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Market access is the fourth hurdle in the drug development process and the primary driver for global income of any new drug. Without a strategy in place for pricing, showing value for effectiveness and an understanding of the target purchasers’ needs, the drug will fail to reach its intended market value. Introduction to Market Access for Pharmaceuticals is based on an accredited course in this area, taken from the European Market Access University Diploma (EMAUD), and is affiliated with Aix Marseille University. Key Features: The first guide to market access for pharmaceuticals based on tested teaching materials Addresses both pharmaceutical and vaccine products Includes case studies and scenarios Covers market access consdierations for Western Europe, the USA, Japan and China Explains the impact the changing healthcare market will have on your product
Market access is the process by which a pharmaceutical company gets its product available on the market after having obtained a marketing authorization from a regulatory agency and by which the product becomes available for all patients for whom it is indicated as per its marketing authorization. It covers a group of activities intended to provide access to the appropriate medicine for the appropriate group of patients at the appropriate price (in most countries). Market Access may also be seen as activities that support the management of potential barriers, such as non-optimal price and reimbursement levels, the restriction of the scope of prescribing for the drug or complicated prescription writing or funding procedures. Since there are cultural differences among countries, any Market Access strategy needs to be culturally sensitive. Pharmaceutical Market Access in emerging markets has been extensively discussed in our previous book, published in 2016. The present book focuses on developed markets with the goal of helping students, academics, industry personnel, government workers, and decision makers understand the environment in developed markets.
This concise and reader-friendly overview of WTO law is essential reading for anyone needing an introduction to this complex field.
The definition of Market Access was first reported by the World Trade Organization as “to open markets for trade and improve transparency, reciprocity, and non-discrimination in international trade”. Pharmaceutical Market Access is different and it could be defined as achieving the optimal price for a product or service and/or the maximum reimbursement for the approved target population with no restrictions on funding for the medical technology. By the way, Market Access is not only the market authorization, but it also includes overlapping activities like pricing, health technology assessment, formulary, and reimbursement. Market Access is one of the most important activities for pharmaceutical companies and emerging countries represent an important opportunity for launching new products. It was reported that the Compounded Average Growth Rate (CAGR) was 6.0% in the period 2011-2017, and expected sales exceeding 1.1 trillion USD by 2017 for emerging countries. Furthermore, CAGR 2008-2012 for recently launched pharmaceuticals were 9.8% for emerging countries and 1.5% for the top 8 developed countries. The Market Access processes in the most important emerging countries in the selected regions are defined in this book with the aim to help local experts, local government officers, headquarter managements, and everyone who want to learn more about healthcare system and health policies pathways of Market Access, mapping and structure of decision makers, challenges and catalyzers for Market Access in the emerging countries.
Global Telecommunications Market Access offers you a solid understanding of the regulatory, economic, business, public policy and other considerations associated with entry into global telecommunications markets from a commercial, governmental and legal perspective. The primary focus of this book is on the global telecommunications regulatory environment and how it impacts market access strategies and implementation of these strategies. You are presented with case studies and a global view of the progression of telecommunications to help you better see how global markets are evolving from being dominated by monopoly service providers to one where choice has become a reality for consumers.
Starting from the observation that the establishment of free trade as such will substantially impact upon economic development, the different contributions focus on the potential contribution of non-traditional aspects of EPAs.
"In a large cross-country sample of manufacturing establishments drawn from 188 cities, average exports per establishment are smaller for African firms than for businesses in other regions. The authors show that this is mainly because, on average, African firms face more adverse economic geography and operate in poorer institutional settings. Once they control for the quality of institutions and economic geography, what in effect is a negative African dummy disappears from the firm level exports equation they estimate. One part of the effect of geography operates through Africa's lower "foreign market access:" African firms are located further away from wealthier or denser potential export markets. A second occurs through the region's lower "supplier access:" African firms face steeper input prices, partly because of their physical distance from cheaper foreign suppliers, and partly because domestic substitutes for importable inputs are more expensive. Africa's poorer institutions reduce its manufactured exports directly, as well as indirectly, by lowering foreign market access and supplier access. Both geography and institutions influence average firm level exports significantly more through their effect on the number of exporters than through their impact on how much each exporter sells in foreign markets. "--World Bank web site.
The authors examine an issue at the nexus of domestic competition policy and international trade, the interaction between goods trade and market power in domestic trade and distribution sectors. Theory suggests a set of linkages between service-sector competition and goods trade supported by econometrics involving imports of 22 OECD countries compared with 69 exporters. Competition in services affects the volume of goods trade. Additionally, because of interaction between tariffs and competition, the market structure of the domestic service sector becomes increasingly important as tariffs are reduced. Empirically service competition apparently matters most for exporters in smaller, poorer countries. The results also suggest that while negotiated agreements leading to cross-border services liberalization may boost goods trade as well, they may also lead to a fall in goods trade when such liberalization involves foreign direct investment leading to increased service sector concentration.