strategic Management and Human Resource Management. Featuring the key papers by individuals who shaped the field, the collection presents these formative pieces in thematically grouped sections, including coverage of: * Perspectives on the modern business corporation and the role of mergers and acquisitions: historical, financial, strategic and management * Causes of mergers and acquisitions activity * Performance impact of mergers and acquisitions activity * Public policy and the corporation The set features a comprehensive index and original introductory material.
. . . for practitioners considering whether to use economists to evaluate merger proposals, this book provides a relevant insight into the types of information that would be necessary to develop even a basic simulation model, and some guidance as to circumstances where such technique may be appropriate. Vanessa Holliday, Competition and Consumer Law Journal . . . highly recommended for practitioners as well as academics interested in merger remedies. Arndt Christiansen, European Competition Law Review Headlines are made when the European Commission prohibits a merger, but this is actually very rare. Clearances subject to conditions (i.e. remedies) happen ten times as frequently, but have received far less attention in academic literature. This book provides an empirical assessment of the effectiveness of merger remedies, employing a novel simulation methodology based on formal economic theory. The authors were given unprecedented access to data available to case handlers, concerning a range of remedied mergers covering 21 markets. Using this they have adapted simple simulation techniques to appraise the competitive effects of these mergers and the impact of potential and actual remedies. Ex-ante results are then compared with ex-post impact to examine the actual effectiveness of remedies. The results provide a critique of both simple market share analysis and remedy design. This research thus contributes to economics research and practical merger policy. This rare empirical assessment of the efficacy of remedies in competition policy will be of great significance and interest to policy makers, as well as to economists, lawyers, practitioners and students in competition law.
The thorough analyses presented in the book provide the reader with a good overview of the deregulation process in the respective industries. . . Competition Policy and Merger Analysis in Deregulated and Newly Competitive Industries is a valuable resource for researchers of law, economics, and political science. . . Volker Soyez, European Competition Law Review This comprehensive book contains case studies on the evolution of competition policy, with an emphasis on merger policy, for seven major US industries that have experienced substantial deregulation in the past forty years electricity, natural gas, telecommunications, railroads, airlines, hospitals and banking. Also included is a comparison of the EU s experience in attempting to bring about competition in the energy, finance, and airline industries. The contributors to the volume, each a recognized expert on the industry examined, explore the positive and negative implications of the substitution of market-oriented processes for historic patterns of command and control regulation. The chapters reveal clear similarities in the economic, legal and public policy issues that have arisen following deregulation of these economic sectors. Together they provide a good basis to discern the consistency of the problems and the relative success of differing responses to these issues over a range of industries going through similar transformation. While taking a basically positive view of the movement away from direct regulation, the contributors identify a number of continuing problems with achieving workable competition in these industries. The thorough analyses presented here will be of great value to law, economics, and political science researchers interested in deregulation, economic consultants advising government agencies or private parties, attorneys who focus on deregulated industries, policy planners at the agencies overseeing these industries, and students in advanced seminars on economic regulation.
Modelling European Mergers presents a comprehensive and fresh perspective on the economic analysis of mergers by leading academics and competition policymakers from Europe and the US. The book frankly discusses the pro's and con's of using applied game theory models in merger control from a historical and theoretical perspective. Seven case studies on the actual use of advanced techniques and models in legal procedures provide a perspective from the national competition authorities in Belgium, Denmark, Italy. The Netherlands and Sweden on markets that range from basic goods such as bread and aperitifs to complex products such as electricity, literature and software. The case studies provide many insights into practical issues such as data collection, procedures and errors of predication, as well as in the relative merits of different econometric approaches. A recurring theme of the book is how economic insights insights can be translated into convincing legal decisions.