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Build your career as a successful author with this proven, no-nonsense guide to marketing your own books. In today’s competitive publishing marketplace, the battle begins before a new book even hits the shelves. An author needs to deploy every weapon in their marketing arsenal to get ahead of the competition. Guerrilla Marketing for Writers is packed with proven insights and advice, it details a hundred “Classified secrets” that will help authors sell their work before and after it’s published. Having sold over twenty-one million of his own Guerilla Marketing books, Jay Conrad Levinson has mastered the art of connecting with readers and booksellers. Now he shares his practical low-cost and no-cost marketing techniques to help authors design their own powerful strategy for strengthening their proposals, promoting their books, and maximizing their sales.
«Marketing para editores no pretende ser un tratado infalible pero, siguiendo las estrategias que expone Neus Arqués, las posibilidades de fracasar se reducen, por lo que deben considerarlo, ¡YA!, como libro de cabecera si quieren escribir y publicar. Para otros proyectos, como plantar un árbol y tener un hijo, consulten con su librero.» José A. MuñozTodo autor, ya sea de ficción, ensayo o poesía, escribe para ser leído y para llegar a «ese» lector a quien, con total seguridad, va a interesar su obra. Lo primero que necesita, evidentemente, es publicar. Pero lo cierto es que eso no basta. En un mundo donde un autor se ve valorado en función del éxito que ha obtenido con su último libro, es imprescindible, además, vender. Y, para conseguirlo, su obra debe obtener la máxima visibilidad en un mercado que, por una parte, brinda al autor nuevas oportunidades –el potencial de las nuevas tecnologías-, pero por otra presenta también abundantes dificultades –la saturación de la oferta-. Marketing para escritores muestra todas las claves del marketing a quienes desean publicar, promocionar y vender su obra. Con infinidad de estrategias y ejemplos prácticos, Neus Arqués ofrece la información y las herramientas para que cualquier autor -ya sea profesional o novel- pueda abrirse paso con éxito en el competitivo mercado editorial actual.
One of the biggest mistakes made by aspiring writers is writing the wrong book for the wrong market! This single most important step is often overlooked by writers who are so focused on the craft of writing.Avoid wasting hours, months and years lamenting over writing a book and wondering if it will sell. Instead get focused on who you are writing for and why.If you write for everyone, you are actually writing for no one as your book will not resonant with anyone.Save yourself the heartache of pouring your heart out onto paper only to have it fall in deaf ears. Follow this simple yet effective method for discovering your perfect reader, writing to their felt need, and produce a book that sells well.By beginning with the end in mind you will ensure your book is published to resounding success and rave reviews.Learn an effective book marketing strategy, how to write books to make money, and successful book publishing tips.Written for a writer by a writer, Mimika Cooney shares her 20 years of marketing and writing insights to help you become a successful published author.
Packed with proven insights and techniques, this practical manual shows writers 100 ways to sell their books, before and after they're published. Learn a wide range of low-cost, effective marketing techniques, including networking, using the media to generate free publicity, using the internet, getting the most from conferences and festivals, and more. Each is presented in a short, easy-to-master format so that readers can target the techniques that are best suited to their needs. Additional information on how the publishing industry works and instructions on how to create a complete plan will help writers gain the insight they need to market their work efficiently and successfully.
The work of an author doesn't end when the completed manuscript is sent to the publisher. In today's world of publishing, successful authors must take part in the marketing of their own books. The skills needed for promoting books are much different than those needed to research and write books. For many authors speaking before a public gathering is a painful experience. For more than a decade, Bruce E. Mowday has been researching, writing, promoting, and marketing his five published books. This guide contains practical tips told through personal experiences to help those published and self-published authors increase book sales. Mowday discusses his successful and not-so-successful book signings to give ideas to authors on how to avoid frustrating situations and create successful book-selling opportunities. He also draws on his experience as a journalist to offer advice on how to connect with reporters. He also offers tips on identifying groups likely to purchase authors' books.
The first job of an author is, of course, to write great books, but these days, their second job is to market them. Marketing isn't a skill that most authors have naturally, and there is little formal training. But when your book hits the shelves, and the sales don't start rolling in, there's only two things an author can do. Keep writing more books and ... Get to grips with marketing. This book is for authors who want to sell more books, but it's also for those writers who want to think more like an entrepreneur. It's for traditionally published authors who want to take control of their future, and for self-published authors who want to jump-start a career. There are some short-term tactics for those who want to kick up immediate sales, but the focus of the book is more about instilling values and marketing principles that will help your long-term career as a writer. It's also about going beyond just the book, because the methods in this guide can take you from being an author into professional speaking, making money from other products and creating opportunities that you can't even imagine yet. There are no rules in this game, but learning this kind of authentic marketing has certainly changed my life, so read on and I'll share everything I know with you. How To Market A Book covers an extensive range of marketing principles, strategies and tactics: Part 1: Marketing Principles - including myths, how to balance your time, co-opetition and generosity Part 2: Prerequisites for Success - including an understanding of yourself and your target market, professional editing and cover design, your book page on the retailer websites, pricing and the use of free Part 3: No Platform Needed - Short-term Marketing - including how to get book reviews, paid advertising, using traditional media and tips for TV, radio and press releases Part 4: The Author Platform - Long-term Marketing - including the reasons why a platform is a good thing, author branding, your author website, list-building and email marketing, content marketing and blogging, audio and podcasting, video and book trailers, social networking, professional speaking, and becoming an author-entrepreneur. Part 5: Launching Your Book - including how launching has changed, soft launch, launch spikes, post launch and relaunches as well as lessons learned from some major book launches. Plus/ tips for when you get overwhelmed and plenty more links to further resources. This is the second edition. Updated in 2014.
If You Want People to Read Your Book, Writing It Is Only the Beginning There has truly never been a better time to be an author. For the first time, authors have direct access to the public via the Internet - and can create a community eagerly awaiting their book. But where do new authors start? How do they sort through the dizzying range of online options? Where should they spend their time online and what should they be doing? Enter Fauzia Burke, a digital book marketing pioneer and friend of overwhelmed writers everywhere. She takes authors step - by - step through the process of identifying their unique personal brand, defining their audience, clarifying their aspirations and goals, and setting priorities. She offers advice on designing a successful website, building a mailing list of superfans, blogging, creating an engagement strategy for social media, and more. By following Burke's expert advice, authors can conquer the Internet and still get their next manuscript in on time.
A wizard at promoting his own work shares with other writers the aggressive guerrilla tactics needed for winning in today's highly competitive marketplace.