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Manual didáctico que contiene una introducción a la bioética y al bioderecho, sus definiciones y el contexto en el que estas ramas del derecho se desenvuelven en México. Además, contiene tres capítulos donde se abordan las problemáticas más importantes y polémicas que atraviesan al bioderecho: el marco legal y los derechos respecto a los animales no humanos, el principio de la vida y los derechos reproductivos, y las decisiones al final de la existencia y la muerte asistida. La obra está acompañada de bibliografía complementaria y actividades que refuerzan el aprendizaje.
El libro se abre con una primera parte que pudiera ser calificada como inductoria de toda la obra, donde se considera a la bioética como punto de partida y al bioderecho como punto inicial de llegada y de posterior desarrollo. El derecho y la bioética se necesitan mutuamente y se complementan. El libro despliega sus afanes en tres partes, donde son abordadas las tres grandes cuestiones: libertad, vida y muerte.
This book is the first in a series of planned volumes focused on preserving the character of the development of bioethics in particular cultural contexts. As the first of these volumes, Leo Pessini, Christian de Paul de Barchifontaine, and Fernando Lolas Stepke’s work has succeeded well. It has brought together accounts by sch- ars who were crucial to the emergence of bioethics in the Ibero-American cultural domain. This trail-blazing work in the history of bioethics will be of enduring s- nificance. I am deeply in their debt for having shouldered this far from easy task. Bioethics is the product of very particular socio-historical developments. Most prominent among them have been (1) the secularization of the dominant culture of North America, Western Europe, and now Central and South America as well, (2) a deflation of the status and authority of physicians as moral authorities able to guide their own profession, and (3) the salience of a post-traditional animus that gives c- tral place to persons as isolated atomic sources of moral authority. Bioethics initially took shape in North America as a post-Christian, post-professional, post-traditional social movement. This bioethics sought to establish a moral discourse for the public forum, a moral practice able to give practical guidance in hospitals and other insti- tions, and a body of undergirding and justifying theoretical reflections.
New Edition Available 5/1/2013 Building on the wisdom and forward thinking of authors John Monagle and David Thomasa, this thorough revision of Health Care Ethics: Critical Issues for the 21st Century brings the reader up-to-date on the most important issues in biomedical ethics today.
As the first of its kind, this handbook presents state-of-the-art information and analysis concerning the state of affairs in bioethics in around 40 countries. The country reports point out the most important discussions as well as the emerging topics in the field. Readers can orientate themselves quickly with regard to the various relevant issues, institutional structures and expertise available in these countries. The authorship of this reference work is truly global as it involves contributions from the best authors with innate knowledge of the bioethics situation in these countries.
This book discusses the relation between morality and politics, and morality and law, a field that has been studied for more than two thousand years The law is a part of human culture, and this touches upon a dynamic reality that is connected to the relation between nature and freedom, nature and culture. If such relations are not clearly understood, as is the case today, the relation between morality and law cannot be properly comprehended either. The relationship between morality and criminal law must constantly evolve to meet the needs of changing times and circumstances. Social changes and new situations require new answers. And since the relationship involves criminal law, legal philosophy and legal history, interdisciplinary approaches are always needed. Featuring fifteen original contributions by legal scholars from various European and American universities, the book does not pretend to solve the complexity of the relation between morality and criminal law, but instead expresses criticism, offers some proposals and stimulates further thought. The book tackles the topic from an interdisciplinary perspective (criminal law, constitutional law, legal philosophy and legal history, among others). As such, it appeals not only to scholars and students, but also to lawyers, policymakers, historians, theologians, philosophers and general readers who are interested in the legal, social, political and philosophical issues of our time.
A clear, efficient, and modern regulatory framework for pesticides is essential for addressing their impacts on human health and the environment, supporting a life-cycle approach to their management, and ensuring crop protection and a sustainable agricultural industry. This report identifies the gaps, barriers, implementation flaws and inefficiencies that affect the regulatory framework of pesticides in Mexico.
Argumenta Philosophica es una revista internacional de carácter científico y de investigación filosófica, se publica semestralmente y se dirige a un público universitario. Son temática primordial de la revista las disciplinas clásicas de la filosofía y su historia: metafísica, epistemología, lógica, ética, filosofía de la ciencia y de la mente, filosofía de la religión, estética o filosofía de la historia. Asimismo también acoge consideraciones teóricas sustanciales en relación a otras disciplinas humanísticas o relacionadas con ellas (psicología, sociología o antropología, por ejemplo). Argumenta Philosophica (ISSN: 2462-4993), revista indexada en: Carhus Plus+, Dialnet, ERIH Plus, Fuente Académica Plus, IBZ, IBR, Latindex, MIAR, Philosopher ́s Index, SCOPUS y SJR Artículos publicados en este número: -La deliberación y sus dificultades por Diego Gracia -Deliberation in Bioethics por Henk ten Have -Deliberación bioética y derecho por José-Antonio Seoane -La deliberación, el arte de poder no tener razón por Tomás Domingo Moratalla -El compromiso ético con una buena deliberación: La narrativa como clave