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Table of contents (Volume IV):Inclusive education in Brazil: the experience in schools in São Paulo. Border reflections on a collaboration with the University of L’Aquila. By Elana Gomes Pereira, Maria Vittoria Isidori, Sandra Rodrigues.Mirare, by Silvia Acocella.«La settimana» di Carlo Bernari e la seconda ondata dell’espressionismo, by Silvia Acocella.Un tema iconografico medievale ricorrente nella Jazīra islamica e in Italia meridionale, by Maria Vittoria Fontana.Collexeme analysis of illocutionary shell nouns, by Carla Vergaro.Riabitare gli edifici sacri tra diritto canonico, conservazione e innovazione. Le trasformazioni del complesso di San Benedetto a Salerno e le strategie di riuso, by Federica Ribera, Pasquale Cucco.CLIL e formazione linguistica: alcune riflessioni, by Antonio Castorina.Identità o diversità. Il concetto di spazio liquido in architettura, by Salvatore Rugino.Note sul concetto di intercultura, by Francesca Faggioni, Mario Pesce.Competenza emotiva e sensibilità al rifiuto in adolescenza, by Anna Gorrese.L’arte del conoscere: emozione e ragione, by Maria Annarumma.Il disvelamento degli oggetti tecnici nelle dinamiche della conoscenza, by Maria Annarumma.Il rilancio del termalismo in Sicilia, by Roberto Guarneri.Scicli modello di comunità territoriale nello sviluppo dell’ospitalità diffusa in Sicilia, by Roberto Guarneri.La revisione delle norme sulla revisione costituzionale. Un’analisi filosofica, by Stefano Colloca.On the Tenability of Axiological Relativism, by Stefano Colloca.Per una riflessione su storia e politica in Martin Heidegger, by Domenico Scalzo.Su tecnica e politica. Massimo Cacciari interprete della questione della tecnica in Martin Heidegger, by Domenico Scalzo.Uno strumento per una didattica di qualità: la LIM, by Orlando De Pietro.
The present book is intended to represent the first volume of a long series, which will be devoted to collect studies, proceedings, and papers in the field of Humanities. The title “Mantua Humanistic Studies” reminds us to a historical town in northern Italy, Mantua, that had been for a long time the capital of one of the most powerful and culturally influencing dynasties of the Renaissance: the Gonzaga family. Mantua has an extraordinary richness in terms of history, arts, and tradition of studies, and is now one of the main Unesco Heritage sites. Among the artists who have left their masterworks in the city, we can find Pisanello, Andrea Mantegna, Leon Battista Alberti, Giulio Romano, Rubens, Titian, and many others. Even if in the time of the Gonzagas the city had a strong history of humanistic studies, mainly established by the great teacher Vittorino Da Feltre, during the following centuries Mantua gradually lost great part of its cultural influence, especially after the end of the leading dynasty at the beginning of the 18th Century. Maybe the only real exception was the renowned “Accademia Nazionale Virgiliana”. Nevertheless, in very recent years some Italian Academic Institutions and Universities have rediscovered the cultural importance of the town, and they moved here with some of their Bachelor and Master degrees: the Politecnico of Milano, the University of Verona and, in 2018, the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. More and more students are moving into our old city every year, and the future could really be bright in the terms of culture, teaching, and research. “Mantua Humanistic Studies” would like to be a small – but maybe not useless – contribution to what could be a “second Renaissance” for the capital of the Gonzagas, offered by a small but active Scientific Publishing House which was born and still operates in this small but incredible town.
The present book is the second volume of “Mantua Humanistic Studies” series, which is devoted to collect studies, proceedings, and papers in the field of Humanities. Table of Contents: An essay on compared Anglophone communication: speaking Glob(al Engl)ish, by Sabrina Mazzara. Modernismo artistico e letterario: il caso di “In Parenthesis” (1937) di David Jones, by Virginia Vecchiato. A Reconstructive Hypothesis of the Palace-Mosque Complex in the Round City of al-Manṣūr in Baghdād, by Michelina Di Cesare. Masjidu-hu wa masākinu-hu: “His Mosque and His Dwellings”. New Perspectives on the Study of “the House of the Prophet” in Madīna, by Aila Santi. “But like to Wolves on one another fly” (Iliad, XI, v. 74). Hobbes, l’Iliade e la guerra civile inglese, by Raffaella Santi. Stock or Shares? Creditors or Accounts Payable? Overheads or Overhaead? Stock or Inventory? L’importanza di una buona competenza linguistica nel curriculum aziendale e del manager moderno, by Elena Maria Montagna. The Nature and Dynamics of Socio-Economic Paradigms, by Sara Casagrande. La qualità della democrazia. Il concetto e il campo semantico, by Ciro D’Amore. La qualità della democrazia: le dimensioni empiriche, by Ciro D’Amore.
Table of contents:Time, inner language, ‘open society’: Victor Egger’s influence on Henri Bergson (by Riccardo Roni).Il linguaggio economico-sociale, aspetti storico-politico-lessicali nell’età vittoriana di Our mutual friend. L’immagine allegorica come strumento di introspezione (by Sabrina Mazzara).The iconographic transformation of the “tail of the dragon of the eclipse” into the “hunting cheetah” (by Maria Vittoria Fontana).Was Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta a uxoricide? New Research on the Premature Death of Polissena Sforza († 1 June 1449) (by Anna Falcioni).Design e corpo umano. Lo stupore come strumento del sapere (by Andrea Lupacchini).Lorelei, Nixen e altre Wasserfrauen nell’opera di Joseph von Eichendorff (by Sonia Saporiti).Who is the Pedagogist and how he practices on couple and family problems (by Franco Blezza).
The term “human economics” is sometimes used within economic theory with the hope of repositioning economic discipline as a human and social science, but with scarce success. Indeed, although great economists have always carefully considered human nature, it has been largely neglected in modern economics. This book explores the potentials of a human economics, arguing that the complexity and peculiarities of human nature should be central to the study of economics. Complex economic phenomena are subject to laws and limits that reveal their internal order in spite of the apparent randomness and unpredictability. The book embraces the contributions of thinkers and economists who have tried to fully consider human nature and society within their biological environment. From these solid foundations, the book introduces a different Weltanschauung, offers an analysis of socio-economic paradigms, and develops an alternative theoretical framework. On the basis of a transdisciplinary methodology, the book investigates human nature, interactions, and systems up to the macroeconomic cyclical development of the capitalist system. Future perspectives and issues facing modern economies are also discussed from environmental sustainability to globalization and socio-political challenges. This book marks an original contribution to the literature on retooling economic discipline and presents useful food for thought for scholarly readers while remaining accessible to graduates who are studying mainstream economics.
This volume focusses on ashlar masonry, probably the most elaborate construction technique of the Eastern Mediterranean Bronze Age, from a cross-regional perspective. The building practices and the uses of cutstone components and masonries in Egypt, Syria, the Aegean, Anatolia, Cyprus and the Levant in the 3rd and 2nd millennium BC are examined through a series of case studies and topical essays. The topics addressed include the terminology of ashlar building components and the typologies of its masonries, technical studies on the procurement, dressing, tool kits and construction techniques pertaining to cut stone, investigations into the place of ashlar in inter-regional exchanges and craft dissemination, the extent and signifi cance of the use of cut stone within the communities and regions, and the visual eff ects, social meanings, and symbolic and ideological values of ashlar.
This book explores an alternative approach to the conventional, market-based, view of economic theory and economic policy, at theoretical, numerical and applicable levels. The chapters provide a theoretical, empirical, and algorithmic approach to marcodynamics, Sraffian economics, and current policy issues. Post-Keynesian macroeconomics, business cycle theory, the trade cycle, microfoundations, and the Philips Machine are also covered. This book aims to challenge orthodox ideas and provide a lens through which to honour the work of Stefano Zambelli. It will be of relevant to students and academics interested in economics.
The theory of modern dynamical systems dates back to 1890 with studies by Poincaré on celestial mechanics. The tradition was continued by Birkhoff in the United States with his pivotal work on periodic orbits, and by the Moscow School in Russia (Liapunov, Andronov, Pontryagin). In the 1960s the field was revived by the emergence of the theory of chaotic attractors, and in modern years by accurate computer simulations. This book provides an overview of recent developments in the theory of dynamical systems, presenting some significant advances in the definition of new models, computer algorithms, and applications. Researchers, engineers and graduate students in both pure and applied mathematics will benefit from the chapters collected in this volume.
This volume contains four essays on inscriptions and/or pseudo inscriptions made with letters of the Arabic alphabet or with characters deriving from the latter, used in artifacts produced in the West (and especially Italy) during the medieval and Renaissance period. Maria Vittoria Fontana is Full Professor of Islamic Archaeology and History of Art at the Department of Science of Antiquities of Sapienza University in Rome; previously, she held the same role at “L’Orientale” University of Naples. She has carried out excavations in Iran, Jordan and Yemen. The last excavation was at Istakhr and the final report was published in the volume Istakhr (Iran) 2011-2016: Historical and Archaeological Essays (Quaderni di Vicino Oriente XIII), Rome: Sapienza 2018. She is also the author of numerous scientific articles and monographs on both archaeological and iconographic subjects, the latter concerning Islamic productions as well as Western ones that have come into contact with Islam.